Crop Circle Synchronicities as Waveguide Phenomena

July 23rd, 2014

The Thompson Waveguide. Might a waveguide facilitate crop circle synchronicities and other consciousness-related phenomena? Image: Stace Tussel

The Thompson Waveguide. Might a waveguide facilitate crop circle synchronicities and other consciousness-related phenomena?  

Last month a series of synchronicities led me to record the image of a tetrahedron with a parallel tangent line, depicting the interaction of our 3D reality with an Other Intelligence.  I see it as a symbol for Inter-Intelligence Communications and refer to it as the IIC symbol.

Using the Triangle Alignments as a key, we see that the connecting point is the crop circle at Inman.  In-man.  The IIC symbol thus suggests that the connecting point is literally in man.

What else is in man?  Consciousness. Conscious beings emit electromagnetic waves; we are wave producers, then.

The message that’s becoming more clear all the time is that the connecting point in the IIC symbol – the place of contact between us and the Other – is a waveguide of sorts, tuned to frequencies that are then focused into coherent interference patterns, creating a platform for inter-intelligence co-creation.

We can’t always control when contact occurs, but what seems clear is that we can pursue states of consciousness – EM signatures – that invite contact.  I’ve described the feeling of locking in with an Other Intelligence as vaguely similar to the sensation of gazing at a page of unremarkable dots until a virtual 3D image suddenly and inexplicably emerges.  There the image remains easily observable for some time, suspended in a strange other reality before dissolving once again into a static field of dots.

Think of this space created by the waveguide as a fleeting, holographic bubble of reality.  Maybe it causes a dimensional shift that blends discreetly into our reality.  However it happens, what’s really cool is that what occurs there leaves something tangible here – flat-map alignments and other high-order synchronicities, for instance.

And crop circles – sometimes even ones made by people!

Though its true elegance was lost on most, the circle at Chualar in December was the product of many conscious beings, including myself, the whole Nvidia bunch, the location scout, the team of circlemakers in the fields, and the Other Intelligence.  But what better utility than a waveguide to steer intelligent co-creation?

Charlton 2014. Image:Maya

Charlton 2014. Image:Maya

The crop circle at Charlton which appeared a couple of weeks after my last article also restates and elaborates on each of the components of the IIC symbol.  Accessing a larger version of the black and white diagram may be helpful in visualising what I’m trying to describe:

Staring into the central tetrahedron for some time, a minute at least, should bring to peripheral vision a shimmering multidimensional chiaroscuro.  From this perspective, the tetrahedron appears divided into parallel, concentric slices, representing our reality interacting with the parallel Other dimension through the waveguide.  All of this occurs in what appears to be an otherworldly multidimensional space.

Fourteen years ago, The Thompson crop circle demonstrated the waveguide concept through a high-level synchronicity that connected me with it, through its shape, and even through its map placement.

Early that Sunday morning I was intent on finding the crop circle rumoured to have appeared near Thompson on the plains of North Dakota.  With nobody up and around yet, my friend and I drove through the landscape hoping to chance upon the unconfirmed crop circle in the hundreds of square miles of fields surrounding Thompson.

Eventually the town began to wake up and we managed to talk to a good few people, but still, no one had heard of the crop circle.  Finally we resigned ourselves to abandoning our search and turned our attention to the fourteen-hour drive ahead of us.

I literally had one foot in the car when I was stopped by the vision of a ponytailed man putting gas in his old pickup, this dog wagging from the back window.  This fellow was my last chance lottery ticket, so what else was there to do but scratch?

“Have you heard about a crop circle around here?” I must have looked a mess after two hours of sleep in the last fifty.

“It’s in the field across from my house,” he said, flabbergasted I’m sure.

Waveguide activated; synchronicity achieved.

Thompson’s shape hints at the waveguide: a circle and two arcs, three of the ends of which are truncated, with the fourth gradually tapering to a point leading toward the circle:

At one point I was dowsing the formation, and continuing on toward the circle after leaving the tapered arc, my rods drew together to mark a delicate grapeshot in my path – a small detail which may have been lost in the stubble of the harvested field.

The single tapered point drawn toward the big circle via the smaller circle lends the feeling of waves not only interacting with the waveguide, but somehow also being pulled into it.  Electromagnetogravity? Whatever it is, the taper is crucial to the waveguide clue, and our attention is purposely drawn to it.

If I’m processing all of this correctly, then these synchronicities are specialised arrangements of reality occurring within the interference patterns generated by a waveguide of sorts.  The waveguide ensured that Thompson circle was put into the field when and where it was, and subsequently that Scott Wilde and I were both present at the same place and time so that the crucial message shared there could be understood.

If meeting Scott Wilde at the last minute isn’t high-order enough, check out the beeline that links where Scott and I crossed paths to his house and that beautiful crop circle just across the road:

The waveguide brings the TIP Line back into the conversation to emphasise the importance of the message.  The Wilde Thompson line is identical to the line that clued me in to the first communication that manifested in with Inman in 1995, which is one and the same that pointed out the fourth raised dot in the Braille Number Sign map glyph that arrived with the 2014 season opener at Chualar.

Remember that the TIP Line keeps reappearing, along with all the other synchronicities and geometries and FMAs, to remind us that this conversation is fully intentional.

Others who are pursuing contact might be experiencing the waveguide effect in various synchronicities and other crop circle phenomena as well.  Last year, for instance, fellow circles experiencer Roger Sugden saw a cloud formation that he felt sure would be reflected in a new crop circle. A few weeks later, feeling the circle was imminent, Roger drove from Indiana to Madisonville, Tennessee, where crop circles had appeared previously. Just short of his intended destination he got a call informing him that a new circle had appeared a couple of hours from him in another direction entirely.

The Gray circle was indeed resonant with the cloud circle Roger saw week earlier.  The relevance of this detail can’t be overstated, as it seems to reflect a common origin with the cloud circle encountered by Ron Russell and myself just moments after discussing the unhoaxability of such a thing (!).

There’s one more clue to be found in Roger’s experience, one that might easily be overlooked.  Roger’s got his own TIP Line, reflecting the same criteria as two points in the original 3-point TIP Line:  one of the points shows where Roger heard about the crop circle, and the other shows where he found it.

Through some type of waveguide effect, we’re able to interact with this Other Intelligence so that the co-creative magic of crop circles may continue to amaze and instruct us.

Once again:  “Pay attention – this is important.”


Consciousness, Crop Circles, and Interdimensional Contact

June 22nd, 2014

A few days ago I wanted to find a replacement for the word surmision, which I was using in the context of science’s general tendency to ignore phenomena such as flat-map alignments and magnitudinous synchronicities.

I’m a logophile; what can I say?

So I googled conjecture “the act of surmising”, which put me on page 3947 of the Anglo-American Dictionary and Encyclopedia, 1904 edition. Conjecture was marked in yellow a few times, but what really stood out was the description in the next column over of the reproduction of Surinam toads:

The species is propagated in an extremely curious manner. When the eggs are laid, the male impregnates them, takes them in his paws, and places them on the back of the female, where they adhere by means of a glutinous secretion, and become embedded in a series of cells which then form in the skin. When the process is completed, a membrane closes over the cells, and the back of the female bears a strong resemblance to a piece of dark honeycomb. In these cells the eggs are hatched, and the young undergo their metamorphosis, bursting through the protecting membrane as perfect frogs.” (emphasis mine)

I reflected on how the word perfect is almost exclusively used to describe approximations of the concept of perfection – two different but related things, two definitions of one word. What, exactly, is a perfect frog, or a perfect sonata, or a perfect watermelon? What is a perfect triangle or circle?

When I moved the cursor just a bit I landed on page 3999 – and the illustration for tangent:

The circle with lines running tangent to it immediately reminded me of the Triangle Alignments map with its triangle resting on the TIP Line.  The triangle represents our three spatial dimensions, and the tangent TIP Line represents a higher dimension which appears to be a one-dimensional brane touching our  reality.

I scrolled a bit more and the cursor stopped at page 4047 and this tetrahedron:

Overlaying the tetrahedron on the visualisation just described, an even more elegant representation of the link between 3D and a higher dimension arises in the image of an animated tetrahedron connected to a tangent brane.

So the Triangle Alignments map is effectively a symbol of interdimensional communication. What a trip!

Of course Inman is the connecting point in the FMA model of the Otherdimensional braneworld touching our 3D world. In other words, the nexus point is in man, and in man is Consciousness.

Taken as a whole, this perfect little string of microsynchronicities seems to say that consciousness enables communication with the Other Intelligence residing in an Other, parallel dimension touching our 3D reality.

And if that’s true, it brings real magic back to crop circles.


Shasta Alignment Reiterates Pleiades-Crop Circles Link

February 18th, 2014

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are new to Flat-Map Alignments, please see FMAs: FAQs.

Since the Pleiades made it to the All-in-One map in 2012, associated alignments have sprung up with the Hopewell Mounds circle that same year, Chualar just a couple of months ago, and now this:

Click HERE for an interactive map

The FMA created by linking the Gray, Inman, and Spanish Fork circles leads directly to Mt Shasta, an iconic peak infused with Pleiadean energy.

This alignment may have escaped notice until now because one component hasn’t been fully explored: the Gray circle appeared in May of 2013 and only very recently made its debut on the map with Chualar’s Braille Number Sign map glyph.

More to the point, however, I think finding this alignment was delayed because we’re engaging in what is essentially a form of dialogue. Time between responses is par for the course – if there can be considered such a thing with this particular conversation.

In any case, I’ve received nothing but confirmation of a Pleiadean link with crop circles since 1995, and this most recent 4-point alignment certainly punctuates that message. When seen in conjunction with the recent Chualar event, it emphasises an overarching connection between “GRAY” and “PLEIADES.” While my own experiences support that conceptual link, the exact nature of the connection is yet to be known.


Flat-Map Alignments 101: Frequently Asked Questions

January 16th, 2014

I decided to put together this FAQ page after I received a note from Colin Andrews, who was, in a roundabout way, involved in my first crop circle experience in 1995:

In brief Stace, I think your alignments are very interesting indeed but as is always the case with engineers like myself, we like to see all the parameters present.  Drawing a straight line on a 2D flat map isn’t the same as a line of alignments which take into account the Earth’s curvature. Have you done that?  …[I]f you have and see this level of accuracy and alignment then I would suggest you publish and challenge peers to comment.

Colin’s question made me realise that while I take FMAs for granted, the idea of a flat-map alignment can be confusing.  So in the interest of facilitating understanding, here is a beginning list of common questions with the best answers I can provide, which I hope will clarify what these alignments are and why they are so critically important:

Once a basic understanding of the FMAs is achieved, one can see that the enigmatic Other Intelligence involved with crop circles not only exists, but is contacting us in a way that is evidence of its authenticity.

FLAT-MAP ALIGNMENTS:  Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Flat-Map Alignment? A Flat-Map Alignment (FMA) is a visual representation of an abstract connection between two or more locations, created by drawing lines between significant points on a flat map (as opposed to a spherical map) in a way that carries information.  As such, FMAs are a novel form of communication.

A stand-alone alignment such as the TIP Line has three or more points, whereas a connecting alignment like the Chualar Braille Number Sign runs parallel to and/or intersects established alignments.

Who is communicating through FMAs? FMAs seem to come from a relatively omniscient non-human source – quite possibly the otherworldly intelligence involved with crop circles that so many of us have experienced contact with for decades. I usually call this presence the Other Intelligence.

Do FMAs depict literal alignments between place points? Flat-Map Alignments, by definition, are not representative of lines drawn on a curved surface; therefore, the FMAs and the shapes they create are not to be confused with the same lines and shapes as they would appear plotted on a sphere.

How do FMAs express ideas? The symbolic and abstract geometric configuration resulting from FMAs produces “writing” which appears on the “writing surface” of the flat map. Each place point contributes something unique and essential to the bigger picture, much like each section of an essay ultimately contributes to the expression of an overall thesis. Each grouping of place points in a complex such as the All-in-One Alignments can be deciphered as a phrase or idea informed by each individual point.

I hope to add to and improve this list over time.


The Chualar Crop Circle is NOT Just a Hoax – and Here’s Why

January 8th, 2014

Flipped on its side, the Chualar relays the Braille character from the formation itself

Flipped on its side, the Chualar alignment relays the Braille character from the formation itself

The crop circle at Chualar sparked worldwide interest, just as intended, when it appeared at the end of December.  Since Nvidia claimed responsibility for the human-made circle, however, Chualar has largely been relegated to the round file of crop circles.

As it turns out the Chualar circle wasn’t trash – it’s an absolute treasure.

The Braille that showed up in the map glyph created by the alignment was pretty impressive, and I knew right away that Chualar could seal the deal by providing the critical mass to verify flat-map alignments as a way of communicating with the non-human intelligence behind the circles.  But one potential caveat bothered me from the start: might Nvidia have chosen the location specifically as part of the prank?  Was I duped by my own method? I didn’t think so, not by a long shot.  Surely Nvidia wasn’t interested in my maps – after all, to achieve their goal, a fringe theory like mine wouldn’t need to play a role. But I still needed to do a little more research before expressing with any certainty that what came down in Chualar was more than just an advertising scheme.

I tried reaching Nvidia’s Brett Murray, who led the Chualar project, but repeatedly got his voicemail and I didn’t want to leave a message. I needed an answer, and I wanted to talk candidly with the right person at the right time to find out why the formation was put down where it was.

The all-in-one map with Chualar, lower left, connecting with the Pleiades in the upper left and the Gray TN crop circle, lower right.

The all-in-one alignments map with Chualar, lower left, connecting with the Pleiades in the upper left and the Gray TN crop circle, lower right.

Yesterday afternoon I finally tracked down the person who could help me out – the independent location scout hired by Nvidia to find the perfect spot for their crop circle stunt. After a brief introduction and an acknowledgment that I was writing an article about Nvidia’s circle, I asked the million-dollar question:

Of all places to put a crop circle, why Chualar?

Matt told me that his search comprised a wide area as far north as Milpitas down through the Salinas Valley, where he drove hundreds of miles searching for the flat, grassy, and accessible landscape that would make an ideal canvas for Nvidia’s advert. Chualar won the honour because it was ultimately the only place with a suitable field.

Diagram of Chualar circle with the line echoing the TIP Line overlaid

Diagram of Chualar circle with the line echoing the TIP Line (ovelaid.) Notice the repeating Braille Number Sign in the inner box of the formation.

But was it really just that simple? As shown, when placed on the map, Chualar and only Chualar results in the Braille Number Sign (which resembles a backwards capital L), itself an essential symbol appearing multiple times in the formation. The Braille symbol is made up of four raised dots, but the alignment initially appeared with only three place points. The fourth point arises, not surprisingly, by following the TIP Line – a line that continues to live up to its acronymic name!

The TIP Line, the first predictive stemming from the Inman, KS crop circle of 1995

The TIP Line, the first predictive alignment stemming from the Inman, KS crop circle of 1995

How did I know to use the TIP line?  Because I know its function, for one thing… and because it was alluded to in the crop circle design.

In summary, let’s consider one more time how this crop circle came about and how it connects with the alignments map as a communication:

Last month, Nvidia spontaneously came up with the idea to use a crop circle in a tightly budgeted and rushed advertising campaign.   Also last month, I posted an installment in my alignments research for the first time in over a year. (For all I know, both their choice and my article occurred on the same day….and I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised.)

The marketing team came up with a design that fit their advertising objective – and in the process created a design with multiple details confirming specific components of my ongoing alignments research.

Additionally, they chose a location that was adequate to pull off their advertising – which happens to be the only location that combines perfectly with the established alignments to create the map glyph depicting the all-important Braille letter.

I can only conclude that Nvidia’s team was nudged along by the Other Intelligence that continues to engage us in ways that we cannot yet explain.

Far from being mundane and inconsequential, the Chualar formation is part of a complex language used by a non-human intelligence to transmit information through crop circles. Once again, the Other Intelligence comes through as only it can, showing an awareness of us, an ability and desire to respond to our requests for communication and validation….and from Nvidia’s perspective, a willingness to collaborate in unexpected ways for truly out-of-this world results.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  If you are new to Flat-Map Alignments, please see FMAs: FAQs.


Chualar California Crop Circle: Don’t Throw the Champagne Out With the Cork!

January 3rd, 2014

A crop circle to brighten up these winter days – what a sweet surprise!  The surprise was kicked up a notch when I added the Chualar, California formation to the all-in-one alignments map, where the circle corresponds notably to Pleiades Peak in Washington state and to the Gray, Tennessee crop circle of 2012:

Click here to access an interactive map of the above alignments.

Following the release of what appears to be a staged video of the formation’s discovery and reports of a group of people working in the field the day before, many have dismissed the circle as a run-of-the-mill hoax.   Just a few years ago I may have written it off as well – but after considering the human circlemakers who claim to be enigmatically inspired or compelled to create specific symbols in precise locations, I’ve changed my position.  After all, I’ve had numerous experiences of my own where I was seemingly guided to the right place at the right time for some “paranormal” event to occur, so why not others? The bottom line is that I can’t deny that human-made formations may be part of the communication from a non-human source – and I believe that’s what may have just happened in Chualar.

Regardless of how it was created on the ground, the details at Chualar confirm that it’s a part of a custom-designed mode of communication that I’ve been diagramming for the past couple of years: flat-map alignments as symbols used in non-verbal expression by an Other Intelligence. The design contains or alludes to both Braille and Morse Code, as well as other communication systems. Not only do the shape and details of the Chualar circle echo the idea of an actual encoded language, but the formation’s location on the map provides a new communication to be read through the alignments map: the addition of the Braille Number Sign to “read” (or decipher), just like the Braille Number Signs at Chualar show us how to read the numbers “192” that repeat within the circle’s inner rectangle.

The “L” shape jumps out once Chualar is added to the map – it’s on a north-south line with the Pleiades Peak and an east-west line with the Gray, Tennessee crop circle of last summer (and which hadn’t directly tied in with the alignments until now). These north-south and east-west correspondences resonate with an established motif in the all-in-one alignments map: Spanish Fork UT and Teton ID fall on the same longitude line; Langdon ND and Plevna KS are on the same longitude line, as is Langdon KS, where I graduated from high school; Pleiades Peak and Langdon ND appear on the same latitude line; Wilbur WA and Thompson ND are on another latitude line; Spanish Fork UT and Boulder CO fall on the same latitude line. I really like the way the Chualar circle pulls “Gray” into the conversation through one of these special grid alignments.

“192” has got a multitude of possible meanings, but I find it especially curious that 192 is the Dewey Decimal number for library materials on the Philosophy of the British Isles – quite possibly a reference to the St Michael ley connection via the Bermuda Triangle with the Pleiades Peak, a very expansive flat-map alignment which was detailed in my last post two weeks ago.  And researcher Glenn Aoys from the Netherlands has found a link from the number 192 to the colour gray in a completely different context than Gray, Tennessee, bringing extra emphasis to that connection.

One question that I’m still pondering: Was this a predictive or derivative alignment? In any case, connections and resonances between Chualar and the alignments map – too many to detail at this moment – continue to arise. What matters is that all of these point to the reality of a language which Bright Garlick recognised when he wrote, in response to my posting of the original triangle alignments map, “Something you have hinted at, that I also think might be true – is that whatever is creating these circles and larger scale patterns, is using geometry as a means to tell us ”I noticed you and have responded!”. Which I reckon is a pretty strong way to confirm something that otherwise seems very subjective and hard to prove. We seem to find the proof we need, when we know how to look and sometimes we seem to be guided to that as well.” Thank you, Bright; I couldn’t say it better myself.

Information continues to stream from the resonances brought forth with this new alignment and will be posted here as it is compiled and analysed.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are new to Flat-Map Alignments, please see FMAs: FAQs.


See also The Layered Language of Crop Circles:  Connecting the Dots in Extraordinary Phenomena Research and subsequent posts on alignments published here.

Flat-Map Alignments: Bridging the Crop Circle Gap

December 16th, 2013

The following flat-map alignments communicate a connection between US and UK crop circles via the Pleiades, the Bermuda Triangle, and the St Michael ley which runs through crop circle country in southern England:

Explore an interactive version of this map – which stems directly from the original Triangle Alignments and associated maps linking Pleiades with the TIP line via the Wilbur 2012 circle and with the Hopewell Mounds 2012 circle via Bear Butte.

Please remember that these maps are in no way intended to reflect the spherical nature of Earth. The flat map is simply the surface on which messages from the Other Intelligence can be written, using a language comprised of symbols and ideas that are anchored on the planet and graphically depicted through geometry.

The TIP line that started all of this back on 16 June 1995 was relatively short, which when depicted on a spherical map is a nearly identical line.  For the three points in that first contact (Topeka, Inman, Plevna) to fall with almost mathematical precision on one line was, to me, no accident.  Millions and millions of square miles, as seen on this map, make even flat maps less user-friendly – which is why there is no “exactness” to this map.  The angles change subtly and sometimes not so subtly as you zoom in closer or zoom out.  Like crop circle synchronicities, these flat-map alignments are a way for the Other Intelligence to tap on our shoulders and say “take notice here.”  I find the resonance between the size, shape, and position of the original triangle alignments map and the Bermuda triangle noteworthy in this regard.

My father’s first cousin Bobby disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle in 1954, so I have a personal connection to that mysterious place.  Despite the smear campaign against it, as with crop circles, the Triangle really is a mystery.  Could it be a portal between dimensions or worlds – and could the Other Intelligence associated with the crop circles therefore be sending a message with this map that they are associated with the Pleiades and that they utilise the Bermuda Triangle as a portal to visit Earth?

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are new to Flat-Map Alignments, please see FMAs: FAQs.


Large UFO Over Mount Everest

December 19th, 2012

A new high-resolution photo of Mount Everest and surrounding peaks – one comprised of two billion pixels – clearly shows a UFO in the otherwise clear-blue sky.  The apparently very large object is oddly tilted in the sky over the Himalayas:

Click here to view and navigate the incredibly detailed photo. Just pan to the left until you see the area I have marked with an arrow below, and zoom in to see the Everest UFO for yourself!

I wonder what the photographer has to say about this.


Learn more about the photograph in today’s article at The Guardian.

UPDATE:  20 December 2012.  As I have attempted to analyse the UFO over the past 24 hours, I’ve determined that if the object is a bird, say a goose, then it must be closer to the camera than the people who are milling about in the base camp below the glacier (zoom in at the photo link to see), because the UFO is larger when at full zoom than the people.  However, if it is indeed a goose, at full zoom I would expect to see some details that identify it as a goose since one can clearly see the people in the photo.  I have compared the Everest UFO to photos of flying geese and I just don’t see the resemblance.  I did locate a couple of photos of stealth bombers, though, and the image in the Everest photo looks much more like an aircraft of some sort than a bird.  (Stealth Images Credit:  Aces Flying High )

New UFO Video Link to Texas Power Pole Fires

December 7th, 2012

At around 4 AM on Thursday, power poles mysteriously ignited all over a broad area of Texas in as many as 60 individual fires, according to one news source. The poles resembled oversized candles, with flames originating at the top and burning downward.  Although another power pole fire in north Texas was blamed on “arcing power lines,” the energy company admits they’re unsure of the cause of the sudden and simultaneous ignition of all these other poles, suggesting that heavy fog interacting with dust buildup may have somehow led to an electrical short.

Curiously, however, video posted at Youtube today shows what appear to be glowing disks hovering in fog over Austin at about the same time Friday morning. The thick fog and early hour may mean few saw the Austin UFOs, but luckily two witnesses managed to get inexplicable video of what clearly isn’t swamp gas, Venus, or a bug:

Despite the distracting blur and shake of a cel phone video, it’s worth watching the entire nine minutes as the UFOs hover and gradually manoeuvre from one place to another.  If you don’t have the time or patience to watch it all, be aware that some of the clearest frames appear at around the 3-minute mark, but to appreciate the movement of the lights compare that to its position during the last minute of the video.  Is it possible that the Austin UFOs, and not dust, are linked to the mysterious power pole fires that sprang up at the same time one day prior?

Please note that as this profound multiple-UFO sighting unfolds, the witness’ commentary rings true and holds potentially important clues, but may not be suitable for sensitive ears.


Entomologist: “Denver UFO Not Insect”

November 26th, 2012

Experts:  This is not a bird, not a bug, not a plane … just what is it?

The UFO reported earlier this month in Denver stirred up a lot of controversy, with outspoken critics insisting that a mere bug was to blame for the hubbub.  Discovery News issued a token response on behalf of the skeptical standpoint, whitewashing KDVR’s report with a number of well-known, and sadly quite effective, debunking tactics designed to muddle public perception of “unorthodox” phenomena.

Correctly, Discovery News pointed out that KDVR should have consulted an entomologist to confirm that the UFO was a common insect – but the Discovery reporter subsequently avoids talking to an insect expert, instead reinforcing his baseless explanation by stating categorically that “if you realize that the UFOs look identical to flying insects, the mystery vanishes.”  The UFOs look identical to bugs?  Just what would an entomologist say, after all?

Heidi Hemmat of KDVR, the reporter who broke the story, last week aired a followup report to answer the critics by actually speaking with a professional entomologist about what was caught on video.  Still, after scrutinising the footage, the expert believes that the Denver UFO is not an insect.  Yet even this won’t satisfy the armchair detractors, who still insist a bug is to blame for the excitement.

Although consulting a “bug expert” is an important step, we must acknowledge that in the case of video evidence, even an entomologist’s opinion is just that – an opinion.  Without a full analysis of the available footage, which would require complicated calculations of speed and distance based on the assumption that the UFO is an insect, taking into consideration the number of frames per second that elapse between “blips,” we have to take the entomologist’s statement with a grain of salt.

The bottom line is that we still don’t have enough evidence one way or another to call this case closed.  I contacted Hemmat with a suggestion she probably received from a number of other UFO researchers as well:  simply set up two cameras, say 50 feet apart, both trained on the area where the UFO has been videoed before.  If bugs are to blame, each camera should capture images of different bugs at best – but if the Denver UFO is a larger, more distant object, then we should see the same UFO at the same time on both videos.  Hemmat gave a nod to this dual-video suggestion at the end of her report, and even invited others to pull together such a study, but she left it at that.

It seems prudent that KDVR at least make an attempt to substantiate, with stronger video evidence, what the entomologist has asserted.  In lieu of additional followup from KDVR, we can only hope that another reporting agency has the interest, time, and equipment to pursue the dual-camera test.  But with interest subsiding in the absence of new evidence, the case of Denver UFO may never be truly solved.