Archive for the ‘synchronicity’ Category

Crop Circles as Waveguides – Magnifying the Mystical

Tuesday, April 28th, 2009

Ridgeway - Preliminary Diagram by Andreas Muller

Ridgeway - Preliminary Diagram by Andreas Muller

I’ve deleted my last two posts on this subject, combined them and added something new, so that in this post everything’s finally all together.  When I saw the first crop circle of 2009, I immediately noticed its similarity to an important formation in North Dakota in 2000.  As stated in one of my prior articles, peculiar echoes from the Thompson formation of 2000 are evident in the Ridgeway formation of 2009…and I’d like to know why.

For comparison and contrast, three images accompany this post:

  • My diagram of the Thompson, ND, United States, “Circle in Parentheses,” of late summer 2000
  • Andreas Muller’s diagram of the 2009 Ridgeway formation near Avebury
  • Peter Sorensen’s uncorrected photography of the 2009 Ridgeway formation

What I intend to argue is that the much-acclaimed Ridgeway Waveguide appears to carry on a theme that started with the little-known Thompson formation nearly a decade ago.  If any doubt remains that the crop circles are somehow related, the “error” in one of the Ridgeway arcs (corrected in Andreas’ diagram and in Peter’s PhotoShopped stills, not shown here) hints that the tapered arc is not only intentional, but may even be a radical point (no pun intended) – and thus, it shouldn’t be disregarded as a mere mistake.

1)  My Thompson diagram is a bit rough-looking, but accurate. Extensive ground measurements and compass bearings taken throughout this large, if simple, formation, show the circle hugged by two arcs – three of the ends perpendicular, and one tapered.  I followed the tapered arc with dowsing rods, and was strongly guided toward the inner circle, where between the taper and the circle in the stubbled wheatfield (which had been harvested without any media hoopla) was a beautifully swirled grapeshot, probably no more than 18 inches in diameter.   The Thompson formation was significantly larger than the Ridgeway formation, though less intricate – and the firmly pressed wheat left no question that the taper was indeed part of the design.

2)  Andreas Muller’s diagram of the 2009 Ridgeway formation is enchanting.  (Reproduced with permission.  See Andreas’ website at  The design really does seem to reference a waveguide, as Simeon Hein ( pointed out when he reported on the first crop circle of the 2009 season.  The diagram, although preliminary, probably won’t be changed much, if at all, due to its aesthetic appeal as is – although I’d like to see the tapered arc that we can confirm was there, as seen in Peter Sorensen’s unretouched stills of the Ridgeway formation – next:

3)  Here’s one of Peter’s “raw” stills, with which I’ve taken the liberty to enhance the contrast in order to better show the tapered arc that Peter edited out of his final photographic versions of the Ridgeway crop circle, which can be seen at his website: Quoting Peter from personal correspondence, “The picture I sent around to be posted on my web page yesterday did NOT show the detail you were interested in, because (as I so often do) I had fixed what we circlemakers would call an error — the crooked end of the arc.”  (Despite the heightened contrast, the tapered arc is still somewhat difficult to see – in part due to the shot’s angle as well as the flowering rapeseed in which the Ridgeway formation appeared.  In this photo, it’s in the arc nearest the inner circle on the right side.  Nick Nicholson’s image, available in the 2009 archives via membership at the Crop Circle Connector website, more clearly shows the remarkable similarity – with the taper clearly opposing the expected geometry, exactly as in the Thompson formation.)

What I’ve noticed from my 14 years of crop circle studies is that all the formations that have resonated most strongly with me have been touched by some kind of “magic.”  These clues range from instantaneous healing, as in the Bishops Cannings formation, to amazing synchronicities interwoven on many levels of experience over time, as with the Inman, Kansas formation and the three North Dakota formations (of which Thompson was one).

Unless it’s just a simple coincidence that both formations show very similar geometry (to start with, simply put an “X” through the inner circle to find the ends of all the arcs) as well as what I consider a very-telling “error,” i.e., the tapered arc in both formations, then we must consider these surface aspects to be intentional and therefore something to be included in any serious contemplation of the phenomenon’s deeper implications.


My article “More Crop Circle Synchronicities – North Dakota, 2000” details that entire whirlwind expedition to Langdon and Thompson, ND, fraught with wild synchronicities and enigmatic clues.  If you’d like to more fully appreciate my fascination with the Ridgeway Waveguide, please take time to read that post.

Fractalised Thought as Another Possible Causal Factor in Synchronicity

Sunday, April 12th, 2009

(Here I present another highly-speculative idea.  In response to my cohort Mike’s recent post titled “Neuron-Like Nature of the Internet,” which can be read at, I have retrieved and revised some prior writings of my own originally published back in early 2007.  Thanks for the inspiration, Mike!)

Part One

An old friend asked me if I thought there might be a connection between fractals and synchronicity.  As we spoke I realised that our conversation was “fractalising,” or creating related branches of thought from which other little branches of thought sprouted, and so on.  I suddenly realised that our thoughts are capable of sending out dynamic neural impulses, resulting in cascading, near-infinite whorls of information exhibiting both independence and connectivity.

Now, in order to imagine how a “thought fractal” could be implicated in the seemingly-spontaneous creation of reality – which I think synchronicity quite effectively represents – we must agree that thought has mass, which is something we can’t prove, but we can imagine.  A thought fractal, or for that matter, any information fractal (e.g., in Mike’s post, one created and/or maintained and/or grown via the internet) would naturally increase in area, if not so much in size, just like any fractal does.

If we accept that thoughts have mass, we’ll also accept that a fractalising thought’s gravity would increase correspondingly.  The entire system of ideas or thought, and of each fractal “arm” within its matrix, would be an expansive area onto which outside information may be drawn by gravitational pull.  In other words, the more massive the thought fractal (i.e., the more complex – like an intense series of thoughts leading up to an epiphany, for instance, or the internet’s ever-growing reach and effect), the more likely that synchronicities, which are among reality’s most enigmatic creations, would result….

Synchronicity truly is a natural result of the scenario I’ve imagined, for all fractals return again and again to their original form. A Mandelbrot set, for example, starts out with a relatively simple shape, which becomes more complex through a series of chaotic manifestations of curves and angles, ultimately coming back to the exact form from whence it started, continuing on infinitely.  What I’m suggesting is that fractalised thought, through a similar process, draws toward it the very “ideas” or thoughts with which it began – thus, synchronicity.

As a very brief example, today at work I came across the last name “Roos.”  I often see names that are new or unusual, but in this case I spent a few extra moments thinking about the name – adding a bit of mass to the thought, perhaps – imagining that the surname might be pronounced “Rose.”  When, just this evening, reading a book published in 1966, considering this article that I’ve been so focussed on writing for hours, to read about an out-of-body experience by one Miss Roos didn’t come as a true surprise.

Once a thought begins to compartmentalise and branch off into new connections (much like the activity that takes place on the internet) it is thus “fractalised.”  The concept thereby becomes more massive, and its gravitational pull correspondingly strengthens – and sometimes this would conceivably result in a domino-effect cascade.  The source of the pulled-in information to which I refer is unknown; I can only imagine that it’s the product of some form of intelligence, innate or acquired.

That said, if we hold the concept that synchronicity may be a product of what we might call “the mass of thought,” we wouldn’t necessarily have to agree that synchronicity is exclusively caused by the gravity of dynamic information fractals, but only that gravity appears to play a role in some cases of synchronicity.

Likewise, intention isn’t a part of the equation.  Chaos reorders itself quite effectively without outside intervention.  I strongly feel that intention may distort or even completely disable, via an artificial attempt to insert order into chaos, a tendency toward synchronicity.  Yet, unlike mere coincidence, the unexpected collision of events in a meaningful way seems to involve more than mere chance.  Gravity seems to be a likely causal factor – but again, only if we allow ourselves to imagine that thought has mass.

Part Two (accompanied by endnotes)

A clearcut distinction between gravity and intention is important to the preceding theory.  Take the example of an apple clinging to the branch of a tree (1).  For some time, the fruit’s stem is strong enough to withstand the pull of Earth’s gravity.  The apple does not rationally hang on to the tree for dear life (though the research of Cleve Backster may throw that assumption into doubt), but at some point the connection between the stem and the branch from whence it grew deteriorates to the point that the apple disengages and drops to the ground.  By what curiously appears to be intelligent by design, the apple simply falls at its peak of ripeness.

To illustrate how “thought molecules” rather than intention can draw true synchronicity into the realm of one’s reality, let’s next imagine a popular story about Isaac Newton.  To preface this example, recall that Jung noted that synchronicity tends to happen more frequently in times of intense intellectual, spiritual, and/or emotional states.  Now visualise Newton sitting under an apple tree, lost in thought, his mind racing with examples of something he couldn’t explain – perhaps why, that very morning, when he lost his grip on his quill pen, it dropped to the table, spattering ink droplets all over his desk and generally causing a mess (2).

Suddenly an apple falls, bopping him on the head, and from that experience Newton deduces there’s a relationship between the mass of one thing (the earth) and another thing (the apple) which ends up becoming a radical key to understanding the nature of gravity’s enigmatic prowess.

The timing of the apple falling from the tree points to synchronicity, which is much more than a mere coincidence, since in this example the action directly corresponds to Newton’s thought process.  Now, if he had been sitting under the tree trying to remember a childhood friend’s name (3), we might call the apple falling nothing at all – perhaps not even a coincidence of note. The apple falling would have been as mundane as a butterfly fluttering by at the same time, or an ant traversing his shoe.

Rather than being a case of true synchronicity or even one of mere coincidence, the situation could be deemed serendipitous had Newton just realised how long it had been since he’d eaten a meal….

( 1)  the use of the word clinging anthropomorphises the apple; the same situation might have been described with the tree clinging to the apple, finally letting go – which would then anthropomorphise the tree.
( 2 ) gravity!
( 3 ) that is, assuming the friend’s name wasn’t Apple  ; )


Doug Bower – Crop Circle Trickster At Large

Sunday, April 5th, 2009

The time has come for me to tell my trickster tale.  I’ve been holding on to this one because, while I can see what the trickster represented, it’s been more difficult putting into words why I believe he appeared to me – and in the form he took:  Doug Bower.

During my late twenties I was undergoing huge transformations in my life, none more important than my ongoing romance with crop circles which began in 1995.  A preface to this trickster tale, my prior post entitled “Pleiadean Communication and Crop Circles,” describes how – apparently by design – I was prepared for and ushered into the study and experience of crop circles.

Synchronicity goes hand in hand with the crop circle experience, at least for me and several of my croppie buddies.  And in my view, many of the shapes themselves are archetypal in a way, resonating within many of us as an undeciphered but deeply meaningful language.

With all these Jungian concepts floating around, it’s no surprise that the trickster would show up somewhere in the mix.  I don’t quite understand the trickster phenomenon, but people all around the world for all of time have reported it, so I take what I experienced in late summer of 1995 seriously.  Again, what it means, and why it happened…I can only speculate.

I was standing in line at the supermarket in Emporia, Kansas, probably lost in thought.  The crop circles had pretty much come in and swept me up in their magic earlier that year, and they were about all I could think about.  The synchronicities, the beauty and the fun – I just couldn’t seem to get enough.  But of course grocery shopping must go on.

A tap on my shoulder made me turn around.  First I saw a hand holding out a piece of paper:  my shopping list, which I’d apparently dropped.  I took it, saying “thanks” before getting a look at this good samaritan behind me. When I finally did look up to meet his eyes – no exaggeration here – I nearly fainted.  I can only imagine the look on my face as I realised that there behind me was Doug Bower himself – or someone or something who looked exactly like him, complete with a knowing smirk and twinkling eyes.

For a few timeless seconds this trickster engaged me in an unspoken dialogue.  Like the meanings coded in the crop circles themselves, the trickster’s actions and words must be deciphered by each experiencer.  I know this much:  I didn’t get any negative vibe from him.  What I sensed was that he knew what I was up to, and that he appreciated my excitement and dedication to the crop circles – a phenomenon with which, by now, everyone associated him.

He knew I recognised him as well, which certainly seemed to please him –  moreso, I’d guess, since prior to the Inman crop circle months before I’d never even heard of him!  Everyone I talked with seemed to know all about the “two old fellows from the pub” who claimed to be the source of all the hubbub – whereas I’d barely heard of crop circles, let alone Doug and Dave, until early 1995, when I read Circular Evidence and then wished for and received the Inman crop circle.  (My unbiased wonder about the subject, untainted by misinformation, made me wonder if that’s why I was gifted with the Inman formation … but that’s another story.)

He and I didn’t exchange words, but I’ll never forget the smile in his eyes as he handed me my shopping list.  Here was Doug Bower, trickster at large, appearing in a small-town Kansas supermarket on a hot summer afternoon.  Who would’ve thought?  Confronting me was the trickster himself, better known for teasing or attempting to throw one off track, instead appearing to offer me a bit of recognition and encouragement, and adding yet another layer of magic to the mystery.

But perhaps I misread the entire event.  In handing me my dropped slip of paper, was his gesture simply a peace offering in disguise?  There’s something to think about….


My gracious thanks to whoever took the photo of Doug.  I pulled it off the internet, but there was no information attached about the photographer.  And thank you, Colin, for your curious yet not so surprising addition to the story!

Omniscient Interdimensional Causality in Extraordinary Experience

Monday, March 30th, 2009

Many of my posts here at Inter-Intelligence Communications relate to synchronicity, and of course to crop circles as well.  Many of us drawn into the mysteries of the crop circles share a propensity toward noticing synchronicities – not just little, notable coincidences that happen here and there, but BIG ones, the kind that make you stand back and say, “How could that be?

So I’ve wondered a lot, studied Jung’s works a bit, and have concluded that the “why” part of the equation is easier to explain – though still up for discussion. To me, in agreement with Jung, these “wake-up calls” seem to be guideposts or signs that we’re on the right path (or in the case of the trickster phenomenon, an attempt to throw us off course – an example of which I’ll describe in an upcoming article). Yet I haven’t found any convincing explanations for how synchronicities and similar unexplained phenomena come about, though ideas like the collective unconscious, morphic fields, and akashic records are reasonable to ponder.

Some of the most incredible and inexplicable of my experiences happened around the time that I was first drawn in to interactions with the crop circles and their makers back in 1995 – definitely a time when I was highly energised and distinctly felt infused by an “other,” complementary intelligence. Fourteen years later, I’ve come up with a theory that’s fun to contemplate, if not especially scientific.

If you’d like to read on, an open mind will come in handy, as will the following definitions of a few key terms as they will be used here:

1) Interdimensional refers to an intelligence of unknown nature, whether physical (in the common use of the word) or extramundane, which may from time to time coexist with humans. The interdimensional may be seen or unseen, and may be present with or without a human awareness of its presence.

2)  Omniscient means knowing much, much more than most modern humans, but not necessarily everything, i.e., the word isn’t used in the traditional religious sense as an adjective describing “God.”  What is required for my theory is simply an acceptance that omniscience refers to a knowingness far beyond the general human ability to comprehend.

3)  Vibration (or “frequency”) is used to describe what I visualise as a morphing toroid loop representing the continual action of various energies and processes – such as light, electromagnetic, and biochemical – affecting cellular structure and DNA, and the subsequent action of the changed material on those energies and processes in turn, and so on, ad infinitum.

Putting into words some of the anticipated cascading developments and implications of these ideas has been a fun, if arduous, process.  Still, the theory itself is pretty basic and straightforward at this point.  I hope to continue to explore and refine it over time as new insights spring forth.  As always, feedback is welcome.


Extraordinary phenomena such as synchronicity and deja vu are generally accepted as real events.  I’d bet that most by-the-book scientists have experienced the odd sensation known as deja vu, though most of them would show little public interest in pondering how or why they occur.  Just the same, many theories have been devised in an attempt to explain these phenomena, but none have been proven, nor do I expect will mine.  But there must be some explanation….

Major synchronicities seem to happen, or be recognised at least, by certain people more than others.  Simply put, I think there’s a correlation between the vibration (or “frequency”) of those individuals and their proclivity to experience what is commonly known as “paranormal” or “supernatural” phenomena.  The higher one’s vibration, i.e., the more active one’s biophysical and bioenergetic fields, the more energetic the morphing toroid previously described.

If we accept that energy can be captured, utilised, transformed, and released by humans, perhaps we can also accept that, in keeping with Jung’s observation that synchronicity tends to happen more frequently during periods of great intensity in one’s life, other extraordinary activity may also wax and wane in accordance to life events. (In past writings I’ve wondered if some unknown gravitational effect is involved, but I won’t go into all the details here.)

When our vibration is stimulated, as some individuals seem to perpetually exhibit, we may not even be aware of the cause.  For instance, falling in love or experiencing a life-altering epiphany may lead to biochemical changes experienced primarily “under the radar.”  I’ve noticed that when my vibration “feels” positively charged, streetlights blink out one after the other as I drive under them, which again hints at a possible gravitational effect involving, perhaps, a heightened electromagnetic frequency.

On the other hand, intentional physical practices like Qigong and Holotropic Breathwork can alter one’s bioenergetic state.  And entheogens such as DMT or psilocybin are known to radically alter our biochemistry with mystical results.  Some researchers have speculated that interdimensional portals may be opened by these methods; in other words, that certain activities or substances may be utilised specifically to become aware of and/or influenced by extraordinary realms of reality – and, in my view, to excite our vibration.

Humans have used various consciousness-altering techniques for at least thousands of years.  Nearly-identical, detailed cave paintings dating back circa 40,000 years have been inexplicably found on various continents.  Were certain techniques used to produce higher vibratory states, at which point a distinct frequency was achieved allowing omniscient, interdimensional beings to “tune in” and even inhabit the seeker or shaman, effectively providing “supernatural” guidance, knowledge, and insight independent of other contemporary seekers in far-distant lands?

Those who experience extraordinary reality today don’t necessarily identify as shamans or even seekers; in fact, just about everyone has experienced deja vu, which I feel can also be explained by in omniscient interdimensional “intrusion,” if you will.  I’ve talked with many people about their sense of deja vu, and most seem to believe during a deja vu, they’re living out something they’d previously dreamed.  But few of those people take a step further back and question how they managed to have a precognitive dream, which necessarily implies a supernatural cause – ESP.

I suggest that during deja vu, our vibration is actually acting as a magnet for omniscient interdimensionals to somehow interface with us on some kind of intellectual, cellular, or even quantum level, allowing us a momentary look into the future.  Likewise, to activate a synchronicity, an omniscient interdimensional may temporarily inhabit us, effectively guiding us to the exact location and circumstance that we will later call a “one in a billion chance.”  Are these experiences mere chance, though?  Or is the Cosmos speaking to us via omniscient interdimensionals that we may not directly sense, but that may nonetheless directly affect our actions and perceptions?


(Search keywords for several related articles posted here.)

UFO Encounter in an Idaho Crop Circle

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009

Small Grey Disk Observes Me in Teton, Idaho Formation

In August of 2002, I heard about a new crop circle in the United States – in Idaho, of all places.  Sure, it was a long, long drive….but I hadn’t been to a crop circle for 2 years, and after talking with the farmer about the scene, I couldn’t resist the opportunity.

Okay.  I’ve got wheels, if no air-conditioner.  If I leave Denver before sunrise, I’ll be in the crop circle by mid-afternoon.

The circle just outside of the tiny town of Teton greeted me with a hot, dry, windy, exhilarating mess of dust and wheatchaff.  I was able to get a general feel for the formation, but I was tired, hungry, sticky, and unable to do my work with several visitors milling about.  The next morning would be better for measuring and dowsing.

But that first day, I was able to at least navigate the long path through the quite impressive crop circle, with twelve circles and rings in all.  Camcorder in hand, I documented each step.  Some of the best footage is from outside the formation itself, like the distinct starting swirl at the edge of an otherwise messy patch of so-called “wind damage” nearby.

A farm family offered me dinner and a place to clean up and rest overnight.  I was up and out the door before 8 o’clock the next morning, knowing I had hours of work ahead of me, measuring and diagramming the intricate formation.

Walking through the wheat this time, there were no people and not a breath of wind.  A few little birds flew nearby, chirping in the cool air.  Now, this is what I had come for: a chance to immerse myself peacefully in the crop circle energy and do my work undisturbed.

The size of the formation was somewhat daunting, so I took a few minutes to revel in the energy before getting started.  My rucksack held a pencil, notebook, tape measure, compass, dowsing rods, zip-lock bags, scissors, and permanent marker.  I needed to examine each component, noting its lay pattern and swirl direction, taking measurements and compass bearings.  Then, I’d have to painstakingly collect numerous samples.  So I was intently focused on my work.

Because I didn’t feel like lugging everything around, I left my camcorder, 35mm camera, and binoculars in the middle of the large central circle.  Believe you me, it wouldn’t take long before I would sorely regret that choice.

I was working in the southernmost circle when something amazing, astonishing, and very-nearly unbelievable happened – something I believe evidences a radical piece of the crop circle puzzle, and something I will never, ever forget:  I looked up to see that while I was observing the crop circle, a small UFO was observing me!

The disk was perhaps the diameter of a basketball, if I am guessing its altitude correctly – it was likely no more than a hundred yards above me; probably even half that distance away.  I was frozen, jaw dropped, gazing in wonder at what was apparently a “probe” type of saucer.  The small craft hovered and moved gently in the air directly overhead, completely silent.

Against the deep, early morning blue of the sky, the dull grey of the disk didn’t stand out; instead, the intensity of the two colours was virtually identical.  I seem to have a gift for looking in the right place at the right time, and small discrepancies catch my attention, so it was very clear to me.

I got the distinct feeling it was observing me working.  If I could relive that moment, I’d have stayed there and attempted to communicate with it.  Instead, in the excitement of the moment, I dropped the pencil and notepad and sprinted like I haven’t since high school into the central circle to grab anything – I think I was going for the binocs, but I don’t remember.  All I know is this formation was so large it probably took just under 10 seconds to get to the middle, and when I looked up, the UFO was gone.

Of course, my first thought was that I scared it away.  Talk about a tough lesson!  Then again, perhaps my jackrabbit sprint made it think that it scared me instead – I don’t know.  But it was gone, and I didn’t see it again, though I scanned the vast blue sky for several minutes afterward.

I never got those wheat samples tested, though I believe they’re still viable.  Remarkable synchronicities were reported by others who were involved in the observation and study of the Teton formation, and anomalous lights were seen over the area before it was found.  I feel this formation was probably non-human made, but can’t be sure.

What about the flying saucer….?  Did the UFO have something to do with the formation’s creation, or was it simply observing me as I went about my work?  Was it a terrestrial object, or was it an extraterrestrial or interdimensional vehicle?  Was I being mindscanned?  Getting a DNA adjustment?

Time may provide us some clues….but just perhaps, the connection between people, UFOs, and crop circles will remain a delightful enigma to entertain our developing, inquisitive minds.  And perhaps an inter-intelligence dialogue, with a language all its own, is meant to be at the heart of the mystery.


Interacting with the Subtle Energies of Crop Circles

Saturday, February 14th, 2009

(Note:  Visual media links are provided after the article.)

My friend Simeon Hein recently posted a video on YouTube as part of an interview series titled “Crop Circles, Remote Viewing, and UFO Disclosure.”  In this segment he shows a page from his book Opening Minds on which is printed a series of drawings from my 1997 crop circle field notes.  The example he uses is additional validation of my belief that we can interact with subtle energies associated with crop circles.

With such an elusive and essentially personal phenomenon, I can only share my perceptions as I explicate my own experience.  I feel my ideas are of value to the ongoing study of consciousness and crop circles.  In that spirit, Simeon’s video spurred me to tell the story of what happened to me in the Upham Goddess formation, which highlights a subjective feature of the phenomenon experienced by almost everyone who interacts with them on more than a superficial level.

Few people had been able to visit the Upham Goddess, so called due to shape as well as its remote location and lack of good roads beyond the land owner’s home.   I’d like to add my further interpretation of the symbol.  The Goddess is very near a slight indention in the field, visible only from the air, which I’m told is the remnant of a World War II bomb explosion.  In its position near the crater, I see this formation as the Goddess Mother recognising, with healing energy, the artificial chaos men create and leave behind.

As I was meditating in one of the small circles marking the end of the outline of the Goddess I began viewing “eyelid movies,” i.e., what we see on the inside of our closed eyes during trance or meditation.  First I saw a vivid swirling pattern, and then I saw two arcs pointing outward with a dot in the middle.

In Simeon’s video, he mentions that I drew the Goddess formation and a couple of weeks later it showed up.  Actually, I was meditating in the Goddess formation when I visualised the other shapes I drew, which then appeared in a formation found a few days later – the morning I left Heathrow on my way back to the United States.

Simeon calls this an instance of “precognitive remote viewing.” I feel a more radical point is that when we are infused with crop circle energy, whether physically or psychically, in this dimension or in another, we can become transceivers capable of intimate interactions with subtle realms and realities.  Perhaps we enter portals of access to non-linear, holographic mind.  In any case, it appears that a consciousness connection links some people with the circles and  their creative force, allowing and even encouraging extraordinary inter-intelligence communication.


Eventually I’ll figure out how to get video, photos, and diagrams posted directly onto my site, but for now you’ll have to follow the links to see what I’m describing:

1)  Simeon Hein’s CCTV interview, part 4: (I recommend the entire series, but the part especially relevant to this story appears between the 7- and 8-minute marks.)
2)  The “Upham Goddess” formation:
3)  The crop circle resembling what I viewed during meditation in the “Goddess:”

More Crop Circle Synchronicities – North Dakota, 2000

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009


NOTE:  All three circle diagrams can be found at Paul Vigay’s archives by year and location:  2000, North Dakota.  (Paul was a shining star – he will remain a shining star – Stace, 22 February 2009.)

My first trip to visit US crop circles after Inman in 1995 and travelling to England in 1997 took me from Denver to just shy of the Canadian border in North Dakota and back – in one weekend.

That expedition in late summer of 2000 brought more transformative synchronicities, adding to the ones I described in my prior post Pleiadean Communication and Crop Circles.

How deeply these synchronicities affect me and my world is hard to describe – although I’ll try my best.

The trip from Denver to Langdon and back took all of about 57 hours – about 35 of which was spent driving.  We put almost 2500 miles on the car.   I got only a few hours sleep total over those three nights: none on Friday night, perhaps three hours on Saturday night, and an hour or two on Monday morning before work.

Wow. What a drive. Good thing my friend Lyn was with me to help out – and it was her first visit to a crop circle!

Back to synchronicity…..

The first synchronicity was when I realised that there was a new crop circle in the US in Langdon, North Dakota. Yes, it was far, far away – but 16 years earlier I had graduated high school at a very small school at Langdon, Kansas. So my ears perked up.

Langdon is not a common place name, as I found out while searching through the atlas during the 17 hour drive to Langdon. Between the lines I could make out a message from the circle makers, “Now you’ve got your education, so put it to use!”

Turns out that Langdon, North Dakota, at -98.368W longitude, is almost precisely north of Langdon, Kansas, which sits at -98.325W longitude. I tried to figure out how far off an exact longitude line that would place each small town, and so far I haven’t come up with a conclusive figure – though it can’t be more than a handful of miles.

So we arrive in Langdon around 3 PM local time Saturday, and I call farmer Ullyott again (I’d of course called him they day before, to get permission to go into his field.)  He met up with us several miles north of Langdon and we walked out into the crop circle, which couldn’t be seen from the road, being a few hundred yards out into the wheat at the top of a small rise in the otherwise flat landscape.

Although I hadn’t slept for over 30 hours, my energy was stoked as we made our way through the long-awaited, familiar sound of wind-brushed, ripening wheat, which swayed like hula skirts around our legs.

Most of the wheat was laid flat to the ground in this dumbbell-shaped formation – similar in many ways to the Inman circle, the “Tractor” (again, referenced in “Pleiadean Communication…”) – but hundreds of standing stalks caught my attention upon first entering the formation.

In many crop circles, both human made and non-human made, the downed wheat will stand back up fairly quickly due to the plant’s innate desire for sunlight, growth, and photosynthesis. In this case, the standing stalks were more numerous than in other circles I’d seen, but seemingly randomly placed within the formation.

Examining them carefully at the base I could see that these stalks appeared to have never been flattened; somehow, they were simply left standing.

The largest circle in this formation was where I found a good-sized chunk of granite – pink, black, and white – sitting on top of the dirt in the exact center of downed wheat. The stone dowsed very, very strongly for many months. Over the years the energy has gradually attenuated, mellowing like brown on wood, the dowsing rods reacting differently today than then.

The Bata circle, a few miles south and west of Langdon, was our second stop.  This second one resembled, to some, a flowerpot (which I never quite understood); to others, it was a microscope.  In this formation Lyn and I were sitting in the center of a radially-splayed circle and found a huge ladybug crawling up my arm.  Its right wing was distorted.  On closer look it appeared that the wing itself had been singed, shrunken and curled around the edges – yet the ladybug was full of life.  She was definitely something to behold.

After the unslept rush of immersion in the crop circle energy, I remember the frenzy of mosquitoes buzzing the field just after the sun slipped past the horizon.  We were exhausted, yet incredibly energised at the same time.  By nightfall we’d visited and documented two powerful, yet very different, crop circles.

By the time we’d done as much as possible with the second crop circle, night was falling and as mosquito-laden as we could bear.  We decided to go to dinner, chat with some folks about our work, and try to get a few hours sleep.

We had to leave for Denver before sunrise, so the third Langdon circle was out of reach.  But..that night we heard rumours that a new crop circle had also been spotted at Thompson, just south of Grand Forks – which we would drive past on our way home the next morning.  So despite the 17 hour drive we faced the next day, we decided to take a slight detour to the small town of Thompson to look for the rumoured fourth crop circle.

It was just after sunrise on Sunday morning when we arrived at Grand Forks, within elevator-sighting distance of Thompson, and I don’t recall seeing any cars on the road on the way to the newspaper office. They hadn’t answered their phone earlier.  And then nobody was there when we arrived and knocked on the door and phoned again, so we went on to Thompson without a location or anyone to contact.

Thompson’s a small town with a 3- or 4- barrel grain elevator.  It’s a very sleepy Sunday morning town.

Lyn and I drove for miles looking for the crop circle, but we knew we were talking a good hundred or more square miles land unseen by air.  Each glance into the flat fields was roulette.  Then finally something yawned awake in the northern prairie:  the sun came out suddenly and filled everything with “wakey wakey!”  And finally we had a few people trickling into town to talk to, to find out at last where the crop circle was…

….but no one had heard of it.

After asking everyone we could if they knew of it, or if they knew what a crop circle was, and getting only dumbfounded gestures in response, Lyn had started the car, turned up the music, and had the A/C on full blast.  I had one foot in the car, disappointed and deflated after the anticipation of getting into one more circle before heading back to Denver.

Remember, by now it must’ve been around 8 o’clock and we still had a good 15 hours of driving to go to get home.

“Just a minute. Just one more…”

I walked over to the fellow putting gas in his old pickup. This guy had long hair pulled back in a ponytail, wore a plaid shirt and cowboy boots, and wasn’t looking up for anything. A dog, a border collie mix perhaps, peeked out the back window from the cab, practically wagging the truck.

“Hello there – my friend and I have come from Denver to investigate crop circles in Langdon, up north, and we’re heading home now – and we’ve got a really long drive ahead of us today – but we heard there was a crop circle at Thompson and we’ve got to find it if at all possible. Have you heard of it?”

He continued pumping gas, ver-r-r-r-ry slowly lifting his head so that his eyes were almost level with mine. “It’s in a field across from my house.”

I had hit pay dirt!  WOW!  Even though the field had already been harvested, I knew that the crop circle would still be there to experience, because flattened crop circles aren’t destroyed by combines.*

We followed Scott and his dog seven or eight miles in a slather of dust and chaff out west and south of town and right into a field.  Stubbled wheatstems polished the underside of the rental car as we drove a couple hundred yards to the circle that lay undisturbed on the ground, shining in the sun.

Thus begins the story of one fabulous crop circle near Thompson, ND, during the late summer of 2000.

A “Circle in Parentheses,” I call it.

Thompson, ND (copyright Stace Tussel)

Thompson, ND (copyright Stace Tussel)

The farmer, John Adams, had been harvesting the field a few days earlier when he came across the circle, which had apparently been undetected until then. He felt a strange energy emanating from the pattern, and so did his wife Bonnie when he brought her back to see it before continuing the harvest.

Bonnie was having a hard time believing it wasn’t otherworldly. Her film came back with the photos just snapshots of yellow.  (My film was unproductive too.)

Years later, the shape and diagram of this crop circle resonates as strong as the day I walked into it.

I receive a message from this crop circle, gazing into the black cut-out of the “circle in parentheses.”  The synchronicities are so intricate and interwoven beyond what’s already described – and I can’t go into that here in this short post. Perhaps some other time.

I believe one use of parentheses is to highlight: 1) “A qualifying or amplifying word, phrase, or sentence inserted within written matter in such a way as to be independent of the surrounding grammatical structure.”

So the Thompson formation can be a message from the circlemakers that the true circles are always composed of circles. Also,

2) “A comment departing from the theme of discourse; a digression.”

There are various themes departing from the original phenomenon, but I figure that a central feature of the real circles is that circular geometry is *the* radical component of any true formation…


* Note: A year and some months later, I was again in North Dakota to film a TLC documentary: “Crop Circles: In Search of a Sign.”  We hadn’t included the Bata formation during filming, so I had a little time to myself that afternoon.  I found the little hill where the crop circle had lain, and held my dowsing rods out as I walked up to where I remember the circle had been.  It was tilled dirt with no sign of seedlings or anything green.  The sky was overcast.  And it was very cold, and windy – yet the dowsing was immensely strong – in fact there’d been very little attenuation at all.  Despite the blustery conditions, the rods clearly followed the intricate lay of the crop circle that had been plowed under many months before.

* Interestingly, the decomposition of the plants means that the wheat seeds from crop circles are naturally incorporated into the soil to germinate alongside the next planting.  More about that consideration in my article, with graphic, about the Herington, KS crop circle of 2006.

Pleiadean Communication and Crop Circles

Thursday, January 22nd, 2009

In the early- to mid-1990s I was going through an increase in anomalous encounters with what I consider non-human intelligence.  Interaction occurred primarily during the middle of the night, but I sensed interaction as well while I was listening to certain trance music through headphones – particularly “Pleiadean Communication” by A Positive Life.  In early June of 1995 I listened to it perhaps a hundred times, or more.

At the same time, numerous synchronicities involving the Pleiades came at me, and I distinctly felt that whatever was “visiting” me was Pleiadean in nature.  As the song infused me, something in me seemed to “click into place.”  I felt something special happening, but I didn’t know exactly what it was, or what it meant…but I was soon to find out.

On Friday evening, the 16th of June, my friend Sonja and I drove from Emporia, Kansas, where we were both attending college, to Topeka, to visit with a friend of hers that I’d never met before.  I believe his name was Michael.  He handed me a book called the Keys of Enoch (Enoch being a major pseudopigraphal work) and showed me some photos of southern England’s recent crop circles.

I’d only recently “discovered” crop circles, via the classic Circular Evidence by Colin Andrews and Pat Delgado, so I was interested in these designs which had apparently been evolving in complexity throughout the early 1990s.  But unlike the circles in the book, which were relatively simple in nature while showing anomalous details that seemed to eliminate humans as a factor in their creation, the circles Sonja’s friend showed me depicted undeniably intelligent designs. My impression of these complex circles was that they weren’t the real deal; surely the fancy ones were fakes.  But I kept that to myself.

As Michael handed me a full-colour calendar back from a prior year, with twelve beautiful photos including 1991’s famous Barbury Castle formation, I thought (with a touch of natural skepticism, I suppose):  “Show me one of these in Kansas, and then I’ll believe.”  Now, this is very important:  The time was about 10.30 on Friday night, 16 June 1995, and I was sitting in a stranger’s house on the west side of Topeka, Kansas, holding a calendar back, literally asking for a crop circle to investigate.  This, too, I kept to myself – or so I thought.

The next few days passed quickly.  My younger brother got married Saturday and my older brother and his family were visiting from Ohio.  So on Thursday morning, the 22nd of June – almost a week after I’d wished for a Kansas crop circle – we were all sitting around my mother’s dining room table in a small town in south-central Kansas.  Mom was looking at the Hutchinson News, and she read aloud, “Here, Stace – Crop Circle Mars Inman Wheat Field.”

There on the front page was a photo of a farmer standing in a brand new crop circle formation little more than an hour away from my mother’s house.  I wouldn’t normally have been at Mom’s house on a Thursday – what luck!  Within minutes I had phoned Mr Regier for permission to enter his field and directions to the site, packed the car with Dad’s tape measure and a camera, and said some quick good-bys.

Ironically, in the excitement of the moment, I had completely forgotten my request the Friday previous for a crop circle of my own to investigate.  More about confirmation later….

Because the crop circle had only been found on the 20th and reported in the news on the 22nd, my daughter and I were two of only a few people to have stepped into the formation. I felt a sense of elation and wonder that beautiful Thursday morning as I photographed and took measurements of the gleaming golden crop lay.  The ground details were beautiful.  I knew what to look for after having pored over Circular Evidence with such interest. I carefully inspected the entire formation, which stretched about 120 feet (about 36.5 metres) from east to west.  My daughter and I carefully measured each facet’s dimension, and I photographed and documented details like gap-seeking, isolated standing stalks, and underlying swirls.

The diagram I produced from measurements was painstakingly created from careful ground measurements; no aerial photo has ever been found. The crop circle shape resembles an old tractor:  a large circle to the east was connected by a thin path to a smaller circle to the west, which had another thin path leading directly north out of the smaller circle before jutting east, almost like an exhaust pipe.

The samples I collected of the affected and control wheat were sent to Michigan. WC Levengood,, confirmed that the sprouted wheat from the control samples grew normally, whereas the wheat from various points within the formation grew significantly more rapidly and evenly.

As I continued my investigation over the next several days, I interviewed a farmer named Chad who witnessed astonishing light phenomena that “made the hair on [his] arms stand on end.”  (Note: piezoelectric effect, perhaps?)  He was tilling a field on the warm, muggy night of June 16th, and at around 10.30, he suddenly saw a stationary row of several lights “like car headlights on dim” above the field across the road to his north, “stirring up dust.”  The strange lights “spooked” him, he said.  He turned the tractor around at the end of a row, looked back, and the lights were gone.  And four days later, on the 20th of June, Mr Regier found the crop circle in the exact spot Chad had seen the lights.

Was the timing mere coincidence?  I didn’t think so; 10.30 PM on the 16th of June was so specific that I had to take it personally. And something about the song “Pleiadean Communication” kept coming back to me….as though by listening to what I feel may have been channeled music I had entered a true trance state which had allowed an interface between myself and the circle makers.  That my request had apparently been answered immediately was notable.  But who knows – maybe I needed just a little more evidence….

To cement my knowledge that inter-intelligence communication had occurred between myself and the circle makers, a full year later in the summer of 1996 an even wilder synchronicity was revealed.  On a whim, I decided to take out a map of Kansas (82,282 square miles of land) and put a point on the map where I had originally wished for a crop circle and another where I had initially learned about the Inman formation.  With a ruler, I drew a straight line between the two points – a geographical distance of about 160 miles.  There, on the line, six miles east of Inman and a mile north on paved county roads, then a quarter mile back west on a dirt road, was the precise spot of the Inman formation.

So not only did the crop circle appear at the moment I wished for it, but it took the stylised form of the tractor on which rode the only known witness to its creation….and it appeared directly on an extraordinarily significant axis.  All of this without a word spoken – only a private wish calling out from deep within me.  Webster couldn’t do better at defining “communication.”  At that moment I beamed one of the biggest smiles of my life, I’m sure.

I feel sure the circle makers were smiling too…


NOTE:  My field report and diagram were published in the Summer 1996 issue of The Circular, a UK periodical now out of print.

The Cosmos “Neither Declares Nor Conceals”

Wednesday, December 24th, 2008

~ dedicated to the memory of Dev Hathaway

I can be a bit particular in my usage of certain terms. Recently my research has drawn me back to the subject of synchronicity, the mention of which often causes undue confusion. There are reasons why I use the words coincidence, serendipity, and synchronicity in very specific ways.

A bit of logic should silence all arguments: Yes, all synchronicities are coincidences, but not all coincidences are synchronicities.  Strictly speaking, any two things that happen concurrently form a coincidence, whether it carries any special meaning or not.   Serendipity is a step up – more like a lucky coincidence, but not out of the realm of everyday possibility.

By contrast, synchronicity is that rare coincidence that punctuates – with an exclamation point – a deeply meaningful coincidence, one that is so astonishingly rare as to be nearly unbelievable.  And, to satisfy its critics, the synchronicity’s extraordinary significance must be clearly and immediately undeniable.

Synchronicity has been acknowledged to happen more frequently during events or times in our lives that are accompanied by profound insight, change, or discovery – events such as falling in love or ending a relationship, experiencing cascading epiphanies, or, perhaps, inviting contact from “other intelligence.”

To explain, I’ll have to go back in time about fifteen years. One of my most esteemed English professors, the late Dev Hathaway, told me that my writing reminded him of Annie Dillard’s. Coincidentally, Dev was an acquaintance of Dillard’s sister. I remember the smile in his eyes as he mentioned I even looked a bit like her. He advised me to read Pilgrim at Tinker Creek.

That same afternoon I was browsing quantum mechanics or some such topic at the university library. Most of the books were relatively new – many in paperback, and all of them looking fairly standard for the subect matter. As I scanned the shelves, my eyes were drawn to one book that seemed somehow out of place: a dark, fabric-covered hardback with a faint, copper-hued title. I leaned in and, still unable to read the worn lettering in the dim light, pulled the book out: Pilgrim at Tinker Creek.

In a library housing hundreds of thousands of volumes, how is it that my eyes landed on the same book Dev mentioned just moments earlier – and why?

Later that week I chanced upon a paperback copy of said book, marked down to some unreasonably low price at a bookstore’s closeout sale, and I was able to add the book to my collection. Now, that I was at the bookstore at the same time as the book was a coincidence – and it was serendipitous that I happened to spot it while quickly rummaging through boatloads of others, especially since I had just learned about it.

Looking back on those days, when I was finishing college in my late 20s, everything in my life was at an intense high. I was experiencing some profound interactions with what might be called the subtle realm. Once I was sunbathing in the back yard – a lush, overgrown, and private area – observing nature. As I watched a dragonfly dart around the bushes and trees and Queen Anne’s Lace, I thought to it, “Come and sit nearby.” To my delight, the dragonfly immediately came over and landed very close, facing me with a steady gaze for several seconds while I perceived, with joyful gratitude, its gossamer wings and velvety eyes.

Back to the library, though, and to synchronicity.  At the top of my list of “all-time wildest synchronicities” has to be the following. I was in an “Intro to the Internet” class in the mid-1990s when a book was passed around containing the e-mail addresses of a hundred or so relatively well-known people. My assignment was to e-mail one of them and then report back on the result. I flipped through the book and found a name that was quite familiar, although I didn’t know much about him: Noam Chomsky.

Later that day I was, again, in the university library. This time I was deliberately looking in the bound periodicals section for a particular back issue of Esquire magazine, to read an interview with Dr. John Mack about the alien encounter phenomenon.

As I walked past the bookshelves, alphabetically approching Esquire, coincidentally I saw a section of bound volumes of a periodical called “Encounter.” I’d never heard of this publication, but I couldn’t resist stopping to take a quick look at one of the books. I chose one at random, with dates like Sept. 1971 – May 1973. I quickly flipped it open to a densely-packed page and immediately saw two words: “Noam Chomsky.”

So as I stood in a library of a million or so books with many more hundreds of millions of words mixed up in mostly-random order, I had chosen the right book, the only page in that book, and the exact place on that page to find the words that I had chosen earlier that day. Something was pulling me toward that book – or vice versa. Now that I would call a synchronicity.

Could a “conscious” factor in the book have sensed me walking by, and called me in?

Noam Chomsky – a linguist – ended up having a connection to an overwhelming interest of mine, crop circles, and specifically, to the meaning that they might convey. Nice conversation starter, eh? “Mr Chomsky, what do you think about the language of the crop circles in the fields of rural England?”

But to reframe: simple coincidences are not necessarily less valuable than astonishing synchronicities. Remember, Dev’s coincidental acquaintance with Annie Dillard was closely connected to the synchronicity of finding Pilgrim at Tinker Creek later that day. In fact, there was a similar chain of events in the Noam Chomsky synchronicity, only in a much tighter time frame: first, the coincidence of walking past a periodical named “Encounter,” which clearly grabbed my attention, and second, the synchronicity of my eyes landing on the words “Noam Chomsky” when I opened a volume at random.

I believe that the magnitude of a particular synchronicity’s meaning is inversely correlated to the odds of the coincidence. Doubtless, these events – especially the ones of least probability by chance – support the reality of a pervasive, yet obscure consciousness which I feel is omnipresent in the Cosmos – by whatever name it be called, whether quanta or God or something else entirely.

To paraphrase Heraclitus, who noted so long ago with riddling insight, the Cosmos “…neither declares nor conceals, but gives a sign.”