Posts Tagged ‘meditation’

World Contact Day Tomorrow: Are You In?

Wednesday, September 30th, 2009

Reminder! Tomorrow, October 1st, is World Contact Day. I declared that when I first posted about it here a week ago today, just like anybody else could have done. If you’re not sure whether to participate or not, now the time has come to make that choice. Are you in?

Sure, the idea’s been around since the first one occurred in 1953, and over the years various additional World Contact Days have been organised or suggested. But a general lack of results in the past needn’t impact our effort this time if we simply recognise and work around some persistent (and ultimately irrational) concerns:

1) Perhaps there are no extraterrestrials out there to listen.
2) What difference can we possibly make if only a teeny-tiny percentage of the world’s population participates?
3) What’s the point in asking for contact? If they’re able to get this far, they’ll show up on their own terms.

I’ve set up a few general guidelines to help us in this collaborative effort. The first premise of World Contact Day is that indeed, they’re out there. Let’s accept that extraterrestrials exist. For many of us, calculated odds are irrelevant since we’ve encountered extraterrestrials and/or interdimensionals on various levels, but for the rest, just know the odds are greatly in favour of extraterrestrial life.

Speaking of numbers: even a handful of dedicated participants can effect real change, but we need to create and empower coherent shared thoughts. In reality we don’t need a lot of waves to create interference patterns that could generate synaptic holograms allowing near-effortless conveyance of intention. To get into a coherent wave-generating state, use whatever has worked for you in the past, as long as you can reasonably hold your focus and stay awake.

Here’s a very basic, abbreviated lesson in results-driven inter-intelligence communication as it has worked for me before. First, meditate to clear your mind of cluttered thoughts; in inter-intelligence communication, a highly-focused state of mind is a good place to start. Although everyone’s going to have a unique experience, I would suggest that most mind-altering substances are probably not conducive to the state of mind needed to do this specific kind of work.

Then initiate the interaction. A critical component of this World Contact Day is focussing on a specific song which I chose to unite us in our efforts. I didn’t think twice about which song would be most appropriate: Klaatu’s song Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft, which can be heard at Originally written to commemorate the next World Contact Day, this song will elevate you to another level of experience – but you might need several listens to let it work through you. Give it a try.

By this point, if you’re on the fence about participating then this part of the process will probably make or break your choice. Either way is fine, but if you’re going forward then realise you must align yourself with some very strong convictions. It’s time to extend a real invitation to the extraterrestrials to visit us if they can. Before taking this step, releasing any fear of contact is radically important. Expressing thanks is equally important, for it implies synergy, lighting the beacon of our consciousness and elating our intentions. Think of it this way: fearless intention infused with gratitude drives the cosmic torus into perpetuity!

With relatively few participants, how do we turn up the volume on our request for contact? The answer, I believe, essentially lies in our combined ability to create a resonance that rings like the clear tone of a bell extended out into the unified field. Let’s assume that the cosmos is an infinite unified field….and why not? We have plenty of evidence supporting the theory, so let’s run with it.

We need to make our efforts as strong and resonant as possible, and that’s why I have given us a particular song – Calling Occupants – to listen to repeatedly. I can’t overstate how strongly I intuit that this inspired music will bind our energy, intention, and gratitude together powerfully as we listen over and over. Listening to this song also provides World Contact Day with at least two other critical keys: 1) simply playing it projects sound waves into the unified field, and 2) our listening to it creates certain thought patterns that are also projected into the unified field.

Think cymatics. Think symbols. Think communication. Know that in your mind you have capacities….

NOTE: I’ve been watching the play count of Calling Occupants on Klaatu’s page, and it spiked for a couple of days after my initial post and has started to gradually level off since. What we need to see is an increase in listening to this song, and repeated listening. If you’re participating and you genuinely want to contribute to strong resonance and stronger communication, then listen as much as you can.

Thanks in advance to those participating full-on in World Contact Day 2009.


Cloud Circles: Telegrams from a Conscious Cosmos

Sunday, May 3rd, 2009

This “cloud circle” is not the one I’ll describe in this post, but it does provide us with some interesting food for thought.

Meteorological phenomena?  Military “cloaking” experiment?  Devaporisation of the air caused by a circular UFO?

As far as I know, what is depicted in this photo remains unexplained.  (photo courtesy Ron Russell)

“At the quantum level, we are of the same substance as clouds, clouds of planets, planets of stars – and thus, consciousness pervades the universe …”

But that’s not what this article’s about – not exactly, though I’ll be indirectly reflecting on that concept.   We’re going back to a remarkable night in about 1997, to an encounter that both reinforced and challenged my concept of reality.  I’m going to share one of the most dramatic inter-intelligence communications in which I’ve participated, one experienced along with fellow croppie Ron Russell.

One warm evening Ron and I were lounging in his yard discussing crop circles, as we often did in those days early in our friendship.  We were talking about how many of England’s crop circles were being created by human teams, but that surely there must be something that would appear that men couldn’t copy – like “cloud circles,” I suggested, which led to a philosophical reverie about the possible implications of increasing geometric complexity in cloud formations.

We decided at this point to take a walk through Ron’s vortex-filled yard.  The landscape was open, dotted with occasional miniature enclaves which seemed like natural abodes for faeries and garden elves.  After some wandering we were drawn to a particularly energetic spot – a portal, it seemed – and began meditating in its center.  Ron and I stood face to face, touching, eyes closed.  I remember looking up toward the vast, dizzying “inner space” surrounding my third eye, feeling the energy swirling around us like Earth’s own breath.

Although we easily slipped into a deep brainwave state and held the sanctity of the meditation seemingly effortlessly, at some point Ron and I began reentering ordinary reality.  We talked quietly for a few moments, floating in the afterglow of deep meditation, feeling renewed, uplifted and recharged.

Then our attention was drawn up to a scene that astonished us, despite our sensibility.  There in the sky was, beyond any doubt, an intelligent manifestation of the extramundane reality we’d just been discussing.  A definitive “cloud circle” stretched across the entire visible sky above us, painted in cotton ball clouds the warm hue of reflected city lights against the pitch black canvas of deep space.

This cloud circle had no specific geometry; in fact, its form was quite the last thing I would have anticipated would show up in such detail in the clouds.  Plainly depicted was an Elder of one of the Americas’ native tribes.  His face was that of an individual, yet somehow also the embodiment of the Grandfather Sky archetype.  What really stands out is that his eyes were richly animated, yet discreetly one with the quiet night,  looking deeply as he acknowledged our power and gratitude.

The photo at right provides a rendering that is closest to what I remember seeing in the clouds:

Again, time seemed to stop as the three of us – the Elder, Ron, and I – stood connected by a vibrating thread of extraordinary reality.  What really took place in the moment is outside the realm of worded language.

The sensation of time gradually returned, and the cloud circle began to dissipate.  The Elder’s face lost its sharpness over several minutes until the sky was full of random clouds.  While the event itself was fleeting, the implications cascade to this day.  The cloud circle was a well-timed, cosmic telegram reminding us that seemingly “inanimate” things can communicate meaningfully – and intentionally.

Since the confirmational visit from the Elder, I’ve continued exploring and working with possibilities of intentional dialogue with everything – absolutely everything – on a quantum level, and beyond.   Learning how to do so as a part of daily existence is an ongoing process filled with unexpected surprises and rewards.  Communication takes on a whole new meaning once we accept that the universe is saturated by quanta grouped together in endless forms with various functions – and that in some sense, it’s all alive and potentially conscious.


Interacting with the Subtle Energies of Crop Circles

Saturday, February 14th, 2009

(Note:  Visual media links are provided after the article.)

My friend Simeon Hein recently posted a video on YouTube as part of an interview series titled “Crop Circles, Remote Viewing, and UFO Disclosure.”  In this segment he shows a page from his book Opening Minds on which is printed a series of drawings from my 1997 crop circle field notes.  The example he uses is additional validation of my belief that we can interact with subtle energies associated with crop circles.

With such an elusive and essentially personal phenomenon, I can only share my perceptions as I explicate my own experience.  I feel my ideas are of value to the ongoing study of consciousness and crop circles.  In that spirit, Simeon’s video spurred me to tell the story of what happened to me in the Upham Goddess formation, which highlights a subjective feature of the phenomenon experienced by almost everyone who interacts with them on more than a superficial level.

Few people had been able to visit the Upham Goddess, so called due to shape as well as its remote location and lack of good roads beyond the land owner’s home.   I’d like to add my further interpretation of the symbol.  The Goddess is very near a slight indention in the field, visible only from the air, which I’m told is the remnant of a World War II bomb explosion.  In its position near the crater, I see this formation as the Goddess Mother recognising, with healing energy, the artificial chaos men create and leave behind.

As I was meditating in one of the small circles marking the end of the outline of the Goddess I began viewing “eyelid movies,” i.e., what we see on the inside of our closed eyes during trance or meditation.  First I saw a vivid swirling pattern, and then I saw two arcs pointing outward with a dot in the middle.

In Simeon’s video, he mentions that I drew the Goddess formation and a couple of weeks later it showed up.  Actually, I was meditating in the Goddess formation when I visualised the other shapes I drew, which then appeared in a formation found a few days later – the morning I left Heathrow on my way back to the United States.

Simeon calls this an instance of “precognitive remote viewing.” I feel a more radical point is that when we are infused with crop circle energy, whether physically or psychically, in this dimension or in another, we can become transceivers capable of intimate interactions with subtle realms and realities.  Perhaps we enter portals of access to non-linear, holographic mind.  In any case, it appears that a consciousness connection links some people with the circles and  their creative force, allowing and even encouraging extraordinary inter-intelligence communication.


Eventually I’ll figure out how to get video, photos, and diagrams posted directly onto my site, but for now you’ll have to follow the links to see what I’m describing:

1)  Simeon Hein’s CCTV interview, part 4: (I recommend the entire series, but the part especially relevant to this story appears between the 7- and 8-minute marks.)
2)  The “Upham Goddess” formation:
3)  The crop circle resembling what I viewed during meditation in the “Goddess:”