Posts Tagged ‘synchronicity’

The Sum of Its Parts: Finding Emergent Meaning in Crop Circle Maps

Monday, July 16th, 2012

Crop circle communication is a process replete with symbols, riddles, and metaphor.  Multiple possible meanings radiate from the shape and context of each circle, as well as through synchronicities of events, locations, and even unspoken thoughts.

By mapping seemingly-isolated formations and their associated synchronicities, the resultant geographies bring out meanings previously hidden in uncharted territory, affording us radical new insights into the language of the crop circles – and thereby the true nature of the phenomenon.

The map I’ll be explicating here is infused with evidence of what I call the Other Intelligence.

As Crop Circles Speak, the Map Speaks

We apply filters to just about everything we perceive.   A cacophony of many voices falls away, for instance, when we hear our name spoken in a crowd; similarly, the meaning we derive from a crop circle is ours uniquely.   But curiously, the alignments map instead met me with an agenda of its own – no external filter needed.

That a map like this would fall together in this way is unlikely, so acknowledging the alternative – that these elements have been shared with us this way, on purpose, by an intelligence we’ve yet to identify – is critical.  With that acknowledgement comes the responsibility to listen.  Listen.

The interpretation of the signal is, of course, a subjective task: I present it as I see it, and I encourage others to explore the territory by clicking on interactive map and reading the articles linked in the narrative. But again, at the most basic level, simply listen and the clues themselves will highlight messages encoded in the transmission.

The Origin of the Alignments Map

View Crop Circle Alignments (Original Map) in a larger map

The Topeka-Inman-Plevna line tipped me off about the Other Intelligence:  the Inman formation appeared when wished for, and on a line that would eventually connect to the location where I later learned about it.   In short, the place points on the TIP line are out of time-order, speaking to the relatively omniscient nature of the Other Intelligence.

Some measure of choice is necessary, both to provide a context and to help guide interpretation.   I select Inman KS, Langdon ND, and Teton ID to anchor this map specifically because of each formation’s relative importance to me personally.   The resulting triangle, along with the parallel TIP line, provides a visual hook – an element of design that resonates with the pleasing geometries of the crop circles themselves.  Surely this map similarly contains messages awaiting discovery; I’m drawn in and begin exploring.

The triangle’s center highlights a vast and beautiful landscape, the Badlands of South Dakota, sacred to the indigenous people of the region.  Specifically, the center is over Stronghold Table, or Onagazi – site of the the Lakota Ghost Dance in 1890 that eventually led to the Massacre at Wounded Knee.

As I look closer, a Native American theme continues to emerge.  I learn that Teton is another word for Lakota – as in Lakota Sioux, who have especially strong ties to the Badlands.

I find Bear Butte on the line from the Inman circle through the center of the triangle (the Inman-Center line). Bear Butte rises almost a quarter of a mile above the surrounding plains.  Here the Lakota and other tribes commune with Wakan Tanka, the Great Spirit, the central spiritual link connecting us with all of nature.

Black Elk said Wakan Tanka hears us even when we speak softly, which corresponds directly to crop circle phenomena, where private wishes and questions often elicit a response from the Other Intelligence.  Bear Butte thus echoes an important theme of this map: “Communication with an Other Intelligence.”

The Teton-Center line eventually arrives at Spirit Lake, Iowa, site of an 1857 massacre in which white settlers were killed by a band of Santee Sioux in a backlash against the theft of their native land and broken treaties.  In a double synchronicity, the Langdon-Center line also crosses the Spirit Lake Sioux reservation on the southern shores of Devils Lake.  I’m hearing, “Beware of the modern materialistic life that severs our link with the natural world.”

The Watertown SD crop circle of 1996, reached by extending a line from a point 1/4 of the way from Teton to Inman through the center of the triangle, virtually shouts intentional design embedded in the map.  Specific elements built into the complex visual form of this crop circle refer to Kokopelli, a trickster figure associated with fertility and agriculture.  The trickster is a shapeshifter who enchants and encourages us – just as crop circles themselves do.  Here the message reads, “Pay attention, and have fun.”

As the import of the Lakota theme was reinforced time and time again, I experienced an epiphany relating to the cloud circle of 1998, which presented my friend Ron and me with an immediate, direct, and lucid response to a private conversation. Grandfather Sky is Wakan Tanka, is the Great Spirit, and is indeed responsive to our very thoughts and wishes, as Black Elk reminded us. I have yet to explore any clues that may arise from the cloud circle’s place point on the map, but that experience is now quite clearly a resonant thread in the map’s theme. I am reminded of the co-creative nature of crop circles.

Other ties to the tribal theme are found in associated synchronicities that I’ve not detailed here yet, including one related to the discovery of the remains of a medicine wheel in central Kansas during a plane flight in search of crop circles. I’m also researching a Lakota connection to the star people of the Pleiades, and a possible tie with the numerous Pleiadean-themed synchronicities that accompanied my first crop circle experience.

More Alignments and Number Synchronicities

Aside from the Lakota theme, other clues and insights inform the map.  Synchronicities and alignments are deftly interwoven here, each one turning up the volume of this conversation with the Other Intelligence:

· In a close correspondence, the total area of Kansas (82,282 square miles), my home state and the place I was introduced to crop circles at the Inman crop circle in 1995, comprise almost precisely 1/3 of the total area of the triangle (246,815 square miles).  The 31 square mile discrepancy is negligible in the overall dimensions of the map.  I take note of “one-third” as a potential message here.

· In another very close correspondence, on the Topeka-Inman-Plevna line, the Inman crop circle appears 39.86 miles from Plevna – almost exactly 1/4 of the 159 miles from Plevna to Topeka.  Add “one-fourth” to the clues.

· Plevna, Montana, sharing a rare place name with Plevna, Kansas of the T-I-P line, appears in the vicinity of where the Inman-Center line connects with the Langdon-Teton line.  This synchronicity, though of a smaller magnitude than the others described here, undoubtedly adds resonance to the map.  Here I’m reading, “Home,” as Plevna is where I spent a good many years of my youth, and is still where I go home to when I visit Kansas.

· The Inman-Teton line passes fellow UFO and ET experiencer Mike Clelland’s residence at a distance of less than two miles – which is a doubly remarkable coincidence since Mike, like myself and many others, desired a crop circle encounter and directly received a formation in response.  The message here once again echoes Black Elk’s reminder that the Great Spirit hears and responds even to our whispers.

· And if all of that were not enough, the Langdon-Center line eventually skirts the western edge of Boulder, Colorado – where I currently reside.  I’m hearing two things here: “Culmination,” and “Be here now.”  With this correspondence, I sense that the alignments map and all within it have come full circle, so to speak, and reflects the tribal wisdom that all things are created in a circle.  While I’m grounded in Boulder, I’m being called to explore the Badlands, climb Bear Butte, and meet with the Lakota.

What Does All of This Mean?

The facts of the map speak for themselves, and it’s up to us to interpret what is being said.

Since the map’s order and meaning arise directly from the overlay of meaningful correspondences tied to relevant points widely separated in time and space, I can only conclude that this map’s designer possesses a relative omniscience.  The Other Intelligence wants to speak with us, and it’s no small talk – this is important stuff, and it’s ours to explore.  Ultimately, the communication is what we make of it.

To me, the importance of honouring tribal wisdom is integral to the meaning of the alignments map. The Lakota and other indigenous peoples have honoured Earth and all creation through a way of life that’s deeply reverent of nature and spirit.  The fragmentation of a people starts and ends with conformity to a way of life devoid of nature and short on respect, such as we see resulting from modern technologies that disconnect us from one another and from our life source. Wholeness can be regained by deliberately reconnecting with the natural and the spirit world through time-honoured ritual, respect, reverence, and gratitude – all of which are missing or minimised in the modern lifestyle.

The original Lakota way of life, now in jeopardy, is in alignment with the crop circle phenomenon, where meanings aren’t dictated by force or violence, but rather are communicated through patient guidance, a respect for individuality, and an emphasis on the natural world. Crop circles aren’t imposing anything; they aren’t out to hurt anyone or pollute the environment.

With gratitude to the Other Intelligence, I carry on this conversation.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are new to Flat-Map Alignments, please see FMAs: FAQs.


The Layered Language of Crop Circles: Connecting the Dots in Extraordinary Phenomena Research

Sunday, October 16th, 2011

Please access the interactive maps via links accompanying the photos, as they will allow you to explore the alignments discussed here.

Map created with help from Mike Clelland.  Visit Mike’s site Hidden Experience for more insights into synchronicity, ET contacts, and other curious topics.

Crop circles, UFOs, and synchronicities are clues to our connection with a largely-unseen web of reality.  Our interactions with these phenomena demonstrate that we aren’t isolated packets of consciousness, but that we are transmitters and receivers of meaning through language.

We find that where these extraordinary phenomena occur in conjunction with one another and are then plotted on a map, a brilliant and always-evolving syntax emerges.  As we wish, we are given to explore a language that has nothing to do with the describing the mundane and everything to do with navigating the fringes of reality.

In this first of two posts, I’ll lay the framework for an upcoming report detailing my ongoing exploration of what these alignments may mean.  Of course, like all the great mysteries of life, our understanding of this elusive level of reality is ultimately subjective, so I invite you to draw your own conclusions.

ONE: The Topeka-Inman Line.  This straight alignment in Kansas is comprised of three interrelated locations: 1) the place where I privately wished for a crop circle, 2) the place where I learned about the requested crop circle five days later, and 3) the location of the crop circle itself.  This discovery confirmed the extraordinary nature of my crop circle initiation in 1995.  View Stace Tussel – Inman Crop Circle Alignment in a larger map

TWO: The Triangle. Plotting the locations of three key crop circle locations in my research of US formations from 1995 through 2002 creates a near-equilateral triangle enclosing 246,792 square miles, referencing Kansas at 82,282 square miles, tripled, which equals 246,846 square miles – a difference of just 54 square miles, which is roughly the size of the overlapped triangle in the middle of the large one (apparently an artefact of the mapping process, possibly having a connection to satellite techniques and Earth curvature, since the centre of a triangle should be a point, and not another triangle).  View Stace Tussel – Crop Circle Alignments in a larger map

THREE: Parallel Lines.  The overlay of maps one and two elicited another alignment speaking to the connectedness of all the phenomena.  From a direct E-W (equatorial) line, the Inman formation appeared at an angle of 29 degrees, and the line between Langdon and Teton runs on the same parallel angle of 29 degrees.  View Stace Tussel – Parallel Lines in a larger map


NOTE:  As mentioned, the potential significance of these alignments will be explored in more detail in an upcoming post.

Synchronicity and the Brzee Mantra

Monday, February 22nd, 2010

Om Brzee Namaha…Om Brzee Namaha…

A few days ago I learned the Brzee mantra, one used to help manage financial issues and overcome scarcity.  The fellow from whom I learn the mantra writes, “Om Brzee Namaha.  Brzee Brzee Brzee!”

I like the sound of it, and at this point I’m willing to try just about anything to bring relief to my financial woes.  So between calls at work I’m closing my eyes, envisioning colourful organic mandalas and repeating my new mantra.  Like a lullaby, soon the words create an altered state, gradually feeling like an extension of myself.

The arrangement of sounds plays its destined role:  Om rolls off my tongue, unfolding like scrolls of promise all around me; my money awareness is magnified by the upward inflection of brzee; my whole being exhales namaha.

Suddenly a tone from my headset alerts me to a call, jarring me from my short reverie.  Amazingly, the name that pops up on my screen is “Brzuszkiewicz.”  Note the first three letters:  Brz – as in Brzee Brzee Brzee. I notice the three Zs in Brzuszkiewicz.  I’m fairly confident pronouncing odd names, so I ask for the prospect with a smile, “May I speak with Mrs. Bre-zes-keh-veetz?”

When synchronicity speaks, I listen.  The correspondence of Brzee and Brzuszkiewicz amplifies a realisation that financial recovery and balance will come through publishing my work in book form.  I know this because in the course of our conversation, Mrs. Brzuszkiewicz explains that she and her husband owned Hathshepsut Press, spelling it out letter by letter.

I recognise the word as Egyptian but don’t know what it means.  After the call I search the internet for Hathshepsut, but oddly find no mention of any similarly-named publishing house.  Instead I’m guided toward the more common spelling of Hatshepsut, and learn that she was an Egyptian pharaoh reigning in the 15th century BCE.

Hatshepsut was a powerful woman who didn’t just sit on ideas; she accomplished many great things.  What would Hatshepsut have said?  What would she have done?  Do it.  Just do it.  What are you waiting for?

I reach up and take hold of the 2009 Writer’s Market that’s been gathering dust on top of my hard drive and begin the process…


Waves of Extraordinary Experience: We Are All Cymatics in Action

Monday, October 26th, 2009

Sound is commonly thought of as audio perception, but by another definition sound is “transmitted vibrations of any frequency.”  The tree falling in the forest transmits waves, so technically the answer to the quesion “…does it make a sound?” is yes:  the surrounding landscape and everything in it, including earth, air, vegetation, and animals, will register the vibrations.  The receiver needn’t be an ear.

That said, my latest jaunt beyond the mundane has shown me that waves are a possible key to unlock the vast unseen landscapes of consciousness.  I extend gratitude to the visionaries who’ve helped facilitate the evolution of my ideas over many years:  Ervin Laszlo, Graham Hancock, Itzhak Bentov, Terence McKenna, to name a few. A reference to crop circles and an extension of gratitude to the circlemakers is also apropos since they’ve informed my reality since 1995.

Regardless of your personal belief about crop circles, for the purpose of understanding Wave Theory, trust that real, repeated interactions have taken place between myself and others and a distinctly non-human intelligence that won’t be captured or replicated in a laboratory.

The Ridgeway formation of 2009 near Avebury, is a remarkable representation of Wave Theory.  Compare my diagram of the Thompson, North Dakota formation of 2000 (at right) with Andreas Muller’s preliminary diagram of the Ridgeway formation (at left).  The continuation of form after nine years and over the entire Atlantic indicates high-order  inspiration.

The formation has been interpreted in many ways, including the obvious fan or propeller.  But to my eyes the Ridgeway circle resembles a labyrinth, and also a stylised portrayal of the transceiver / waveguide concept, which I’d go so far as to deem an archetype.  (I’m going to do my best to explain why I feel this way and how it applies to Wave Theory – but without a canon-scientific background, and having many other issues taking up my time, I’ve laboured over how to express it for literally weeks, and this rough draft is as good as it’s going to get, for now…)

We are cosmic transceivers, both transmitting and receiving waves, and this continual oscillation is the basis of our very existence – our reality.  Consider that we’re emitting a variety of waves all the time, and that our medium is the entire cosmos.  Likewise, the cosmos is always sending waves our way – and we’re autonomic receivers, functionally producing tiny, continual bursts of reality.  When in coherent resonance, these waves may create extraordinary reality in the form of synchronicities and other manifestations of cosmic faerie dust.

Where these waves intersect, depending on their specific resonance, unique interference patterns result, creating new tributaries toward the cosmic fractal (helix?).  (I should mention that considering whether or not thought has mass is relevant to Wave Theory.  I’ve explored that question previously and won’t go into cumbersome detail here.)  It would seem these interactions, in the form of interference patterns, play a critical role in creating our reality.

We know that sound and other vibrations create patterns.  Like sand on a plate hit by vibrations, interaction registers a unique point within the hologram – a transient snowflake of awareness in an infinite blizzard of consciousness.  Consider that a wave by itself, with no medium to interact with, would know only itself – with no discernible reality beyond its borders.  But because waves go on and on, touching other waves is inevitable and connection is a given.

As transceivers, we’re constantly imprinting and being imprinted by the wave-filled cosmic medium.  I want to use the example of a sea which sustains waves (e.g., in the form of small whitecaps as well as high tsunamis), where the same body of water doesn’t depend on those waves for existence.  In this way we may consider the cosmic unified field as a timeless ocean, alive with infinite wave intersections and immediate realities, yet maintaining cosmic signatures of the past and future – the Akashic records, some say.

A cosmic ordering effect is evident in these infinite small realities embedded in an infinite cosmic reality.  For example, Masaru Emoto’s photos of ice crystals compellingly suggest that thought waves, specifically when amplified, can be imprinted in a crystal visually representing the vibration of the water, which is itself an amalgam of so many other waveforms overlaid and entangled – to what degree, who knows?

The process and effects of quantum entanglement quite easily inform the idea of larger-scale resonance – that is, wave entanglement, which, seen through the lens of quantum theory, is integral to an evolving understanding a self-regulating entity, the yin and yang of existence. In other words, the static canon of science past is being balanced out by a communal synaptic, intuitive knowledge that is the conglomeration of waves in a contained space creating acceleration.

Where waves create similar patterns in close proximity, the corresponding resonance creates wave entrainment.    Itzhak Bentov, in Stalking the Wild Pendulum, gives the example of pendulums that initially swing randomly beside one another but that soon entrain.  Entrainment acts on events in our lives and our immediate states.

Examples range from a relatively recent focus on DNA and our recent discovery of the “DNA Nebula” near the galactic centre,  to a seemingly isolated extraordinary experience like my thinking of Noam Chomsky and then pulling a book off a random shelf and opening to the page on which the words Noam Chomsky jump out.  In the Chomsky example, not only was I propagating waves by focusing on the name earlier, but the written letters and the concepts in the book were also sending out vibrations – and where they created an interference pattern, a synchronicity occurred.

All this is really just a side effect of chaos, which comes back to order in endless cycles, creating a fractal reality, inside and out – rather like mass consciousness mirrors individual consciousness.  Reality is the result of our wave signatures interacting in a coherent dance with a correspondingly pervasive cosmic intelligence that, if I may broadly anthropomorphise, humanity is gradually befriending.

Imagine we are packets of order sculpted by perspective amidst a cosmic-scale curly fractal, embedded in chaos, representing endless versions of ourselves at other quantum magnitudes.  Everything that exists is emitting waves that extend infinitely, thus creating an endless array of intersections – and sometimes, coherent interference patterns with surprising results.

To each of you, in gratitude:  be well and happy.


Inviting Confirmation: Extreme Synchronicity and Crop Circles

Wednesday, July 8th, 2009

I’ve always been drawn to the tiny dipper in the night sky, the Pleiades.  Somehow they’ve always felt like “home.”  Through binoculars, the cluster of stars resembles a grand city of of light floating in deep space.  A profound connection exists between the Pleiades and crop circles.

In the spring of 1995 I was suddenly and inexplicably saturated with everything Pleiadean.  I found the compelling book Atlantis and the Seven Stars by J Countryman, and I listened over and over to a song which happened to be playing “at random” as I walked into a friend’s house one afternoon; Pleiadean Communication, by A Positive Life, is aptly named – (you can listen here).

That spring I’d also discovered and eagerly absorbed Circular Evidence, the classic field guide to crop circle research by Colin Andrews and Pat Delgado.  Even though I’d immersed myself in mysteries of all sorts throughout my life, nearly thirty years passed before I discovered crop circles – something everyone else had apparently heard of.  The mention of crop circles elicited the ubiquitous, “Oh, those were made by two guys from the pub who used ropes and boards to fool everybody.”

But that didn’t set well with me, because by then I’d already had my own close encounter with the circle makers.  On the 16th of June, 1995, I had asked for a crop circle close enough for me to visit – and one appeared at that moment, in Inman, Kansas.  In the following short video I describe some of the mystical communication I’ve experienced when tuned to frequency of the non-human circle makers, whoever they may be:

In the video I share radical evidence supporting the theory that non-human intelligence has played an active, intentional role in at least some of the crop circles, starting with my first.  I wished for a crop circle at around 10.30 PM on the 16th of June 1995, and at that same time a farmer tilling a field over 100 miles away from me witnessed a long, straight row of dim lights hovering over a central Kansas wheat field and kicking up dust.  The farmer, Chad, told me that the hair on his arms stood on end as he watched for about 10 minutes.  When he looked back at the end of a row the lights had disappeared, leaving him confused and a bit spooked.  A few days later the Inman crop circle was found in the exact spot where the lights had hovered.

My friend Mike experienced a very similar event with the crop circle which appeared near Teton, Idaho in 2002, and in fact, that’s where I met him – in the Teton formation.  We’d both expressed a desire for a crop circle appear close by, and in our ways we’d received confirmation that our wishes were immediately heard and answered.

For what it’s worth, Mike and I are both UFO experiencers.

What does all this mean?  Perhaps alongside the crop artists working the fields of England these days, a distinctly non-human intelligence infuses some of the circles, speaking in riddle and synchronicity, from another dimension.  If any doubts linger about the reality of non-human crop circle makers, so be it – but surely the fact that a crop circle answered my wish for one, precisely on a significant alignment, is food for thought.  How this all unfolded is seemingly against all odds – if very remotely possible.

For instance, you could choose 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 in the lottery and have the same odds of winning as if you chose 4, 18, 21, 25, and 36.  But overall, five consecutive numbers would be less likely to comprise the winning numbers than five random numbers, since the lottery can be played with many hundreds of thousands of combinations of random numbers, and relatively few sequential ones.  You can apply this concept to drawing lines on a map of a state consisting of 82,000 square miles.

My point is that the exact alignment of three meaningful points on the map was a straight flush to trump all others.  On top of that, the odds of a crop circle forming at the moment I wished for it – with a witness – is confirmation, beyond a reasonable doubt, of telepathic communication.  I’ve published the diagram at right in a few other posts here, but I’ll do it again to illustrate the playful nature of the circle makers as they created an original crop circle in the form of a stylised tractor, mirroring the one the witness was using to till the field just a few hundred yards away…

And what, might you ask, do the Pleiades have to do with crop circles?  The Pleiades are part of the Taurus constellation, and crescents reminiscent of bull’s horns appeared regularly in mid-1990s crop circles – a time when, I intuit, more of the formations were not the product of human crop artistry.

With deep gratitude to my friends, the non-human circle makers:  thank you for being part of my life and for allowing me to share this story.  And to all the human crop artists out there, thank you as well for the beautiful forms in the fields.  Many of your designs are quite lovely – and, I like to think, inspired by a higher power.

All of us have a long way to go yet – and we are nearly there …


Note that in the video there are a couple of flashes that Kelle identifies in her comment to this post.  The one at precisely 3 minutes is particularly vivid!  I can’t explain the flashes of light.

My report on the Inman crop circle was originally published in the former UK publication The Circular.

Take a look at Mike’s numerous posts about synchronicity at his site Hidden Experience.

Subtle Communication in Crop Circle Photo?

Thursday, July 2nd, 2009

While we await the first crop circle of the season in the US, here’s a little puzzle.  Look closely at the photo above, which I shot in the Spanish Fork, Utah crop circle in 2004.

Have I taken a picture of a stray hair for the first and only time in my life, or have I photographed a little bundle of energy buzzing through the crop circle?

The circle makers are quite adept at communicating with psychic riddles and synchronicities, so it makes sense to consider intentionality in this photo.  The way the anomaly is hidden in plain sight seems marvelously arranged.


Cosmic Key: The Double Helix (redux)

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2009

I’ve made significant updates to Cosmic Key: The Double Helix as Modern Archetype.

One particularly critical update corrects the distance from the center of the galaxy to its edge – a mistake I had somehow missed in the initial version.

I also added one more visual to help illustrate my commentary.

You can read the updated article here.

Crop Circle Totems – Newest Formations of 2009

Thursday, June 4th, 2009

I can’t resist commenting on the two most recent UK crop circles – very fine additions to the 2009 season …

First, the huge (~600′) Jellyfish pattern that appeared a few days ago, and now the Dragonfly that showed up just today.  They’re quite impressive, I must say.   Since I haven’t been able to visit these two personally, I’m not going to speculate too deeply on their origin … but I can’t help making note of the synchronicities.  The JELLYFISH and the DRAGONFLY are the only creatures displayed prominently in my home.

My very dear friend Ada Garcia came over tonight to help me out by taking some photos that resonate with the two most recent big circles in the UK (none here in the US yet this season).  Here’s a photo of one of only two animals “framed” and on display in my house (other than family feline companions Minouche and Tiger-Saatchi):

Ah … the Jellyfish.  I bought this beautiful, fluid photograph by Ann Renee Chavez several years ago here in Denver.  Don’t ask me why – it just caught my eye and I couldn’t resist.  It hangs on the wall directly above my computer.  I love the colours, which this photo exactly reproduces.

And just today the Dragonfly formation appeared.  So, here’s a photo of a dragonfly I found just outside my front door about 10 years ago, now lovingly preserved and one of my treasures (I’d photoshop out the small hole in the plastic covering, but you get the picture).  Based on where I found it, I believe I was meant to rescue the dragonfly, which was moving just a little bit as a bunch of ants were beginning to make it their supper.  I shooed the ants away and brought the dragonfly in the house to let it die in peace and dignity, then kept its body for its beauty and grace.  Dragonfly is one of my totems, and I describe more about my relationship with this beautiful creature in my prior post “The Cosmos Neither Declares Nor Conceals.”

Speaking of totems, my two stand-out totem animals are Dragonfly and Hummingbird … both representing freedom of movement, quick as light, ability to hover, move sideways, fly in all directions basically … which, come to think of it, sort of describes the Jellyfish as well – floating this way and that, going with the flow … MORE on the symbolic meanings of these two when I have permission to post aerials and when I’m awake (getting up at 5 AM takes its toll …)

I’m just sayin’ …


PS – Here is the dragonfly mentioned in my note in response to Mike’s (see comments.)

Synchronicity – Yet Another Confirmation from the Cosmos

Wednesday, May 20th, 2009


As I was intent on finishing my last post about UFOs hiding in clouds (article below), I realised I didn’t know the date of our return from New York.  If I really wanted to get an idea of how high those cloud tops were, I needed specific data.  So yesterday afternoon I called Lyn – after a good year and a half of silence.

I didn’t tell her immediately why I was calling – which was to find out if she knew when we flew back from New York.  First thing she said was, “It’s no surprise you’d call today – I was just talking about you last night.  It seems that every time you come to mind and I start to reminisce, you call.”

Lyn’s a talker.  Originally from New Jersey, she really likes to take charge of the conversation.  So as I was waiting patiently to ask my question, the next thing she says is, “You’ll never believe what I found as I was going through some papers earlier today.  Our ticket stubs from the New York trip!”

Hmmm.  Synchronicity, anyone?

It’s pretty amazing that she’d just come across the itinerary information that morning, as I was thinking about how much I needed the information.  In fact as I was talking to her on the phone I was holding my Guggenheim notebook, which didn’t have anything about the return date in it, as Lyn told me she was looking at the receipt from a couple of things she bought at the Guggenheim.  And of course, looking at the plane ticket receipts, she also had our return date and time.

We came back on Continental flight C407Y, leaving Newark at 12.50 PM and arriving in Denver at 3.01 PM on the 23rd of July.

I was able to pull up a bit of information from the Weather Underground historical weather data, and found that several cities in the vicinity of where we were had scattered clouds and relatively high humidity levels.  I still can’t pinpoint the exact location of the sighting, of course – but the data provided enough information to confirm that there were some low-level clouds over that part of the country during the afternoon hours.  I’ve passed that information to Steve, who did the prior calculations.  If he’s able to do any more fine-tuning, I’ll post any updates I get to accompany the comment to the original article, in which I’ve included an excerpt from Steve’s reply to my inquiry where he estimates of the disk’s diameter to be somewhere between about 700 to 800 feet – in case you missed that.

A saucer the diameter of about two football fields is enough for me.  A smaller or larger craft would be just fine too.  The disk was apparently much larger than I initially guessed it to be.  Steve’s calculations are the best we’re going to get; we’ll never have exact numbers.  The synchronicity of Lyn finding the information I needed just when I needed it – without any direct communication from me to prompt her to go looking – is confirmation enough for me that we’re on the right track.

(FYI, Lyn’s the friend who helped me to make the weekend run to North Dakota described in my article “More Crop Circle Synchronicities….” – a trip that took place just weeks after our return from New York.  It was a very exciting summer indeed!)


Cosmic Key: The Double Helix

Monday, May 11th, 2009

The double helix is an archetype reawakening, like kundalini flowing and surging upward.  I am reminded of something:

Universal consciousness pervades the collective unconscious.”

The double helix represents much more than I can say here, but I’ll share my perceptions … and then I’ll describe a recent synchronicity to illustrate my observations.

Helical shapes and their components, if not always double helices, are intimately connected to shamanic traditions around the world.  Serpents and ladders are found in cave etchings and paintings, corresponding to DNA – both spiralled (the serpent), and flattened in mirror image (the ladder).

Notably, Francis Crick was experimenting with LSD and mind expansion around the time he and other researchers deduced the form of the double-helix shape of the DNA molecule.

(Image at right is Crick’s elegant sketch:)

Yet the double helix shape is ancient, not new – or, shall we say, both ancient and new?

Serpentine helices have even more recently been rapidly reawakened on a broader scale alongside entheogens, revealing another piece of the archetype’s interdimensionality.

And somehow it resonates with the pervasive sense of “time speeding up.”  Indeed, time seems to be accelerating – and perhaps the double helix, in its many forms throughout the cosmos, hints at how, or why, this is so.

Crop circles are connected with consciousness expansion. The crop circle at right appeared in 1996, composed of 89 individual circles.  The double helix in crop circle geometry stands quite well alone or overlaid with the wider implications of the form.

More recently, in 2006 the Double Helix Nebula was found just 300 light years from the Milky Way’s center.  Sagittarius is very nearly at the galactic center, with which we’re coming into alignment in almost cog-like fashion.  Unimpeded galactic cosmic rays are shooting toward us as our Sun breathes in, shrinking the heliosphere.  Cosmic radiation is thus moving into our solar system’s environs – and into all varieties of its DNA.

The archetypal intertwined serpents are merely a stone’s throw from the galaxy’s center near Sagittarius to its edge 50,000 miles away.  The twisting is thought to have developed due to gravitational turbulence in the inner-galaxy area where the nebula resides.  But what do we know for certain?

Confirmation seems to speak most convincingly as a synchronicity.  There’s more to this story than I’ve told …

A few nights ago, at dusk, a Cooper’s Hawk sailed across the yard and landed on the fence some twenty feet away.  While identifying the bird, I flipped to page 45 in my $1.95 Golden Guide Families of Birds pocket reference to the page graced by the beautiful Secretary Bird, Sagittarius serpentarius.

Not only were those words remarkably pertinent to my state of mind, but page 45 was the only page in the book that apparently been very slightly ajar on the assembly line – sometime around 1971.  How did I know it was wrinkled during manufacture?  I carefully smoothed out the tiny wrinkles and saw that the paper revealed a subtle but certain zig-zag at the bottom, indicating it was folded prior to being cut.

Of course there was more to it.  I’d just been trying to find the best way to bring my recent immersion in Francis Lefebure’s work with phosphenes into my writing about the archetypal double helix.  In the middle of the last century, Lefebure developed a type of meditation called Phosphenic Mixing, which he practised daily while facing Sagittarius, the constellation nearest our galaxy’s nexus – the apex of “2012.”

So we have Eliade, then Crick, and then we have Lefebure gazing at phosphenes while facing the galactic center, where just 3 years ago the Double Helix Nebula was discovered.  And now we’re in some ways locked into alignment with the galactic center – and with our centers, collectively and individually.

The double helix permeates it all – to what end, I’m quite unsure.


Working with phosphenes is surprisingly simple and effective.  I encourage you to report your experiences back to me if you choose to try it.

For more information about Dr Lefebure’s work, here’s a good link to start with:  Or go to this page if you want to jump right in here.