Posts Tagged ‘geometry’

Chualar California Crop Circle: Don’t Throw the Champagne Out With the Cork!

Friday, January 3rd, 2014

A crop circle to brighten up these winter days – what a sweet surprise!  The surprise was kicked up a notch when I added the Chualar, California formation to the all-in-one alignments map, where the circle corresponds notably to Pleiades Peak in Washington state and to the Gray, Tennessee crop circle of 2012:

Click here to access an interactive map of the above alignments.

Following the release of what appears to be a staged video of the formation’s discovery and reports of a group of people working in the field the day before, many have dismissed the circle as a run-of-the-mill hoax.   Just a few years ago I may have written it off as well – but after considering the human circlemakers who claim to be enigmatically inspired or compelled to create specific symbols in precise locations, I’ve changed my position.  After all, I’ve had numerous experiences of my own where I was seemingly guided to the right place at the right time for some “paranormal” event to occur, so why not others? The bottom line is that I can’t deny that human-made formations may be part of the communication from a non-human source – and I believe that’s what may have just happened in Chualar.

Regardless of how it was created on the ground, the details at Chualar confirm that it’s a part of a custom-designed mode of communication that I’ve been diagramming for the past couple of years: flat-map alignments as symbols used in non-verbal expression by an Other Intelligence. The design contains or alludes to both Braille and Morse Code, as well as other communication systems. Not only do the shape and details of the Chualar circle echo the idea of an actual encoded language, but the formation’s location on the map provides a new communication to be read through the alignments map: the addition of the Braille Number Sign to “read” (or decipher), just like the Braille Number Signs at Chualar show us how to read the numbers “192” that repeat within the circle’s inner rectangle.

The “L” shape jumps out once Chualar is added to the map – it’s on a north-south line with the Pleiades Peak and an east-west line with the Gray, Tennessee crop circle of last summer (and which hadn’t directly tied in with the alignments until now). These north-south and east-west correspondences resonate with an established motif in the all-in-one alignments map: Spanish Fork UT and Teton ID fall on the same longitude line; Langdon ND and Plevna KS are on the same longitude line, as is Langdon KS, where I graduated from high school; Pleiades Peak and Langdon ND appear on the same latitude line; Wilbur WA and Thompson ND are on another latitude line; Spanish Fork UT and Boulder CO fall on the same latitude line. I really like the way the Chualar circle pulls “Gray” into the conversation through one of these special grid alignments.

“192” has got a multitude of possible meanings, but I find it especially curious that 192 is the Dewey Decimal number for library materials on the Philosophy of the British Isles – quite possibly a reference to the St Michael ley connection via the Bermuda Triangle with the Pleiades Peak, a very expansive flat-map alignment which was detailed in my last post two weeks ago.  And researcher Glenn Aoys from the Netherlands has found a link from the number 192 to the colour gray in a completely different context than Gray, Tennessee, bringing extra emphasis to that connection.

One question that I’m still pondering: Was this a predictive or derivative alignment? In any case, connections and resonances between Chualar and the alignments map – too many to detail at this moment – continue to arise. What matters is that all of these point to the reality of a language which Bright Garlick recognised when he wrote, in response to my posting of the original triangle alignments map, “Something you have hinted at, that I also think might be true – is that whatever is creating these circles and larger scale patterns, is using geometry as a means to tell us ”I noticed you and have responded!”. Which I reckon is a pretty strong way to confirm something that otherwise seems very subjective and hard to prove. We seem to find the proof we need, when we know how to look and sometimes we seem to be guided to that as well.” Thank you, Bright; I couldn’t say it better myself.

Information continues to stream from the resonances brought forth with this new alignment and will be posted here as it is compiled and analysed.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are new to Flat-Map Alignments, please see FMAs: FAQs.


See also The Layered Language of Crop Circles:  Connecting the Dots in Extraordinary Phenomena Research and subsequent posts on alignments published here.

The Sum of Its Parts: Finding Emergent Meaning in Crop Circle Maps

Monday, July 16th, 2012

Crop circle communication is a process replete with symbols, riddles, and metaphor.  Multiple possible meanings radiate from the shape and context of each circle, as well as through synchronicities of events, locations, and even unspoken thoughts.

By mapping seemingly-isolated formations and their associated synchronicities, the resultant geographies bring out meanings previously hidden in uncharted territory, affording us radical new insights into the language of the crop circles – and thereby the true nature of the phenomenon.

The map I’ll be explicating here is infused with evidence of what I call the Other Intelligence.

As Crop Circles Speak, the Map Speaks

We apply filters to just about everything we perceive.   A cacophony of many voices falls away, for instance, when we hear our name spoken in a crowd; similarly, the meaning we derive from a crop circle is ours uniquely.   But curiously, the alignments map instead met me with an agenda of its own – no external filter needed.

That a map like this would fall together in this way is unlikely, so acknowledging the alternative – that these elements have been shared with us this way, on purpose, by an intelligence we’ve yet to identify – is critical.  With that acknowledgement comes the responsibility to listen.  Listen.

The interpretation of the signal is, of course, a subjective task: I present it as I see it, and I encourage others to explore the territory by clicking on interactive map and reading the articles linked in the narrative. But again, at the most basic level, simply listen and the clues themselves will highlight messages encoded in the transmission.

The Origin of the Alignments Map

View Crop Circle Alignments (Original Map) in a larger map

The Topeka-Inman-Plevna line tipped me off about the Other Intelligence:  the Inman formation appeared when wished for, and on a line that would eventually connect to the location where I later learned about it.   In short, the place points on the TIP line are out of time-order, speaking to the relatively omniscient nature of the Other Intelligence.

Some measure of choice is necessary, both to provide a context and to help guide interpretation.   I select Inman KS, Langdon ND, and Teton ID to anchor this map specifically because of each formation’s relative importance to me personally.   The resulting triangle, along with the parallel TIP line, provides a visual hook – an element of design that resonates with the pleasing geometries of the crop circles themselves.  Surely this map similarly contains messages awaiting discovery; I’m drawn in and begin exploring.

The triangle’s center highlights a vast and beautiful landscape, the Badlands of South Dakota, sacred to the indigenous people of the region.  Specifically, the center is over Stronghold Table, or Onagazi – site of the the Lakota Ghost Dance in 1890 that eventually led to the Massacre at Wounded Knee.

As I look closer, a Native American theme continues to emerge.  I learn that Teton is another word for Lakota – as in Lakota Sioux, who have especially strong ties to the Badlands.

I find Bear Butte on the line from the Inman circle through the center of the triangle (the Inman-Center line). Bear Butte rises almost a quarter of a mile above the surrounding plains.  Here the Lakota and other tribes commune with Wakan Tanka, the Great Spirit, the central spiritual link connecting us with all of nature.

Black Elk said Wakan Tanka hears us even when we speak softly, which corresponds directly to crop circle phenomena, where private wishes and questions often elicit a response from the Other Intelligence.  Bear Butte thus echoes an important theme of this map: “Communication with an Other Intelligence.”

The Teton-Center line eventually arrives at Spirit Lake, Iowa, site of an 1857 massacre in which white settlers were killed by a band of Santee Sioux in a backlash against the theft of their native land and broken treaties.  In a double synchronicity, the Langdon-Center line also crosses the Spirit Lake Sioux reservation on the southern shores of Devils Lake.  I’m hearing, “Beware of the modern materialistic life that severs our link with the natural world.”

The Watertown SD crop circle of 1996, reached by extending a line from a point 1/4 of the way from Teton to Inman through the center of the triangle, virtually shouts intentional design embedded in the map.  Specific elements built into the complex visual form of this crop circle refer to Kokopelli, a trickster figure associated with fertility and agriculture.  The trickster is a shapeshifter who enchants and encourages us – just as crop circles themselves do.  Here the message reads, “Pay attention, and have fun.”

As the import of the Lakota theme was reinforced time and time again, I experienced an epiphany relating to the cloud circle of 1998, which presented my friend Ron and me with an immediate, direct, and lucid response to a private conversation. Grandfather Sky is Wakan Tanka, is the Great Spirit, and is indeed responsive to our very thoughts and wishes, as Black Elk reminded us. I have yet to explore any clues that may arise from the cloud circle’s place point on the map, but that experience is now quite clearly a resonant thread in the map’s theme. I am reminded of the co-creative nature of crop circles.

Other ties to the tribal theme are found in associated synchronicities that I’ve not detailed here yet, including one related to the discovery of the remains of a medicine wheel in central Kansas during a plane flight in search of crop circles. I’m also researching a Lakota connection to the star people of the Pleiades, and a possible tie with the numerous Pleiadean-themed synchronicities that accompanied my first crop circle experience.

More Alignments and Number Synchronicities

Aside from the Lakota theme, other clues and insights inform the map.  Synchronicities and alignments are deftly interwoven here, each one turning up the volume of this conversation with the Other Intelligence:

· In a close correspondence, the total area of Kansas (82,282 square miles), my home state and the place I was introduced to crop circles at the Inman crop circle in 1995, comprise almost precisely 1/3 of the total area of the triangle (246,815 square miles).  The 31 square mile discrepancy is negligible in the overall dimensions of the map.  I take note of “one-third” as a potential message here.

· In another very close correspondence, on the Topeka-Inman-Plevna line, the Inman crop circle appears 39.86 miles from Plevna – almost exactly 1/4 of the 159 miles from Plevna to Topeka.  Add “one-fourth” to the clues.

· Plevna, Montana, sharing a rare place name with Plevna, Kansas of the T-I-P line, appears in the vicinity of where the Inman-Center line connects with the Langdon-Teton line.  This synchronicity, though of a smaller magnitude than the others described here, undoubtedly adds resonance to the map.  Here I’m reading, “Home,” as Plevna is where I spent a good many years of my youth, and is still where I go home to when I visit Kansas.

· The Inman-Teton line passes fellow UFO and ET experiencer Mike Clelland’s residence at a distance of less than two miles – which is a doubly remarkable coincidence since Mike, like myself and many others, desired a crop circle encounter and directly received a formation in response.  The message here once again echoes Black Elk’s reminder that the Great Spirit hears and responds even to our whispers.

· And if all of that were not enough, the Langdon-Center line eventually skirts the western edge of Boulder, Colorado – where I currently reside.  I’m hearing two things here: “Culmination,” and “Be here now.”  With this correspondence, I sense that the alignments map and all within it have come full circle, so to speak, and reflects the tribal wisdom that all things are created in a circle.  While I’m grounded in Boulder, I’m being called to explore the Badlands, climb Bear Butte, and meet with the Lakota.

What Does All of This Mean?

The facts of the map speak for themselves, and it’s up to us to interpret what is being said.

Since the map’s order and meaning arise directly from the overlay of meaningful correspondences tied to relevant points widely separated in time and space, I can only conclude that this map’s designer possesses a relative omniscience.  The Other Intelligence wants to speak with us, and it’s no small talk – this is important stuff, and it’s ours to explore.  Ultimately, the communication is what we make of it.

To me, the importance of honouring tribal wisdom is integral to the meaning of the alignments map. The Lakota and other indigenous peoples have honoured Earth and all creation through a way of life that’s deeply reverent of nature and spirit.  The fragmentation of a people starts and ends with conformity to a way of life devoid of nature and short on respect, such as we see resulting from modern technologies that disconnect us from one another and from our life source. Wholeness can be regained by deliberately reconnecting with the natural and the spirit world through time-honoured ritual, respect, reverence, and gratitude – all of which are missing or minimised in the modern lifestyle.

The original Lakota way of life, now in jeopardy, is in alignment with the crop circle phenomenon, where meanings aren’t dictated by force or violence, but rather are communicated through patient guidance, a respect for individuality, and an emphasis on the natural world. Crop circles aren’t imposing anything; they aren’t out to hurt anyone or pollute the environment.

With gratitude to the Other Intelligence, I carry on this conversation.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are new to Flat-Map Alignments, please see FMAs: FAQs.