Archive for the ‘synchronicity’ Category

Flat-Map Alignments: Bridging the Crop Circle Gap

Monday, December 16th, 2013

The following flat-map alignments communicate a connection between US and UK crop circles via the Pleiades, the Bermuda Triangle, and the St Michael ley which runs through crop circle country in southern England:

Explore an interactive version of this map – which stems directly from the original Triangle Alignments and associated maps linking Pleiades with the TIP line via the Wilbur 2012 circle and with the Hopewell Mounds 2012 circle via Bear Butte.

Please remember that these maps are in no way intended to reflect the spherical nature of Earth. The flat map is simply the surface on which messages from the Other Intelligence can be written, using a language comprised of symbols and ideas that are anchored on the planet and graphically depicted through geometry.

The TIP line that started all of this back on 16 June 1995 was relatively short, which when depicted on a spherical map is a nearly identical line.  For the three points in that first contact (Topeka, Inman, Plevna) to fall with almost mathematical precision on one line was, to me, no accident.  Millions and millions of square miles, as seen on this map, make even flat maps less user-friendly – which is why there is no “exactness” to this map.  The angles change subtly and sometimes not so subtly as you zoom in closer or zoom out.  Like crop circle synchronicities, these flat-map alignments are a way for the Other Intelligence to tap on our shoulders and say “take notice here.”  I find the resonance between the size, shape, and position of the original triangle alignments map and the Bermuda triangle noteworthy in this regard.

My father’s first cousin Bobby disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle in 1954, so I have a personal connection to that mysterious place.  Despite the smear campaign against it, as with crop circles, the Triangle really is a mystery.  Could it be a portal between dimensions or worlds – and could the Other Intelligence associated with the crop circles therefore be sending a message with this map that they are associated with the Pleiades and that they utilise the Bermuda Triangle as a portal to visit Earth?

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are new to Flat-Map Alignments, please see FMAs: FAQs.


Look Who’s Talking in Wilbur: The Other Intelligence Chimes In on Crop Circle Alignments

Sunday, October 7th, 2012

Photo courtesy of Larry Doty

Wilbur 2012 as seen from ultralight aircraft. Photo courtesy of Larry Doty

Two crop circles have appeared in the United States since my alignments map was posted in July, and each independently reveals a connection to the Other Intelligence.  Both the Wilbur and Chillicothe circles, in fact, can even be read as deliberate replies to that map explication.  Indeed, what other form would such a reply take?

Speculation aside about exactly how the circle came to appear in the field, consider the evidence pointing to the involvement of the Other Intelligence in Wilbur’s design and geographic placement.  Through the interpretive keys of shape, synchronicity and alignment, what understanding might we derive from these new circles?  Are map alignments a litmus test for communication with the Other Intelligence?

Shape and Synchronicity “Where the Lightning Strikes”

Wilbur 2012 appeared almost like a comment written in wheat a few days after I published The Sum of Its Parts:  Finding Emergent Meaning in Crop Circle Maps. The diagram was immediately and intensely hypnotic; something about it drew me in completely.  I found the formation’s threefold geometry graceful and balanced, echoing the triangular alignments map.

Looking past the relatively-simple outer borders of the formation we see a dynamic inner triangle in the wheat, created by the floor pattern.  The triangle’s luminous zigzag border is comprised of three lightning bolts joined to form a triangle shining up from the circle’s floor.  For clarity, I’ve outlined it in the photo here.  What could it mean?

One book used in my research for the alignments map explication was Where the Lightning Strikes:  The Lives of American Indian Sacred Places, by Peter Nabokov.   Weeks earlier, the book had been central to a smallish synchronicity when I had first opened the it randomly to the page dedicated to Bear Butte.  The zigzag feature of the Wilbur 2012 crop circle seems to be saying, “Look!  Here is where the lightning strikes.”

And then there was the time lightning from a clear blue sky struck very near me in Kansas, in the utter absence of any storm – an event without mundane explanation.  I associate the errant lightning with the UFO sightings and apparent ET encounters involving electricity that I was experiencing fairly frequently at the time, contact which reached a peak with the arrival of crop circles in my life in 1995.

Might electricity itself be a clue from the Other Intelligence?   I just now looked online and found a brief 1985 article in The New York Times titled “Electricity May Play Role in Plant Growth.”  The article reports that researchers had shown that, depending on the direction of the current, plant growth was either accelerated or stunted by the application of electricity.  The premise that electricity can be applied to affect plant growth is demonstrated in my own living room, where a 4-foot tall hibiscus tree stands near the television, and the branches directly over the back of the TV set have leaves twice or three times the size of the other leaves.  I wonder if the Herington, Kansas crop circle, which showed a full range of accelerated and decelerated growth while in the field, may have carried information about the potential applications of the circlemaking energy, which may be electric in nature.  I haven’t yet explored possible alignment map correspondences with the Herington formation, but with this new insight in mind, another article may be in the offing.

A Path to the Pleiades Via Crop Circle Alignments

When we actively seek to interpret the messages carried by crop circles, we find that shape alone barely scratches the surface.  Synchronicities help refine the unique meaning we derive from a given formation, which may in turn assist us in deciphering universal messages as well.  Map placement, especially with a predictive quality, has been offered as a possible indicator of the Other Intelligence, since many of the alignments I’ve found thus far suggest an omniscient presence working behind the scenes.  So naturally, the next step in deciphering Wilbur 2012 involves plugging it in to the existing alignments map.

As I anticipated, Wilbur created a new and especially pertinent alignment:  The 860-mile long direct line between myself and the Wilbur circle is lengthened by only two miles if we factor in a slight detour to the Teton circle.

Once this line was established, I noticed that if extended beyond Wilbur, the line continued on through the mountainous region of northern Washington.  Wouldn’t it take the cake if it led directly to the Pleiades Mountain summit in the North Cascades?  I was disappointed when I found the line didn’t match up, but I was compelled, nonentheless, to see if Pleiades summit showed up via any other alignments on the map.  The importance of the Pleiades star system to the creation stories of the Lakota and other cultures can’t be overstated, and I’ve shared in great detail how the Pleiades infused my crop circle initiation in 1995.  Because of these correspondences, I felt absolutely certain that Pleiades summit would play some role here, so I dug deeper.

Where to look next?  In 1995, when all the Pleiadean connections came flooding to me in the weeks just prior to the Inman crop circle, I was living in Emporia, Kansas.  That had to be it!  I placed my home near 15th and West Street in Emporia on the map, extended a line from there directly to the Pleiades summit 1458 miles away, and voila!  The line breezes past Wilbur 2012.  My understanding of this?  The crop circles, the Other Intelligence and the Pleiades are all interconnected – and by virtue of our participation we realise we are an integral part of the web of connection too.

With the addition of Wilbur and the Pleiades summit to the alignments map, it seems there is no end to the correspondences that continue to arise by intuitively exploring the encoded information.  The next installment of map additions and explications is coming soon, with additional power spots and several latitude/longitude synchronicities added.  Next we’ll see what happens when we factor in the location of the Hopewell Mounds crop circle near Chillicothe, Ohio.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are new to Flat-Map Alignments, please see FMAs: FAQs.


Click to explore Interactive Maps!
View Crop Circle Alignments (Original Map) in an Interactive Map
View Boulder-Teton-Wilbur Line in an Interactive Map
View Emporia to Pleiades Direct in an Interactive Map
View All-in-One Crop Circle Alignments Map in an Interactive Map (overview of the current established alignments I’m in the process of explicating)

The Layered Language of Crop Circles: Connecting the Dots in Extraordinary Phenomena Research

Sunday, October 16th, 2011

Please access the interactive maps via links accompanying the photos, as they will allow you to explore the alignments discussed here.

Map created with help from Mike Clelland.  Visit Mike’s site Hidden Experience for more insights into synchronicity, ET contacts, and other curious topics.

Crop circles, UFOs, and synchronicities are clues to our connection with a largely-unseen web of reality.  Our interactions with these phenomena demonstrate that we aren’t isolated packets of consciousness, but that we are transmitters and receivers of meaning through language.

We find that where these extraordinary phenomena occur in conjunction with one another and are then plotted on a map, a brilliant and always-evolving syntax emerges.  As we wish, we are given to explore a language that has nothing to do with the describing the mundane and everything to do with navigating the fringes of reality.

In this first of two posts, I’ll lay the framework for an upcoming report detailing my ongoing exploration of what these alignments may mean.  Of course, like all the great mysteries of life, our understanding of this elusive level of reality is ultimately subjective, so I invite you to draw your own conclusions.

ONE: The Topeka-Inman Line.  This straight alignment in Kansas is comprised of three interrelated locations: 1) the place where I privately wished for a crop circle, 2) the place where I learned about the requested crop circle five days later, and 3) the location of the crop circle itself.  This discovery confirmed the extraordinary nature of my crop circle initiation in 1995.  View Stace Tussel – Inman Crop Circle Alignment in a larger map

TWO: The Triangle. Plotting the locations of three key crop circle locations in my research of US formations from 1995 through 2002 creates a near-equilateral triangle enclosing 246,792 square miles, referencing Kansas at 82,282 square miles, tripled, which equals 246,846 square miles – a difference of just 54 square miles, which is roughly the size of the overlapped triangle in the middle of the large one (apparently an artefact of the mapping process, possibly having a connection to satellite techniques and Earth curvature, since the centre of a triangle should be a point, and not another triangle).  View Stace Tussel – Crop Circle Alignments in a larger map

THREE: Parallel Lines.  The overlay of maps one and two elicited another alignment speaking to the connectedness of all the phenomena.  From a direct E-W (equatorial) line, the Inman formation appeared at an angle of 29 degrees, and the line between Langdon and Teton runs on the same parallel angle of 29 degrees.  View Stace Tussel – Parallel Lines in a larger map


NOTE:  As mentioned, the potential significance of these alignments will be explored in more detail in an upcoming post.

Pre-Sensing the Tragedy in Japan

Monday, April 25th, 2011

What I experienced a couple of days before the mega-earthquake in Japan was a confluence of precognitive, remote, and deeply empathic sensing so troubling that I’ve had difficulty processing and writing about it.  As the disaster continues to radiate from the quake’s ground zero, however, I need to share what happened:

On the evening of 8 March I was surprised by a vague sense of uneasiness followed by a sudden urge to open my bookmarked link to a list of 2011’s Large and Deadly Earthquakes.  A mag 7.3 had struck just moments before in Japan.  I broke into tears as images filled my mind:  cries of panic in the midst of falling debris and dust; buildings crashing down everywhere; flood waters sweeping people away.

I sought more information.  I told myself that perhaps I’d simply overreacted to the news of the 7.3.  I was somewhat consoled when I learned no casualties had been reported.

Unfortunately, that sense of relief was to be short-lived.

On Friday the 11th, I woke to a changed world:  the massive Japanese earthquake and tsunami were all over the media.  History had been altered in a big way, yet the extent of the devastation eluded perspective.  The cascading visions I’d had a couple days prior were now manifest.

The cataclysm had instantly swallowed up 28,000 human lives in Japan; weeks later, the fallout is proving to be worse than first imagined.  Radiation from Fukushima’s crippled nuclear reactors has poisoned air, food, and water supplies around the world.  At the same time, the Pacific Northwest and Yellowstone remind us of our planet’s light slumber.  Even Canada and Australia, two countries which rarely experience earthquakes, have logged notable temblors in the past couple of weeks.

Earth’s denizens are only a few pages into this new chapter of history.  Unfortunately, it seems my terrifying visions may have only hinted at the insidious threat triggered with the Japan megaquake.


Possible DMT Release Observed at End of Life

Monday, December 20th, 2010
Chloe, in the week before her death

Chloe, in the week before her death

In Endogenous DMT Release in Near-NDEs? I described our elderly cat Chloe, who last year seemed to be experiencing possible “mini-trips” that I suspected may have been occurring during near-NDEs.  She was at the beginning of a significant downturn then, having been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and kidney disease.  Chloe was allergic to the thyroid medicine and too frail to undergo surgery.  As she deteriorated, she may have been producing associated chemical compounds – possibly including DMT.

This past year she grew weaker and weaker, and lost more weight.  At 17-1/2 years old, Chloe was down to 4 pounds just a few weeks ago, and due to sudden difficulties walking, finally in late November we made arrangements to have her euthanised.  However, on the day before her scheduled last visit to the vet, Chloe was suddenly walking better and had a bit more spring in her step.  We cancelled the appointment, which was for Friday morning, the 3rd of December.  Although we’d been through a series of tough questions while pondering choices, we saw improvement and just couldn’t feel completely certain it was time to go through with the euthanasia.  Even so, Chloe wasn’t well.  We decided to wait and see what the next week held.

But Chloe’s day had come.  That same evening, we heard a very odd, guttural sound coming from the other room.  Upon checking to see what was going on, we were horrified to see our yellow tabby standing in the doorway, over Chloe’s stretched out body on the floor.  Chloe was dying.  Her eyes were open but unresponsive; her pupils were so huge that no iris could be seen at all.  Her body appeared to be paralysed, except for her face: without moving much, she was making slight coughing noises every few seconds, and the muscles in her face were all quivering and spasming.  All I could do was to pet her gently and to say, “It’s okay, Chloe…Oh Chloe….” through my tears.  My heart was broken.  Chloe was rigid even as her facial muscles continued to quiver; the movement of her fur reminded me of wheatfields blowing in the wind.

Then she suddenly stopped moving and it was all over.  I was stunned and anguished beyond words.  Neither my partner nor I had ever witnessed the death of a loved one, whether person or companion animal, and the ordeal thoroughly shook us up.  We let our other cat examine Chloe briefly – they’d been companions for over 13 years since Tiger was born – then wrapped her body in a fleece blanket in preparation to deliver it to the pet crematorium the following morning.

Only five days earlier, on Sunday the 28th of November, while doing the NY Times crossword, I’d been halfway listening to an interview with Dr Martin Ball, an entheogenicist.  Most of what he was saying I was already familiar with, but one thing stood out:  Ball mentioned that while on DMT, his facial muscles would quiver.  Why I held on to that bit of information, and that bit only, is beyond me; perhaps it was so that I could perhaps understand a little more about what Chloe would be going through when she made her transition.  I still wonder, but cannot know: was her facial quivering accompanying a DMT rush at her death?   As Rick Strassman and others have speculated, I also wonder… could DMT somehow ease the transition – in some way open the door for the spirit?

It’s been two and a half weeks since Chloe passed on.  We miss her, but I think Tiger misses her the most; he’s been a bit lethargic, yet more talkative than usual, and seems to be remembering Chloe.  Most notably, the morning after Chloe’s death, Tiger was sitting near me at almost the exact spot where Chloe had taken her last breath, and he looked up at the ceiling intently for about ten seconds – much like I’d seen Chloe do in the months prior to her death.  In the absence of a spider or wasp, I’d never seen him do that.  I can only guess, but it seemed to me that he was looking at something that I couldn’t see – perhaps the spirit of Chloe – or what remained, say, floating DMT molecules (a stretch, but possible) – hadn’t entirely left the room yet, and he was sensing a disembodied presence in a way only cats can.


Men In Black, UFOs and Crop Circles – Additional Witness Reports

Saturday, November 27th, 2010
Who are the Men in Black?  Digital Art by James Neff.

Who are the Men in Black? Digital Art by James Neff.

Who are the Men In Black?

My friend and fellow researcher, Rick Nelson, has interviewed dozens of people who’ve encountered the notorious Men In Black (or MIBs) over the years.  Rick uses intelligence protocols learned in his 4 years with Naval Air Intelligence in the 1960s and teaching Top Gun courses at Miramar to assess witness credibility. Rick’s judgment is sound, and I value his feedback immensely.

Men in Black have appeared to UFO and close-encounter witnesses in many ways over many decades.  I asked Rick to share his thoughts about the various characteristics and interpretations of Men in Black.

Rick Nelson

Rick Nelson

Whether appearing as secret agents or non-humanoid beings, the MIBs have one thing in common:  their clandestine agenda involves suppressing public knowledge of – and access to – advanced technologies derived from UFO and extraterrestrial phenomena.

Often the MIBs seem to represent organisations involved in emergent global economic interests.  “Men In Black are linked to the suppression of a wide spectrum of exotic technologies – ranging from anti-gravity to advanced medical technologies,” Rick says.

MIBs Connected to Kansas UFOs and Crop Circles

Shortly after I got involved with crop circles in the mid-1990s, I crossed paths with apparent MIB-type agents a few times.  These encounters seemed to involve both surveillance and intimidation.  Here are a couple of examples:

One early Sunday morning in 1996 fellow crop circle researcher Ron Russell and I were parting ways after meeting in a small, western-Kansas town to work on a research grant proposal.  Standing inside near an open, screened window, I noticed a man posing as a land surveyor pointing an apparent detection device directly toward us from about 50 feet away.  When the man noticed that we’d seen him, he hurried into his van and drove off – but not before we got the company name and number off the side of the vehicle.  Both the name and the phone number were fake.

Later the same morning, as I drove south on a deserted county road, a small, unmarked black helicopter overtook my vehicle from behind, flying on a diagonal from northwest to southeast.  The chopper buzzed my car from no more than 100 feet or so overhead.

While I haven’t been confronted by MIBs in odd black vehicles and black attire, other witnesses have described face-to-face encounters with the MIBs involving direct intimidation.  Brian, whose experiences involving the bright gold orbs and culminating in a life-altering encounter with an apparent extraterrestrial vehicle were reported in my post from last week,  Psychic Connection to UFOs and Crop Circles, had what he calls a “run-in” with Men In Black, whom he suspected to be government agents or secret service personnel.

Brian Describes “Run-In” With Mysterious Men In Black

“About 6 months to a year after my last UFO sighting, I was driving to Hutchinson from Buhler, and as I came up to the intersection of Buhler-Haven Road and 30th Street I saw that the road was blocked…and there was a small, black, unmarked helicopter in the middle of the intersection.”  Two cars blocked the intersection from each direction, facing away from the helicopter at a distance of about 50 yards.  Men dressed in black suits and black sunglasses, like “secret service agents,” were standing by the cars.

Brian rolled down his window as he approached one of the men, and “all he said to me was ‘You need to turn around, now.’  I complied and went my merry way.”

Notably, this particular intersection was where Brian had his first sighting of the golden orbs, when he was 15 years old, in early 1996.  That first time, Brian reports,”there were five yellow lights hovering horizontally.  As we continued driving toward Buhler the lights faded out one by one.”

Brian saw the lights within a few miles of the same intersection on other occasions, as previously reported, including the last time when two orbs seemed to respond to his thoughts.  He said that just as he was feeling a bit exasperated about the cat-and-mouse nature of the orbs, the craft – estimated to be as large as a football field – lit up and showed itself to Brian and his friend.  That time, in 2000 or 2001, he saw that the gold orbs ran along the middle line of a huge, disk shaped craft, while synchronised white lights all around the top and bottom “relayed from around the back toward the front.”

Whether Brian simply happened upon the situation with the MIBs, or was somehow drawn to the spot at a time when he could witness and report this apparent clandestine operation, his MIB encounter occurred just months after his profound sighting of the huge, and presumably extraterrestrial, craft.

Evidence Supports Witness’ MIB Encounter Report

30th & Buhler-Haven Road in Kansas
30th & Buhler-Haven Road in Kansas

The intersection of Buhler-Haven Road and 30th Street, just east of Hutchinson, can be viewed using the “street view” feature on Google Maps.  I have to admit I was a bit surprised when I zeroed in on the intersection where Brian had his MIB encounter 10 years ago.  A small “X” marked the spot:

To determine if this marking is typical on Kansas roads, I used Google Maps on a number of similar rural intersections, but found no others.  Conceivably, then, the “X” was a guide or marker for the helicopter that landed there and was surrounded by MIBs and unmarked black cars.  A connection between the MIB interest and the number of sightings of golden orb UFOs in the immediate vicinity of the intersection seems likely.

Next, I decided to contact the Kansas Department of Transportation to inquire further about road markings – specifically the “X” in question.  Without telling him why I was curious, I spoke with Brian Gower, a KDOT road engineer, asking him what the “X” may indicate.  Could the marking be there for satellite mapping purposes, for instance?  Not that Gower knew of.  Regarding the intersection in question, Gower told me he had “no clue” why there would be any marking at all – in fact, he was as perplexed as I was.  According to KDOT, there are only two reasons why an “X” would be painted on a roadway:  1) at a railroad crossing and 2) to indicate areas on a road that shouldn’t be blocked by stopped traffic – for instance, near a fire station.

Neither of these reasons apply to the marking at the significant intersection of 30th and Buhler-Haven Road.  Ironically, in light of what happened there prior to the MIB operation, the most sensible explanation is that it was to mark the helicopter’s curious landing pad.  Now, why the secrecy?  Ultimately, that question remains unanswered.

Conclusion:  UFOs, Crop Circles, and Men In Black – Connecting the Dots

Bright gold orbs are a fairly common type of UFO.  I’ve seen them on several occasions, and on at least a couple of occasions the lights appeared to respond to my thought.  I’ve also engaged in what I consider telepathic communication with non-human circlemakers and with UFOs, as I’ve detailed in numerous prior posts here.

Historically, golden orbs and crop circles have often occurred in close proximity to each other.  “Golden Ball Hill,” near Alton-Barnes in Wiltshire, England – the heart of crop circle country – was named thus for obvious reasons.  Here in the United States, the bright gold orbs witnessed in Kansas by Brian sound very much like the lights seen by Chad, the farmer who witnessed them hovering over a field where the Inman crop circle appeared.

Once I began investigating crop circles in earnest, I had several unexplained encounters with MIB-types.  Within a couple of days of her first visit to crop circles, which was with me in North Dakota in 2000, my friend Lyn encountered a small black helicopter hovering outside a house where she was doing some interior painting, and she suddenly began receiving phone calls at odd hours with no one on the line.  Mere coincidence?  Or was she being watched or harassed since becoming a crop circle witness?

Whatever the connection means, UFOs – often in the form of bright gold orbs – appear in conjunction with crop circles.  And where UFOs and crop circles manifest, Men In Black seem to have some kind of mission involving intimidation of witnesses and surreptitious suppression of leading-edge technologies, including those involving consciousness, that infuse both UFO and crop circle phenomena.

After much consideration, I can only conclude that the modern manmade crop art, which is visually stunning and even enchanting to its many enthusiasts, may serve as virtual MIBs.  They are, perhaps, a more insidious way to muddle the extraordinary implications of the original phenomenon.  For anyone interested in learning more about the evidence on this controversial topic, I highly recommend the excellent documentary Crop Circles: The Hidden Truth.

The eventual widespread, peaceful, and open revelation of the extraterrestrial presence on Earth will crumble the wall of secrecy around Men In Black, UFOs, and crop circles.  Exactly how and when this will happen is unknown, but humanity is ready – and I think willing – to face this certain paradigm shift.


Update:  Witness visited the intersection in December 2010 and reported back to me that the road was recently repaved, and the “X” is no longer there.  According to Kansas records, the repaving was completed in 2008, obviously after the Google maps shot was taken.

The Five Minute Deja Vu

Thursday, September 30th, 2010

Electric impulses in thoughts, manifested in dreams and deja vus.

Just about everyone has experienced the odd, fleeting sensation of deja vu, often described as the sense of reliving something previously dreamed.   Ironically, while that definition implies precognition, many who stand by that explanation are also staunchly opposed to psychic phenomena in general.   When deja vu is married with another mysterious, yet scientifically real, autonomous activity – dreaming – it lends itself to an acceptable explanation.

A quick internet search reveals that most instances of deja vu are reported to last only a few seconds.  My experience confirms this observation.  Wikipedia summarises several theories about the sources of deja vu, but fails to adequately address its most uncanny aspect:  that it produces more than a sense of “having been here before.”  A dramatic deja vu’s impeccable predictability is stunning, if transient.

It’s not a sense of having known what’s going to happen after the fact or even as it’s happening, but rather having a significant and notable awareness of precisely what is going to happen just before it happens, in a cascading fashion.

A few weeks ago I experienced the strangest deja vu.   At the onset, time fell away and seemed to cease altogether.  I estimate that for about five minutes I was simultaneously immersed in the past, present, and future.  Now I can’t begin to entertain the notion that I’d dreamed this situation before; my dreams are realistic, yes, but in a way that isn’t duplicated by “real life.”  There I was, sitting on the sofa, listening to another’s recollections unfold entirely as I anticipated (so to speak; it’s difficult to describe something outside of time sans a time reference), in what would become the longest deja vu I’d experienced.

The other person involved in my five minute deja vu nearly always resorts to science’s euphemised heavy hand, aka Occam’s razor, to explain most phenomena residing outside the canonic worldview.  Yet for him, deja vu is the experience of something he predictively dreamed long ago.  In this way deja vu is a future reflection of a past dreamstate, exploiting the universality of dreams.


Russian Crop Circle – Clue to Norway Spiral?

Sunday, July 18th, 2010

An Interpretation of the Russian Crop Circle of June 2010

The English crop circles, as usual, are headlining the 2010 season.  Some pleasant designs have appeared in the fields there, and a few in other countries, but none of this year’s circles has stirred me like the Russian crop circle found in Krasnodar Region, Belorechensk District last month.

Diagram by Tommy Borms; thanks to Crop Circle Connector.

The Russian formation hasn’t received much attention by the crop circle community.  In fact, a web search turns up just a handful of pages referencing the formation at all.  But when I first saw the diagram and read the report, I immediately felt that 1) the Krasnodar formation was not a crop circle flattened in the field by humans, and 2) its design represents something wildly important.

One of the first things I noted was that the location of the formation creates an approximate 90-degree angle between Giza and Wiltshire.  What this may signify, if anything, hasn’t been determined, but I can’t help but speculate a bit on the significance of the design and its geographic placement.  (See References following this article.)

I’d like to say the Russian crop circle last month was quite beautifully formed, and aesthetically resembles the simpler formations of fifteen or twenty years ago.  Perhaps its very simplicity and its remoteness explains why the formation has received little attention.  In any case I’m comfortable saying that the motivation behind this formation appears to be beyond a crop artist’s desire for recognition.

To clarify my position on modern crop circle phenomenon compared with true crop circles, I feel the two phenomena can’t simply and thoughtlessly be combined and assumed to be one mystery.  Some overlap seems to occur at times between the two, but evidence I’ve collected over the year reveals that, while increasing numbers of formations are created by humans, the original phenomenon still exists.

Anyway, back to the Russian formation.  My take is that the large ringed circle represents the Sun, whereas the next three circles represent Mercury, Venus, and Earth.  And then, a spiral – perhaps the Norway Spiral – is connected to the Sun via the meandering line.  In other words, the spiral originates from apparent orbit around the Sun.

What could this mean?

Direct experience with the circle makers has provided many of us researchers with undeniable evidence that a non-human intelligence communicates – i.e, conveys meaning – via abstract designs put into the landscape, with deep meanings encoded both in both the shapes and locations where they appear.  So of course the aforementioned assumption of the Russian crop circle’s representational symbology begs interpretation:

Notably, the Norway spiral appeared in a place where the highly charged particles from the Sun, mostly electrons, hit Earth’s magnetosphere, creating auroras that feature prominently in high-latitude locales such as Norway.  Auroras most frequently appear in conjunction with intensified solar activity, such as that which has been occurring this year, marking the end of an unusually-long solar minimum.

Notice in the diagram that the spiral originates from an apparent orbit around the Sun.  I acknowledge that my speculative interpretation of the Russian crop circle gets a little deeper into the fringe at this point, but to me it makes sense that the spiral may represent the object or light that accompanied Comet Hale-Bopp as it approached the Sun in late 1996 – the lowest point of the last solar minimum.

Could the spiral in the Russian crop circle be hinting that whatever dislodged, or otherwise disappeared, on the other side of the Sun has reappeared, and in the form of Norway’s spiral “cloud circle?”  If so, the implications may be far too difficult for many to comprehend or accept.


References:  I am including a few supporting references for anyone who accepted the official story that there was nothing unusual at all in the tail of Hale-Bopp, or the alternate official story that whatever mysterious object was seen and photographed in tandem with Hale-Bopp in the fall of 1996, prior to the comet emerging from beyond the Sun (sans mystery object), was either a star or a chunk of ice shed by the comet.

For more details, see Comet Hale-Bopp’s “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy?” and also Whitley Strieber’s article.  Strieber’s section titled “The Hale Challenge” is especially pertinent.  Clearly, my friend Ron and I were not the only ones who noticed that the object was NOT a star!

Also, Maria Beloyvan, a Russian scientist visiting Fermilab earlier this year, died under unusual circumstances just weeks before the Russian crop circle appeared, possibly for sharing secret information pertinent to the preceding interpretation.   Special thanks to my friend Chris Taylor at Wild Rote for pointing out that the EU Times Online article’s author is of questionable integrity.  Thanks too to Mike Clelland at Hidden Experience for plotting the locations of Stonehenge, Giza, and the Russian crop circle, showing that the angle created by the Krasnodar location is slightly less than 90 degrees.

Synchronicity and the Brzee Mantra

Monday, February 22nd, 2010

Om Brzee Namaha…Om Brzee Namaha…

A few days ago I learned the Brzee mantra, one used to help manage financial issues and overcome scarcity.  The fellow from whom I learn the mantra writes, “Om Brzee Namaha.  Brzee Brzee Brzee!”

I like the sound of it, and at this point I’m willing to try just about anything to bring relief to my financial woes.  So between calls at work I’m closing my eyes, envisioning colourful organic mandalas and repeating my new mantra.  Like a lullaby, soon the words create an altered state, gradually feeling like an extension of myself.

The arrangement of sounds plays its destined role:  Om rolls off my tongue, unfolding like scrolls of promise all around me; my money awareness is magnified by the upward inflection of brzee; my whole being exhales namaha.

Suddenly a tone from my headset alerts me to a call, jarring me from my short reverie.  Amazingly, the name that pops up on my screen is “Brzuszkiewicz.”  Note the first three letters:  Brz – as in Brzee Brzee Brzee. I notice the three Zs in Brzuszkiewicz.  I’m fairly confident pronouncing odd names, so I ask for the prospect with a smile, “May I speak with Mrs. Bre-zes-keh-veetz?”

When synchronicity speaks, I listen.  The correspondence of Brzee and Brzuszkiewicz amplifies a realisation that financial recovery and balance will come through publishing my work in book form.  I know this because in the course of our conversation, Mrs. Brzuszkiewicz explains that she and her husband owned Hathshepsut Press, spelling it out letter by letter.

I recognise the word as Egyptian but don’t know what it means.  After the call I search the internet for Hathshepsut, but oddly find no mention of any similarly-named publishing house.  Instead I’m guided toward the more common spelling of Hatshepsut, and learn that she was an Egyptian pharaoh reigning in the 15th century BCE.

Hatshepsut was a powerful woman who didn’t just sit on ideas; she accomplished many great things.  What would Hatshepsut have said?  What would she have done?  Do it.  Just do it.  What are you waiting for?

I reach up and take hold of the 2009 Writer’s Market that’s been gathering dust on top of my hard drive and begin the process…


Mid-Continent US Earthquakes Increasing Since Haiti Quake

Tuesday, January 19th, 2010



Seismograph, 2005. Courtesy

Is Increased Seismic Activity Related to Solar Cycle 24???

The Denver Post reported yesterday that “Yellowstone National Park has been rattled by more than 250 earthquakes in the past two days following a period of 11 months of quiet seismic activity in the park. The quakes have been gaining strength, with a magnitude 3.1 tremor recorded at 11:03 a.m…. Prof. Robert B. Smith, a geophysicist at the University of Utah and one of the leading experts on earthquake and volcanic activity at Yellowstone, said that the activity is a ‘notable swarm.'” Read more.

As I’ve been writing this article today, I’ve noticed that most recently a new Post article has come out that relays information easily obtained on the USGS website, indicating two new, stronger tremors just this afternoon that seem to be creeping toward the 4.0 mark  – see here.

Certainly Yellowstone sees its share of mild earthquakes during these occasional swarms, but as the Denver Post pointed out, this surge of recent and increasing activity follows a relatively-quiet period, so I’m monitoring the USGS earthquake activity site, which shows today that a stronger earthquake hit Yellowstone early this morning, the 19th, registering a 3.4 on the Richter Scale.

I’ve actually been writing this article all day during lulls at work today, and I’ve just learned that a couple hours ago, at about 3 PM Mountain Time (Tuesday the 29th), there were two more temblors at Yellowstone, each bigger than before, both registering a more interesting magnitude 3.6.

If I were scheduled for a Yellowstone vacation, you can bet I’d be postponing it as of today!

We may be the beginning of a somewhat disturbing trend….

In summary: the current Yellowstone swarm intensified yesterday – the same day that northern New Mexico recorded an unusually strong temblor of magnitude 4.1 (or thereabout).   And just three days prior to that, on the 15th, Oklahoma recorded its strongest quake in over 10 years, a magnitude 4.0.

This activity highlights a cluster of increased-magnitude quakes over the central United States, coinciding with the horrific Haiti earthquake on the 12th.

“There is absolutely no connection between what is occurring in Yellowstone and the magnitude 7.0 earthquake in Haiti,” reported the Denver Post. “They are completely different systems,” doctoral student Jamie Farrell told the Post. “They are not related.”

Farrell’s assertion that the earthquakes are not related because they “are completely different systems,” indicates that he’s referring to a the absence of a clear tectonic plate link.  I suspect that a different link exists between the devastating Haitian quake and the subsequent increased activity in the west-central United States during the past week, having less to do with a crustal continuity of fault lines and much more with other correlating factors which are ultimately much more difficult, if not impossible, to dismiss.  (See my post just prior to this one.)

Here’s what I’m noticing:  we’ve got quite a cluster of earthquakes going, their outbursts coinciding with active solar windstorms exerting pressure on the Earth’s fragile crust.  We should not underestimate the strength of the Sun’s awakening and its effects on Earth as a geomagnetic system – literally, to our planet’s very core.  People pay attention to the beautiful affects of solar wind; the northern lights, for instance, have been extraordinarily active in the past couple of days – but is their enchanting display lulling us into the arms of a present danger?

A few of you have probably heard that the Norway Spiral that heralded the beginning of Europe and Asia’s unseasonably snowy and cold winter may have been the result of human tampering (oh my) of the HAARP variety, puncturing the thermosphere and allowing an outflow of heat (thus, Europe’s deep freeze) and creating a window for solar wind to slam into the Earth’s crust.

I’m no scientist, but I’m thinking cosmic geomagnetic interactions between the Sun and the Earth could be impacting the molten core of Earth in ways that we could not have predicted – at the apparent dawning of Solar Cycle 24’s Solar Max.

If the thermosphere has indeed been breached and the inner core of our planet is abuzz with a polar shift accelerated by solar wind, then what possible effects could that have on the core and crust in totality?  Not just fault lines that can be connected like dots on graph paper?  Could Yellowstone’s ancient, restless magma be ready to bust at the seams?  Let’s hope not.

At this writing these mid-continent North American earthquakes are notable in both number and size, and all indications are that they’re growing.  Stay tuned!


PS – For all you armchair seismologists out there, take out your US map.  Put a dot on the map a bit west of Raton, NM and another dot just to the SE of West Yellowstone, MT, where two of the strongest US quakes in the last few days have happened.  Notice that the line runs through Craig, CO – where a good-sized quake made the news last August, 2009.  Hmmm…