Posts Tagged ‘Spirit Molecule’

Altered States and Shamanic Initiation

Tuesday, May 11th, 2010

What are commonly called vivid dreams may be the result of deep sleep’s pineal DMT rush.  But is the “spirit molecule” stimulated from within, or by an outside force?   In the utilisation of supranormal amounts of the mystical neurotransmitter DMT, dream visions often echo archetypal shamanic experiences during altered states of consciousness (ASCs).

Considering the overlap of myriad ASCs at certain times in my life, I associate the following vision with the extraterrestrial visitations in which I was consciously immersed during the early- to mid -1990s.  The strangest thing is that another ET experiencer and I had virtually the same ASC journey, suggesting that our identically-themed “dream” wasn’t mere coincidence, but rather that we experienced the same scenario.

Independently, in an altered state of consciousness, we were both taken in a small boat with a white-robed and bearded guide across moonlit, choppy water, arriving on the shore of some island where we were both presented with the challenge of climbing over a barrier of cluttered, rusty, appliance-themed detritus.

The details seem too specific and unusual to have arisen by chance – especially between two people who’d never met and had never spoken to one another or learned about the other’s experience before having their own.  Significantly, during shamanic trance, initiates often travel over water to a place where they encounter and overcome obstacles in order to reach the otherworld.  So our experiences echo a motif of shamanic initiation and uncover a connection between ET experiences and shamanism.

Another extraordinary ASC echoing shamanic initiation occurred during another “vivid dream” when I was a small girl, perhaps 7 or 8 years old.  While asleep or at least visiting another dimension, I had an extremely vivid vision of being inside an unimaginably huge, transparent, crystalline structure – a cathedral of sorts.   For awhile I was totally inconsolable, but gradually my altered state began to fade away with a rush of waking tears, leaving me with indelible images:  The towering quartz crystals!  The overwhelming sorrow!  Waking in my mother’s arms…!

The crossing of water to encounter and overcome obstacles shares significant details with the cathedral dreams, reflecting worldwide shamanic experiences as described by Eliade.  I associate these visions and others with my apparent interactions with non-human intelligence over the years – indeed spanning my life.

If an association between these visions and a mysterious Other Intelligence exists, have I accessed that dimension accidentally -perhaps through a naturally-occurring DMT spike?  Or has this experience come to me intentionally via exogenous DMT or even by somehow stimulating an endogenous DMT release to establish the interface?



Rick Strassman, DMT: The Spirit Molecule
Nevill Drury, The Shaman and the Magician: Journeys Between the Worlds
Mircea Eliade, Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy

Endogenous DMT Release in Near-NDEs?

Thursday, August 27th, 2009

Based on what I learned from Rick Strassman’s fantastic book DMT: The Spirit Molecule as well as recent observations of an elderly feline, I wonder if the DMT rush that may “bridge the dimensions” at death and during near-death experiences may effectively play a role in near-near-death experiences [NNDEs] as well – and not just among human beings.

Sixteen years ago my young daughter and I brought home our first cat.  It’s like yesterday we were driving down the highway with little black and white Chloe in a wool beret, just five weeks old, her lithe form frantically clawing at each chance of escape.  (She’s an escape artist to this day.  Ah, the psychology of a cat….that’s another curiosity entirely.)

Hyperthyroidism and an enlarged kidney aren’t getting the best of her yet.  Chloe keeps chugging along, most days with determination and verve, seeming far short of her years.  This little old lady is a sprite, for sure.  And she’s always hungry, always thirsty, and always wanting to be held – so I feed her often, refresh her water bowl, hold her.

Sixteen years is precious time.  Now her front paws shake when she stands.  Every day she’s a bit lighter – almost floating.  She’s always been somewhat of a featherweight, and now more than ever.  Sometimes she’s a bit lethargic, and the next moment she’ll bound around the house like a whirlwind in an apparent rush of adrenaline.

Here’s where it gets really interesting for me.  Lately Chloe’s taken the habit of staring into space, looking at things that I don’t see.   At times she’s listless while staring, but more often her eyes are animatedly focused on something she’s apparently watching in front of her – almost like she’s dreaming, yet she’s wide awake.

Maybe she’s actually “tripping.”  Now there’s something to ponder.  Could Chloe be experiencing relatively subtle, near-death DMT rushes as bits of her waste away, or rather, transform?  Might she occasionally dose out on spikes of endogenous DMT and momentarily traverse other dimensions?  She can’t come right out and say it, but observing her during one of these apparent “mini-trips” I can’t help but wonder what she’s experiencing.

Whether DMT may functionally accompany the general time of transition as well as the “final” moment is worth pondering.  Considering that possibility, how might a given bioorganism – human, cat, or tree – react when dipping its metaphorical toes into the tidal waters at the edge of radical metamorphosis?


(Posted in memory of Minouche, who transitioned from this life a year ago today.  Please check your companion animals regularly for any unusual lumps or bumps.)

Imagining the Metaverse – Sacred Science & Psychedelic Research

Sunday, January 11th, 2009

Questions to Ponder

Does DMT or something like it somehow illuminate, from the inside, perhaps through some “trick” of nature, the quanta of which we are formed?   Does it enhance or even create the perception that we are animated, individual, sentient beings in our own right?

Can we dip into other dimensions of quantum consciousness that exist within independent universes so obscure we generally don’t realise they also exist in “ours?”

Are “we” interwoven with an other, unique DMT universe, populated by beings and animations that exist independent of us, yet who exist inside us as well?

Recommended Reading:

  • Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything by Ervin Laszlo.  (The term “metaverse” I use as Laszlo does in his book, referencing all universes – prior, present, and future.)
  • DMT: The Spirit Molecule by Rick Strassman.

Sacred Science, Extraordinary Awareness, and the Implications of Psychedelic Research

If you’re keenly interested in interdimensional contact and haven’t read Dr Rick Strassman’s book, DMT: The Spirit Molecule, I highly recommend you do.  Here you’ll get firsthand reports of sudden transits into extreme and superreal otherworld destinations that are readily available to us by way of DMT, a chemical that our bodies and other organic, living matter produce naturally and which can also be synthesised in the lab, in which case it is deemed a controlled substance in the US and in some other countries.

The extent of DMT’s purpose isn’t known.  What we know is that when certain thresholds are surpassed by extraordinary amounts of circulating DMT, we may experience mystical states such as near-death and out-of-body experiences, alien encounters, epiphanies, and lucid dreams, among other “extramundane” states.

Within seconds of receiving high intravenous doses of DMT in a controlled setting, Strassman’s research volunteers landed in a wholly-different but real otherworld, many experiencing fully-conscious contact with various independent, sentient beings.

While the body remains in “this reality,” DMT-saturated awareness lands somewhere else entirely, often described as being like a spaceship, a circus, or some other artificial, energetic space.  Volunteers report a supernormal rapid relay of what seems like radical data – which, as with dreams, often fades to some degree once the DMT level attenuates.

Notably, in Strassman’s experiment, visuals of the DMT otherworld were oddly overlaid (i.e., as entirely different realities) upon the room if the subject’s eyes were open – rather like “two branes colliding,” in a cosmological sense, so volunteers wore an eyemask to prevent distortion of the dominant DMT field.   (I’d be curious to know if something happens in the brain that also shows up on functional MRI [fMRI].  To my knowledge, no one has checked that out yet.)   What is both anecdotally and scientifically documented is that certain concentrations of DMT, whether of endogenous or exogenous origin, seem to allow physical and mental awareness to separate and occupy totally different realities simultaneously.

That endogenous DMT may play a role in creating and/or facilitating, at will, temporary yet very real interdimensional encounters with other intelligent beings may be one way we humans may enter an otherworld, to explore some of the deepest mysteries of our time.  The question is, how can we increase endogenous DMT production, without being reborn or nearing death….?  Another question, perhaps, is should all humans, having given informed consent, whether for personal or cosmological insight, be allowed to experience levels of DMT that may well illuminate dimensions beyond the mundane?

copyright STACE TUSSEL