Posts Tagged ‘sacred geometry’

Consciousness, Crop Circles, and Interdimensional Contact

Sunday, June 22nd, 2014

A few days ago I wanted to find a replacement for the word surmision, which I was using in the context of science’s general tendency to ignore phenomena such as flat-map alignments and magnitudinous synchronicities.

I’m a logophile; what can I say?

So I googled conjecture “the act of surmising”, which put me on page 3947 of the Anglo-American Dictionary and Encyclopedia, 1904 edition. Conjecture was marked in yellow a few times, but what really stood out was the description in the next column over of the reproduction of Surinam toads:

The species is propagated in an extremely curious manner. When the eggs are laid, the male impregnates them, takes them in his paws, and places them on the back of the female, where they adhere by means of a glutinous secretion, and become embedded in a series of cells which then form in the skin. When the process is completed, a membrane closes over the cells, and the back of the female bears a strong resemblance to a piece of dark honeycomb. In these cells the eggs are hatched, and the young undergo their metamorphosis, bursting through the protecting membrane as perfect frogs.” (emphasis mine)

I reflected on how the word perfect is almost exclusively used to describe approximations of the concept of perfection – two different but related things, two definitions of one word. What, exactly, is a perfect frog, or a perfect sonata, or a perfect watermelon? What is a perfect triangle or circle?

When I moved the cursor just a bit I landed on page 3999 – and the illustration for tangent:

The circle with lines running tangent to it immediately reminded me of the Triangle Alignments map with its triangle resting on the TIP Line.  The triangle represents our three spatial dimensions, and the tangent TIP Line represents a higher dimension which appears to be a one-dimensional brane touching our  reality.

I scrolled a bit more and the cursor stopped at page 4047 and this tetrahedron:

Overlaying the tetrahedron on the visualisation just described, an even more elegant representation of the link between 3D and a higher dimension arises in the image of an animated tetrahedron connected to a tangent brane.

So the Triangle Alignments map is effectively a symbol of interdimensional communication. What a trip!

Of course Inman is the connecting point in the FMA model of the Otherdimensional braneworld touching our 3D world. In other words, the nexus point is in man, and in man is Consciousness.

Taken as a whole, this perfect little string of microsynchronicities seems to say that consciousness enables communication with the Other Intelligence residing in an Other, parallel dimension touching our 3D reality.

And if that’s true, it brings real magic back to crop circles.


Flat-Map Alignments: Bridging the Crop Circle Gap

Monday, December 16th, 2013

The following flat-map alignments communicate a connection between US and UK crop circles via the Pleiades, the Bermuda Triangle, and the St Michael ley which runs through crop circle country in southern England:

Explore an interactive version of this map – which stems directly from the original Triangle Alignments and associated maps linking Pleiades with the TIP line via the Wilbur 2012 circle and with the Hopewell Mounds 2012 circle via Bear Butte.

Please remember that these maps are in no way intended to reflect the spherical nature of Earth. The flat map is simply the surface on which messages from the Other Intelligence can be written, using a language comprised of symbols and ideas that are anchored on the planet and graphically depicted through geometry.

The TIP line that started all of this back on 16 June 1995 was relatively short, which when depicted on a spherical map is a nearly identical line.  For the three points in that first contact (Topeka, Inman, Plevna) to fall with almost mathematical precision on one line was, to me, no accident.  Millions and millions of square miles, as seen on this map, make even flat maps less user-friendly – which is why there is no “exactness” to this map.  The angles change subtly and sometimes not so subtly as you zoom in closer or zoom out.  Like crop circle synchronicities, these flat-map alignments are a way for the Other Intelligence to tap on our shoulders and say “take notice here.”  I find the resonance between the size, shape, and position of the original triangle alignments map and the Bermuda triangle noteworthy in this regard.

My father’s first cousin Bobby disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle in 1954, so I have a personal connection to that mysterious place.  Despite the smear campaign against it, as with crop circles, the Triangle really is a mystery.  Could it be a portal between dimensions or worlds – and could the Other Intelligence associated with the crop circles therefore be sending a message with this map that they are associated with the Pleiades and that they utilise the Bermuda Triangle as a portal to visit Earth?

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are new to Flat-Map Alignments, please see FMAs: FAQs.


The Layered Language of Crop Circles: Connecting the Dots in Extraordinary Phenomena Research

Sunday, October 16th, 2011

Please access the interactive maps via links accompanying the photos, as they will allow you to explore the alignments discussed here.

Map created with help from Mike Clelland.  Visit Mike’s site Hidden Experience for more insights into synchronicity, ET contacts, and other curious topics.

Crop circles, UFOs, and synchronicities are clues to our connection with a largely-unseen web of reality.  Our interactions with these phenomena demonstrate that we aren’t isolated packets of consciousness, but that we are transmitters and receivers of meaning through language.

We find that where these extraordinary phenomena occur in conjunction with one another and are then plotted on a map, a brilliant and always-evolving syntax emerges.  As we wish, we are given to explore a language that has nothing to do with the describing the mundane and everything to do with navigating the fringes of reality.

In this first of two posts, I’ll lay the framework for an upcoming report detailing my ongoing exploration of what these alignments may mean.  Of course, like all the great mysteries of life, our understanding of this elusive level of reality is ultimately subjective, so I invite you to draw your own conclusions.

ONE: The Topeka-Inman Line.  This straight alignment in Kansas is comprised of three interrelated locations: 1) the place where I privately wished for a crop circle, 2) the place where I learned about the requested crop circle five days later, and 3) the location of the crop circle itself.  This discovery confirmed the extraordinary nature of my crop circle initiation in 1995.  View Stace Tussel – Inman Crop Circle Alignment in a larger map

TWO: The Triangle. Plotting the locations of three key crop circle locations in my research of US formations from 1995 through 2002 creates a near-equilateral triangle enclosing 246,792 square miles, referencing Kansas at 82,282 square miles, tripled, which equals 246,846 square miles – a difference of just 54 square miles, which is roughly the size of the overlapped triangle in the middle of the large one (apparently an artefact of the mapping process, possibly having a connection to satellite techniques and Earth curvature, since the centre of a triangle should be a point, and not another triangle).  View Stace Tussel – Crop Circle Alignments in a larger map

THREE: Parallel Lines.  The overlay of maps one and two elicited another alignment speaking to the connectedness of all the phenomena.  From a direct E-W (equatorial) line, the Inman formation appeared at an angle of 29 degrees, and the line between Langdon and Teton runs on the same parallel angle of 29 degrees.  View Stace Tussel – Parallel Lines in a larger map


NOTE:  As mentioned, the potential significance of these alignments will be explored in more detail in an upcoming post.