Posts Tagged ‘Forest Hill’

Mystical Science, Crop Circles and the Small Hadron Collider

Thursday, October 16th, 2014

Telepathy, flying saucers, and parallel universes are all within reach as 21st-century neuroscience and theoretical physics approach a new science of the mystical.

A kind of ESP in dolphins is being studied.  And in a recent success with technology-assisted telepathy, neuroscientist Giulio Ruffini documented brain-to-brain communication of the words ciao and hola from India to France, “without the intervention of the sensorial system.” That’s right, telepathy has been achieved with little more than non-invasive brain stimulation and wireless internet.  You could almost do this at home.

Now that quasi-ESP can be made to happen on demand, let’s see who can wrap their minds around the idea of real, spontaneous telepathy in humans – even telepathy between humans and Otherdimensional consciousness.

Last year’s crop circles, starting with Chualar, showed us that interdimensional, telepathic communication is a reality, and the late-season circle at Ammersee revealed the pineal as the waveguide antenna driving that communication.  The cascade of synchronicities that has accompanied this conversation over two decades demonstrates a pulling effect, as hinted at by the tractor at Inman.

I see it this way: our electromagnetic field and our pineal gland are a self-regulating engine of consciousness – our unique Small Hadron Collider, which is ultimately responsible for connecting our  electromagnetic emissions with those from an Otherdimensional consciousness.  

Michio Kaku has called the brain “the most complicated object in the known universe,” to say nothing of the way telepathy works to connect our brain and our consciousness with an Otherdimensional consciousness, which brings us to the realm of the really far unknown.  With that said, the more abstractly you can think about this, the more sense it will make:

When the frequency of emission is compatible with the frequency of transmission, corresponding waves are drawn together into a co-creative space – such as that depicted in the Ammersee circle. This is where a portal linking two or more consciousnesses sparks to life and then disappears, sometimes leaving behind actual physical traces of its transient role.

Think of the way negative ions in a raincloud are drawn to a positively charged object on the ground, creating a flash of lightning. Cosmic rays linked to our own DNA activation play a key role in the creation of lightning by the downward-reaching filament. In this we can also find a resonance with the twisted magnetic ropes that have been found to connect the Earth and Sun, massaging our individual electromagnetic fields and creating flashes of altered reality.  As lightning leaves evidence of its passing through, so do these altered states during co-creation events leave their calling cards in various forms of communication.

These affinities found in nature reflect connections between our own consciousness and consciousness originating in an Other dimension.  In interdimensional communication, the pineal waveguide system acts as an engine of consciousness and each being’s unique and dynamic electromagnetic emissions that are essentially filaments of energy pulling in complementary waves.  When the interface occurs, that’s where we get the flash of synchronicity or other telepathic communication.  Some get more of these flashes and others fewer because individual waveguides are unique.

Now exactly how the waveguide works exactly is another matter altogether. Right now the message seems to be to look at very high energy quantum interactions driven by chemical and electromagnetic changes regulated by the pineal gland’s orchestra of neurotransmitters – but hey, I’m not a scientist.  The satellite dishes standing over the Ammersee formation emphasise that waves with high directivity are the product of a finely tuned pineal gland – the state we’re in when we’re feeling “in the flow” so to speak.  In these moments communication occurs more readily.

There are far too many unknown variables at this point to predict telepathy or synchronicity to the satisfaction of science, but we may soon see experiments regarding exploring the pineal gland’s role in electromagnetic fine-tuning and interdimensional communication.


Forest Hill Crop Circle: Spiralling Waves of Pleiadean Communication?

Sunday, July 27th, 2014

The Forest Hill crop circle mirrors my pondering lately on a possible waveguide function in crop circle communication, and the roles electromagnetism and gravity may play in wave attraction.  The spinner provides a dizzying look at a waveform spiralling in toward the waveguide (the spinner effect is seen at around 30 seconds into the video below, which I found on YouTube):

The psytrance track Pleidean Communication was absolutely central to my first circles experience 19 years ago, and is featured on A Positive Life’s album Synaesthetic, on the Waveform Records label.  I’ve been listening to the entire album quite a lot recently while immersed in my work, and I can’t help but notice the similarity between the album cover and the Forest Hill crop circle:

Considering the Pleiadean influence on my work and its heavy presence in the flat-map alignments, could Forest Hill depict waves from the Pleiades being pulled toward us?   Is this crop circle thereby confirming a Pleiadean influence entrained with and acting through our consciousness?