Posts Tagged ‘animal intelligence’

Possible DMT Release Observed at End of Life

Monday, December 20th, 2010
Chloe, in the week before her death

Chloe, in the week before her death

In Endogenous DMT Release in Near-NDEs? I described our elderly cat Chloe, who last year seemed to be experiencing possible “mini-trips” that I suspected may have been occurring during near-NDEs.  She was at the beginning of a significant downturn then, having been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and kidney disease.  Chloe was allergic to the thyroid medicine and too frail to undergo surgery.  As she deteriorated, she may have been producing associated chemical compounds – possibly including DMT.

This past year she grew weaker and weaker, and lost more weight.  At 17-1/2 years old, Chloe was down to 4 pounds just a few weeks ago, and due to sudden difficulties walking, finally in late November we made arrangements to have her euthanised.  However, on the day before her scheduled last visit to the vet, Chloe was suddenly walking better and had a bit more spring in her step.  We cancelled the appointment, which was for Friday morning, the 3rd of December.  Although we’d been through a series of tough questions while pondering choices, we saw improvement and just couldn’t feel completely certain it was time to go through with the euthanasia.  Even so, Chloe wasn’t well.  We decided to wait and see what the next week held.

But Chloe’s day had come.  That same evening, we heard a very odd, guttural sound coming from the other room.  Upon checking to see what was going on, we were horrified to see our yellow tabby standing in the doorway, over Chloe’s stretched out body on the floor.  Chloe was dying.  Her eyes were open but unresponsive; her pupils were so huge that no iris could be seen at all.  Her body appeared to be paralysed, except for her face: without moving much, she was making slight coughing noises every few seconds, and the muscles in her face were all quivering and spasming.  All I could do was to pet her gently and to say, “It’s okay, Chloe…Oh Chloe….” through my tears.  My heart was broken.  Chloe was rigid even as her facial muscles continued to quiver; the movement of her fur reminded me of wheatfields blowing in the wind.

Then she suddenly stopped moving and it was all over.  I was stunned and anguished beyond words.  Neither my partner nor I had ever witnessed the death of a loved one, whether person or companion animal, and the ordeal thoroughly shook us up.  We let our other cat examine Chloe briefly – they’d been companions for over 13 years since Tiger was born – then wrapped her body in a fleece blanket in preparation to deliver it to the pet crematorium the following morning.

Only five days earlier, on Sunday the 28th of November, while doing the NY Times crossword, I’d been halfway listening to an interview with Dr Martin Ball, an entheogenicist.  Most of what he was saying I was already familiar with, but one thing stood out:  Ball mentioned that while on DMT, his facial muscles would quiver.  Why I held on to that bit of information, and that bit only, is beyond me; perhaps it was so that I could perhaps understand a little more about what Chloe would be going through when she made her transition.  I still wonder, but cannot know: was her facial quivering accompanying a DMT rush at her death?   As Rick Strassman and others have speculated, I also wonder… could DMT somehow ease the transition – in some way open the door for the spirit?

It’s been two and a half weeks since Chloe passed on.  We miss her, but I think Tiger misses her the most; he’s been a bit lethargic, yet more talkative than usual, and seems to be remembering Chloe.  Most notably, the morning after Chloe’s death, Tiger was sitting near me at almost the exact spot where Chloe had taken her last breath, and he looked up at the ceiling intently for about ten seconds – much like I’d seen Chloe do in the months prior to her death.  In the absence of a spider or wasp, I’d never seen him do that.  I can only guess, but it seemed to me that he was looking at something that I couldn’t see – perhaps the spirit of Chloe – or what remained, say, floating DMT molecules (a stretch, but possible) – hadn’t entirely left the room yet, and he was sensing a disembodied presence in a way only cats can.


Heliospheric Ramblings, DNA, and 2012

Monday, September 7th, 2009

“Meaningful breakthroughs in science come through intuitive leaps.” ~ Itzhak Bentov in Stalking the Wild Pendulum.

In August 2007, according to NASA, a “dent” in the heliopause was detected by Voyager 2.  The dent, NASA stated, was caused by “the interstellar magnetic field.”  Clearly, since the Voyager went through a dent, we’re talking about an interstellar magnetic field with boundaries, a focused field of unknown origin as far as I can tell, and not just a general, uniform influence on the entire heliosphere.  Without more scientific knowledge, I can’t say for sure, but might an interstellar magnetic field capable of denting our heliosphere also have the capacity to breach it, thus intersecting with untold results our solar system and its inhabitants?

Brought closer to home, Earth’s magnetosphere is being impacted on some level by fluctuations in solar as well as galactic radiation, especially as we near the Milky Way’s equator, where the gravitational pull of the galactic centre would seem to be highest.

I believe the Sun is having curious affects on non-biological devices as well…

I’ve an aside for anyone who wants to dig a little deeper than I can right now.  What kind of effect might all the geomagnetic push and pull in which our planet is enmeshed have on the Large Hadron Collider, which was shut down soon after its reveal due to “magnet problems?”  A month ago we were told that the Collider would be restarted in November at half-power.  We’ll have to wait and see if that happens, or if the LHC’s restart is delayed yet again….and if so, why.

For now, as the heliosphere surely continues to shrink, the potential for extreme effects on consciousness – human and otherwise – could be cloaked and spun like another Roswell, and most “remote-controlled” humans (i.e., those wrapped up in the mass media cocoon) would be none the wiser.  But at this critical time, the “2012 era” in which we’re now very much immersed, our DNA is being sorted out.  Biologists have only very recently been able to calculate the rate of DNA mutations in humans; could this scientific advance, in and of itself, be related to the DNA mutations themselves?

Although in the popular media the emphasis is on potential dangers of genetic mutations, I suspect rather that some of them are coding for enhancements (e.g., light, fractal patterns, symmetrical waves, multi-resonance states) which may have the greatest impact on organisms already functioning at a high vibration.  If that’s true, then the human beings receiving the greatest benefits of the current evolutionary acceleration are those who are already emitting higher EM vibrations (waves), which entrain them to other entities, both human and non-human, biological and non-biological, that are vibrating at the same frequency, thus creating resonance.

Those who decades ago sensed the coming of the “new age,” now the 2012 era, and withstood ridicule from relatively-static or even devolving individuals are now realising the prophecy of positive evolutionary changes in the consciousness of all matter – not just in humans, but in animal, plant, and even mineral matter.  On the other hand, tendencies toward anger, distortion, and entropy tend to be amplified during geomagnetic storms, which easily target unstable frequencies.

A few days after a large coronal hole in the Sun that unleashes a strong solar wind aimed toward Earth, the resulting geomagnetic storm on Earth is also going to affect each person’s unique electromagnetic field.  Anyone can observe this phenomenon.  Simply track solar wind events and resulting planetary geomagnetic storms, and note the effects on human (or otherwise) behaviour and emotions.


Solar Low = Consciousness High?

Friday, December 12th, 2008

Perhaps you’ve seen the recent video of a dog in Santiago, Chile running out across a busy freeway to pull another dog, who’d just been hit and killed in traffic, out of the path of further damage. I can’t help but wonder what is going on in that dog’s consciousness as it dodges speeding cars and trucks, risking its own survival to spare the dignity of a comrade’s lost life. Are the dog’s actions indicative of intelligent reasoning, of empathy? Instinct hardly seems a viable explanation.

Nearly every day now we hear another news piece reporting on [non-human] animal intelligence: a parrot who warns that a toddler has choked and stopped breathing, a dolphin pod that protects a swimmer being targeted by circling sharks, another dolphin who successfully communicates with two beached whales to get them back out to sea after many failed attempts by humans, elephants and magpies who recognise their own mirror reflections…

Consciousness and intelligence, in general, seem to be developing at a rapid rate. Possibly the public’s increasing interest in the subject is prompting a discussion about what has long been known by certain factions and withheld from us. In any case, we’ve seen for a long while that animals evidence extraordinarily intelligent behaviours from time to time, but lately it seems we are witnessing among them an exponential increase of self awareness and newly-observed, undeniably-intelligent acts.

Is DNA being “fine-tuned” in conjunction with the extended, extreme solar minimum?

A similar increase in consciousness is apparent in many human beings. I think if we look back in history, we’ll find a correlation between extreme solar lows and the sparking of human intellect and consciousness development. For instance, the last half of the 17th century through the early 18th century, a period of intensely-low sunspot activity called the Maunder Minimum, corresponded with the well-known Scientific Revolution. And the Dalton Minimum during the early 1800s brought with it some remarkable advances, including namesake John Dalton’s atomic theory – which has, in turn, led to modern-day study of quantum physics.

While the earlier beginnings of atomic theory were significantly expanded by Democritus more than a millennium before Dalton’s lifetime, the subject had never been explicated to the same degree as it was in the early 19th century. This is not to say that atomic theory hadn’t been developed in the extreme distant past – on Earth or elsewhere. In fact, evidence exists (if mostly anecdotal) that advanced civilisations existed on Earth in far-prehistoric times. But formally assigning the beginning of any “new” discovery is fairly arbitrarily linked not to evidence but to proof, which is exceedingly difficult when it comes to prehistory. My point here, however, is that Dalton brought atomic theory to the fore within a timeframe of pronounced acceleration of scientific growth and discovery – and during a remarkably low solar minimum.

Bear in mind that “standard” solar minimums (in relationship to the correlating solar maximums) occur roughly every 11 years. Extremes, on the other hand, happen much more rarely – and by all accounts we’re in the midst of an extreme solar minimum now. Naturally, questions about the impact of solar activity with the development of consciousness are relevant at this time, especially when considered against the backdrop of our radical relationship with cosmic matter (“We are all made of stars,” as Moby wrote).  There seems to be a correlation between our awareness, whether named consciousness or intelligence or otherwise, and incoming interstellar radiation, which is likely infringing our solar system to some degree due to the Sun’s persistently-low sunspot activity and accompanying low solar wind, which has been linked to our shrinking heliosphere, particularly during our current solar cycle.

With the exponential advancement in science and technology and consciousness itself over the last several thousand years, should we not consider that a wave of interstellar particles may be bombarding Earth and contributing to the apparent increase in true mass consciousness by saturating not only the human race, but also other animals and perhaps on some level plants and even quantum particles as well? Could this wave be carrying us headlong into a future we can only begin to imagine, but which may have been predicted during far-previous solar low cycles? (Note: upcoming posts will deal with those clues and/or predictions possibly encoded in ancient megalithic sites.)

I propose no answers, but only questions, from this speculation. I can barely begin to comprehend the questions, let alone formulate the answers…..but like stones dropped in still water, these musings may eventually reach the outer banks of our awareness, leading us even deeper within the mystery – and, ironically, ever closer to the answers encrypted there.