Sound is commonly thought of as audio perception, but by another definition sound is “transmitted vibrations of any frequency.” The tree falling in the forest transmits waves, so technically the answer to the quesion “…does it make a sound?” is yes: the surrounding landscape and everything in it, including earth, air, vegetation, and animals, will register the vibrations. The receiver needn’t be an ear.
That said, my latest jaunt beyond the mundane has shown me that waves are a possible key to unlock the vast unseen landscapes of consciousness. I extend gratitude to the visionaries who’ve helped facilitate the evolution of my ideas over many years: Ervin Laszlo, Graham Hancock, Itzhak Bentov, Terence McKenna, to name a few. A reference to crop circles and an extension of gratitude to the circlemakers is also apropos since they’ve informed my reality since 1995.
Regardless of your personal belief about crop circles, for the purpose of understanding Wave Theory, trust that real, repeated interactions have taken place between myself and others and a distinctly non-human intelligence that won’t be captured or replicated in a laboratory.
The Ridgeway formation of 2009 near Avebury, is a remarkable representation of Wave Theory. Compare my diagram of the Thompson, North Dakota formation of 2000 (at right) with Andreas Muller’s preliminary diagram of the Ridgeway formation (at left).
The continuation of form after nine years and over the entire Atlantic indicates high-order inspiration.
The formation has been interpreted in many ways, including the obvious fan or propeller. But to my eyes the Ridgeway circle resembles a labyrinth, and also a stylised portrayal of the transceiver / waveguide concept, which I’d go so far as to deem an archetype. (I’m going to do my best to explain why I feel this way and how it applies to Wave Theory – but without a canon-scientific background, and having many other issues taking up my time, I’ve laboured over how to express it for literally weeks, and this rough draft is as good as it’s going to get, for now…)
We are cosmic transceivers, both transmitting and receiving waves, and this continual oscillation is the basis of our very existence – our reality. Consider that we’re emitting a variety of waves all the time, and that our medium is the entire cosmos. Likewise, the cosmos is always sending waves our way – and we’re autonomic receivers, functionally producing tiny, continual bursts of reality. When in coherent resonance, these waves may create extraordinary reality in the form of synchronicities and other manifestations of cosmic faerie dust.
Where these waves intersect, depending on their specific resonance, unique interference patterns result, creating new tributaries toward the cosmic fractal (helix?). (I should mention that considering whether or not thought has mass is relevant to Wave Theory. I’ve explored that question previously and won’t go into cumbersome detail here.) It would seem these interactions, in the form of interference patterns, play a critical role in creating our reality.
We know that sound and other vibrations create patterns. Like sand on a plate hit by vibrations, interaction registers a unique point within the hologram – a transient snowflake of awareness in an infinite blizzard of consciousness. Consider that a wave by itself, with no medium to interact with, would know only itself – with no discernible reality beyond its borders. But because waves go on and on, touching other waves is inevitable and connection is a given.
As transceivers, we’re constantly imprinting and being imprinted by the wave-filled cosmic medium. I want to use the example of a sea which sustains waves (e.g., in the form of small whitecaps as well as high tsunamis), where the same body of water doesn’t depend on those waves for existence. In this way we may consider the cosmic unified field as a timeless ocean, alive with infinite wave intersections and immediate realities, yet maintaining cosmic signatures of the past and future – the Akashic records, some say.
A cosmic ordering effect is evident in these infinite small realities embedded in an infinite cosmic reality. For example, Masaru Emoto’s photos of ice crystals compellingly suggest that thought waves, specifically when amplified, can be imprinted in a crystal visually representing the vibration of the water, which is itself an amalgam of so many other waveforms overlaid and entangled – to what degree, who knows?
The process and effects of quantum entanglement quite easily inform the idea of larger-scale resonance – that is, wave entanglement, which, seen through the lens of quantum theory, is integral to an evolving understanding a self-regulating entity, the yin and yang of existence. In other words, the static canon of science past is being balanced out by a communal synaptic, intuitive knowledge that is the conglomeration of waves in a contained space creating acceleration.
Where waves create similar patterns in close proximity, the corresponding resonance creates wave entrainment. Itzhak Bentov, in Stalking the Wild Pendulum, gives the example of pendulums that initially swing randomly beside one another but that soon entrain. Entrainment acts on events in our lives and our immediate states.
Examples range from a relatively recent focus on DNA and our recent discovery of the “DNA Nebula” near the galactic centre, to a seemingly isolated extraordinary experience like my thinking of Noam Chomsky and then pulling a book off a random shelf and opening to the page on which the words Noam Chomsky jump out. In the Chomsky example, not only was I propagating waves by focusing on the name earlier, but the written letters and the concepts in the book were also sending out vibrations – and where they created an interference pattern, a synchronicity occurred.
All this is really just a side effect of chaos, which comes back to order in endless cycles, creating a fractal reality, inside and out – rather like mass consciousness mirrors individual consciousness. Reality is the result of our wave signatures interacting in a coherent dance with a correspondingly pervasive cosmic intelligence that, if I may broadly anthropomorphise, humanity is gradually befriending.
Imagine we are packets of order sculpted by perspective amidst a cosmic-scale curly fractal, embedded in chaos, representing endless versions of ourselves at other quantum magnitudes. Everything that exists is emitting waves that extend infinitely, thus creating an endless array of intersections – and sometimes, coherent interference patterns with surprising results.
To each of you, in gratitude: be well and happy.