Posts Tagged ‘deep solar minimum’

Link Between Solar Activity and Earthquakes

Thursday, January 14th, 2010

Current solar activity related to Haiti earthquake?

The Sun is erupting; Earth is reeling.  And we had better brace ourselves.  With the increase in sunspots since December, we’re seeing more earthquakes around the world…and it’s no mere coincidence.

The surge of sunspots over the past month has culminated in the relatively behemoth 1040, actually the remains of sunspot 35, which traversed the Sun’s face about a week ago and was expected to dissipate quickly.  Instead the churning magnetic field made it all the way across the Sun’s backside and, in rare fashion, turned back into a raging sunspot again, stronger and more defined than ever.

And so it appears that the long and rather strange hibernation of the Sun is coming to an end.

Our magnetosphere is being battered by particle-charged streams coming from the Sun as well as galactic cosmic rays being propelled into our solar system.  Earth is like the ball in a cosmic tennis game.  Her crust can bear so much buffeting.  Nebraska and Oklahoma recorded earthquakes in the past month, just two odd spots along shuddering fault lines all over the planet shifting as Earth entrains with the fiery rhythm of the Sun.

In the first two weeks of the year, an active sunspot region and an equatorial, Earth-facing coronal hole have developed and become prominent, if transient, features.  Geomagnetic effects are jarring Earth’s crust and weakening the supports we depend on.  As solar activity grows, as it will, the quantifiable link between solar activity and earthquakes predicts that we’ll see more extremes:  more earthquakes, more floods. Because of the tectonics involved, more active volcanism is likely too.

The devastation might take many by surprise, as it did a few days ago.

On the afternoon of 12 January 2010, Haiti fell, collapsing in an unanticipated snapshot of time.  Port-au-Prince shook and tumbled and cried out from its deepest heart, brought down in seconds by the strongest earthquake the country has borne for two centuries.  My tears are meager offerings at this time.

The Sun was also speaking loudly that day:  a 15% chance of an M-Class flare was predicted (but didn’t occur), and the solar wind’s density was a relatively high 7.2 protons/cm3.  We still haven’t seen an M-Class flare yet in Solar Cycle 24, but the chance is higher now than in recent memory:  at the time of this writing, we face a 1-in-5 chance of experiencing an M-Class flare, and windstream density is currently just 1.6 protons/cm3.

When will the next big flare up occur?  Haiti’s the latest victim, but what other regions on Earth are vulnerable to seismic and volcanic activity?  What can we do to prepare?

All of this activity is conceivably leading up to a truly epic solar maximum, which should peak in the next few years – just in time for 2012.  If so, my friend, we either make peace with leaving or we try to save ourselves.  Therein lies the great question of our time – one we’ll surely ponder as we approach the horizon of an era.


See Also:
article by Alex Ansary
and this isolated abstract.

As the 2009 Crop Circle Season Winds Down…

Wednesday, September 9th, 2009

Wheat harvest is in full swing in Canada, and with only one confirmed crop circle in North America found two months ago at Wilbur, Washington, the prospect of my being able to get into one this year seems bleak.  I must admit I long for the old days when I’d hear of a new crop circle and at the drop of a hat be immersed in my research – even if it means driving 17 hours each way, as happened with the North Dakota circles in 2000.

The lack of circle activity within reach has been disappointing, yes – but my interest has thereby turned to the deep solar minimum in which we’re seemingly entrenched, and which I’ve written quite a bit about.  Interestingly, there’s an apparent connection with the 2009 crop circle season and solar activity.  What I’ve observed in the UK crop circles seems to reflect what’s going on with our Sun and its impact on our DNA.

Our DNA is intimately connected to the Sun, the most radical life source in our immediate galactic environs.  The heliosphere plays a critical role in our lives from the moment of conception, filtering incoming cosmic radiation and thus the number of muons penetrating our cellular structure and quite possibly impacting our unique DNA patterning.

With that I’ll go back, and back again, to the beginning of this train of thought:  to the summer of 1996, and the Double Helix formation found in East Field. 

It just so happens that the summer that bore the DNA spiral also ushered in the lowest point in our last solar minimum, along with Hale-Bopp along with its companion, which curiously was seen by many but mysteriously ignored or invisible to other comet observers. Whatever was accompanying the comet was gone by the time Hale-Bopp emerged from around the Sun the next spring.

Well, since the 1996 solar minimum, the Sun’s activity and its relationship to our consciousness are becoming more and more curiously intertwined, and I’ve come to think of two 2009 formations in particular that support the idea that something of unpredictable magnitude (outside of Mayan prophecy, etc.) is occurring with the Sun and DNA’s relationship to it and, on a larger scale, to our galaxy and indeed to the cosmos itself – and subtly (or not) transcribed in the fields of England.

Anyway, we’ve come full circle, and then some.  The summer of 2009 is stretched out so far ahead of 1996, yet here we are!

So back to the circles.  I’ve done some thinking on the UK formations this year, and yes, I feel there’s but a distant relationship between the early phenomenon and what’s going on today.  Okay, I acknowledge that most publicised formations these days are likely made by human teams – fine.  Many of these crop artists claim to be in contact with a higher consciousness, and who am I to argue?  I experienced communication with the circle makers in a different context, but it seems all of us who have had contact have no problem acknowledging the “other party.”

Beyond that, I sense a definite connection between the designs that were put in the fields this year and the exceedingly deep solar minimum in which we’re seemingly enmeshed.

That we’re transceivers of energy and information is a key to understanding the evolutionary leaps forward – and in many cases, the fallings back – that are occurring at seemingly increasing rates.  The message has been distilled for a roundabout presentation to humanity in many ways, quite attractively (to me anyway) in the form of the crop circles in England this year.  We saw the embryo of this concept in the season’s first formation, the Ridgeway “waveguide” near Avebury in April.

(diagram credit Andreas Muller – )

Certainly as the years have gone on the formations have become more deliberately representational – they’re much less abstract.  Perhaps this is so that the phenomenon can reach a wider audience.  Who knows?   The Ridgeway formation of April got the attention of many more people than the Thompson, North Dakota formation of 2000, into which only a handful of people stepped.  (Diagram by me.)

Ridgeway, which appeared to my friend Simeon and me to be a waveguide of sorts, could similarly be interpreted as a transceiver, just as biological entities such as ourselves are transceivers capable of absorbing and emitting electromagnetic radiation.  Each individual is a transceiver of energy and information, and this remarkable gift if you will is a key to understanding the witnessed evolutionary leaps forward – and in many cases, the fallings back – that have truly become prolific, yet almost obscure, as we’ve entered the 2012 era.

Meanwhile the Sun lies in relative dormancy, its protective bubble shrinking and thereby allowing more galactic cosmic radiation into our solar system.  We’re being infused with more and more energetic, extraterrestrial particles that would generally be stalled out at the heliopause, out beyond Pluto.  With the influx of muons I would suspect that rapid untold effects on DNA are taking place as we speak.  Remember that while the emphasis in mass media is on the potential dangers of these persistent cosmic rays, instinct reinforces that positive transformations may be occurring simultaneously.

On to the dramatic “jellyfish” formation, which was widely seen as the aetherial sea creature.  The formation has also been interpreted as symbolic of Earth’s geomagnetic field deflecting solar radiation, which I find more compelling.  If viewed this way, the design seems to prophesy changes in Earth’s geomagnetic field as we are sandwiched between the sleepy Sun and the active cosmic rays entering from outside our solar system.  Such a deflection scenario would radically impact human electromagnetic fields and DNA.

Most of us, I think, don’t need an illustration on Wikipedia or elsewhere to conceptualise it.  But plainly, there it is, in the crop circle.  What do we make of this?

I suspect that DNA trends linked to individuals and the Sun’s activity immediately surrounding their conception will surely be understood by the scientific community soon, on the heels of the announcement that human DNA evolution is being actively tracked.  For now, I rely entirely on piecemeal knowledge of science combined with an expanding level of intuition, which are also, thankfully, connected.

In gratitude.


Solar Low = Consciousness High?

Friday, December 12th, 2008

Perhaps you’ve seen the recent video of a dog in Santiago, Chile running out across a busy freeway to pull another dog, who’d just been hit and killed in traffic, out of the path of further damage. I can’t help but wonder what is going on in that dog’s consciousness as it dodges speeding cars and trucks, risking its own survival to spare the dignity of a comrade’s lost life. Are the dog’s actions indicative of intelligent reasoning, of empathy? Instinct hardly seems a viable explanation.

Nearly every day now we hear another news piece reporting on [non-human] animal intelligence: a parrot who warns that a toddler has choked and stopped breathing, a dolphin pod that protects a swimmer being targeted by circling sharks, another dolphin who successfully communicates with two beached whales to get them back out to sea after many failed attempts by humans, elephants and magpies who recognise their own mirror reflections…

Consciousness and intelligence, in general, seem to be developing at a rapid rate. Possibly the public’s increasing interest in the subject is prompting a discussion about what has long been known by certain factions and withheld from us. In any case, we’ve seen for a long while that animals evidence extraordinarily intelligent behaviours from time to time, but lately it seems we are witnessing among them an exponential increase of self awareness and newly-observed, undeniably-intelligent acts.

Is DNA being “fine-tuned” in conjunction with the extended, extreme solar minimum?

A similar increase in consciousness is apparent in many human beings. I think if we look back in history, we’ll find a correlation between extreme solar lows and the sparking of human intellect and consciousness development. For instance, the last half of the 17th century through the early 18th century, a period of intensely-low sunspot activity called the Maunder Minimum, corresponded with the well-known Scientific Revolution. And the Dalton Minimum during the early 1800s brought with it some remarkable advances, including namesake John Dalton’s atomic theory – which has, in turn, led to modern-day study of quantum physics.

While the earlier beginnings of atomic theory were significantly expanded by Democritus more than a millennium before Dalton’s lifetime, the subject had never been explicated to the same degree as it was in the early 19th century. This is not to say that atomic theory hadn’t been developed in the extreme distant past – on Earth or elsewhere. In fact, evidence exists (if mostly anecdotal) that advanced civilisations existed on Earth in far-prehistoric times. But formally assigning the beginning of any “new” discovery is fairly arbitrarily linked not to evidence but to proof, which is exceedingly difficult when it comes to prehistory. My point here, however, is that Dalton brought atomic theory to the fore within a timeframe of pronounced acceleration of scientific growth and discovery – and during a remarkably low solar minimum.

Bear in mind that “standard” solar minimums (in relationship to the correlating solar maximums) occur roughly every 11 years. Extremes, on the other hand, happen much more rarely – and by all accounts we’re in the midst of an extreme solar minimum now. Naturally, questions about the impact of solar activity with the development of consciousness are relevant at this time, especially when considered against the backdrop of our radical relationship with cosmic matter (“We are all made of stars,” as Moby wrote).  There seems to be a correlation between our awareness, whether named consciousness or intelligence or otherwise, and incoming interstellar radiation, which is likely infringing our solar system to some degree due to the Sun’s persistently-low sunspot activity and accompanying low solar wind, which has been linked to our shrinking heliosphere, particularly during our current solar cycle.

With the exponential advancement in science and technology and consciousness itself over the last several thousand years, should we not consider that a wave of interstellar particles may be bombarding Earth and contributing to the apparent increase in true mass consciousness by saturating not only the human race, but also other animals and perhaps on some level plants and even quantum particles as well? Could this wave be carrying us headlong into a future we can only begin to imagine, but which may have been predicted during far-previous solar low cycles? (Note: upcoming posts will deal with those clues and/or predictions possibly encoded in ancient megalithic sites.)

I propose no answers, but only questions, from this speculation. I can barely begin to comprehend the questions, let alone formulate the answers…..but like stones dropped in still water, these musings may eventually reach the outer banks of our awareness, leading us even deeper within the mystery – and, ironically, ever closer to the answers encrypted there.