Archive for June, 2012

Thoughts on Crop Circles, June 2012

Saturday, June 16th, 2012

An explication of the Crop Circle Alignments described in my last post is about ready to share, but it needs a bit more fine-tuning before it goes up. In honour of the anniversary of the arrival of the Inman, Kansas crop circle on 16 June 1995, here are a few thoughts that almost made it into the article.


Crop circles have taken a bad rap in recent years. With many eye-popping formations still being crafted by humans, the original crop circles and the Other Intelligence associated with them have largely been forgotten.

Maybe these human circlemakers really are somehow inspired by the Other Intelligence – I don’t know, and I haven’t been to England in 15 years, so I can’t say I have much of an opinion about it. But what I’m discussing here is based on the premise that crop circles and crop art, while related in certain ways, are not one and the same phenomenon.


When we pursue interaction with the Other Intelligence, the crop circles’ labyrinthine world opens up to spectacular insights. Simply listen to the voice of the circles and follow the clues wherever they lead.


Geometry is a conduit through which the Other Intelligence may reveal itself, evidenced both in the shape of the crop circles and in the overall alignments between and among them. The accompanying synchronicities serve a dual purpose as well, supplying interpretive aids and verifying the existence of the mostly hidden, but absolutely pervasive, intelligence that’s woven into the fabric of reality.

Like activators of invisible ink allow hidden words to be seen, geometry and synchronicities can help us to more deeply perceive what is being said. Crop circles carry subtle meaning that may be missed in a cursory overview of a single formation.
