Archive for the ‘crop circles’ Category

Subtle Communication in Crop Circle Photo?

Thursday, July 2nd, 2009

While we await the first crop circle of the season in the US, here’s a little puzzle.  Look closely at the photo above, which I shot in the Spanish Fork, Utah crop circle in 2004.

Have I taken a picture of a stray hair for the first and only time in my life, or have I photographed a little bundle of energy buzzing through the crop circle?

The circle makers are quite adept at communicating with psychic riddles and synchronicities, so it makes sense to consider intentionality in this photo.  The way the anomaly is hidden in plain sight seems marvelously arranged.


Cosmic Key: The Double Helix (redux)

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2009

I’ve made significant updates to Cosmic Key: The Double Helix as Modern Archetype.

One particularly critical update corrects the distance from the center of the galaxy to its edge – a mistake I had somehow missed in the initial version.

I also added one more visual to help illustrate my commentary.

You can read the updated article here.

On the 14th Anniversary of Visiting My First Crop Circle

Monday, June 22nd, 2009

Inman, Kansas – 22 June 1995 (formed 16 June 1995)

My hand-drawn diagram of the formation (meticulous!):

My daughter was 7 years old, and it was our first time in a crop circle:

This photo shows the powerful central swirl of the smaller circle:

A week or so later I went back for more research, and took this photo showing the rather perturbed layers in the southeastern part of the formation:


Generous thanks to Kate Gertzen, who took photos of my old photographs …

In an upcoming short article and accompanying video I’ll share the clever synchronicities associated with the Inman, Kansas crop circle of June, 1995.  (A longish written version of the story can be read here)

Windmill Hill Crop Circle ~ 25 May 2009

Saturday, June 13th, 2009

Here’s a synaesthetic beauty:

In barley, at Windmill Hill, near Avebury Trusloe, Wiltshire, 25 May 2009.

A meditative state comes over me while gazing at the undulating form, as though I’m visualising a lullaby. My mind moves into a synchronised state as I observe the balanced flow of energy of the lines, circles, and swirls.

To me, this is a fine, delicate, inspired communication of high order.


Diagram credit Chris Bird, as posted on Peter Sorensen’s homepage

Crop Circle Totems – Newest Formations of 2009

Thursday, June 4th, 2009

I can’t resist commenting on the two most recent UK crop circles – very fine additions to the 2009 season …

First, the huge (~600′) Jellyfish pattern that appeared a few days ago, and now the Dragonfly that showed up just today.  They’re quite impressive, I must say.   Since I haven’t been able to visit these two personally, I’m not going to speculate too deeply on their origin … but I can’t help making note of the synchronicities.  The JELLYFISH and the DRAGONFLY are the only creatures displayed prominently in my home.

My very dear friend Ada Garcia came over tonight to help me out by taking some photos that resonate with the two most recent big circles in the UK (none here in the US yet this season).  Here’s a photo of one of only two animals “framed” and on display in my house (other than family feline companions Minouche and Tiger-Saatchi):

Ah … the Jellyfish.  I bought this beautiful, fluid photograph by Ann Renee Chavez several years ago here in Denver.  Don’t ask me why – it just caught my eye and I couldn’t resist.  It hangs on the wall directly above my computer.  I love the colours, which this photo exactly reproduces.

And just today the Dragonfly formation appeared.  So, here’s a photo of a dragonfly I found just outside my front door about 10 years ago, now lovingly preserved and one of my treasures (I’d photoshop out the small hole in the plastic covering, but you get the picture).  Based on where I found it, I believe I was meant to rescue the dragonfly, which was moving just a little bit as a bunch of ants were beginning to make it their supper.  I shooed the ants away and brought the dragonfly in the house to let it die in peace and dignity, then kept its body for its beauty and grace.  Dragonfly is one of my totems, and I describe more about my relationship with this beautiful creature in my prior post “The Cosmos Neither Declares Nor Conceals.”

Speaking of totems, my two stand-out totem animals are Dragonfly and Hummingbird … both representing freedom of movement, quick as light, ability to hover, move sideways, fly in all directions basically … which, come to think of it, sort of describes the Jellyfish as well – floating this way and that, going with the flow … MORE on the symbolic meanings of these two when I have permission to post aerials and when I’m awake (getting up at 5 AM takes its toll …)

I’m just sayin’ …


PS – Here is the dragonfly mentioned in my note in response to Mike’s (see comments.)

Cosmic Key: The Double Helix

Monday, May 11th, 2009

The double helix is an archetype reawakening, like kundalini flowing and surging upward.  I am reminded of something:

Universal consciousness pervades the collective unconscious.”

The double helix represents much more than I can say here, but I’ll share my perceptions … and then I’ll describe a recent synchronicity to illustrate my observations.

Helical shapes and their components, if not always double helices, are intimately connected to shamanic traditions around the world.  Serpents and ladders are found in cave etchings and paintings, corresponding to DNA – both spiralled (the serpent), and flattened in mirror image (the ladder).

Notably, Francis Crick was experimenting with LSD and mind expansion around the time he and other researchers deduced the form of the double-helix shape of the DNA molecule.

(Image at right is Crick’s elegant sketch:)

Yet the double helix shape is ancient, not new – or, shall we say, both ancient and new?

Serpentine helices have even more recently been rapidly reawakened on a broader scale alongside entheogens, revealing another piece of the archetype’s interdimensionality.

And somehow it resonates with the pervasive sense of “time speeding up.”  Indeed, time seems to be accelerating – and perhaps the double helix, in its many forms throughout the cosmos, hints at how, or why, this is so.

Crop circles are connected with consciousness expansion. The crop circle at right appeared in 1996, composed of 89 individual circles.  The double helix in crop circle geometry stands quite well alone or overlaid with the wider implications of the form.

More recently, in 2006 the Double Helix Nebula was found just 300 light years from the Milky Way’s center.  Sagittarius is very nearly at the galactic center, with which we’re coming into alignment in almost cog-like fashion.  Unimpeded galactic cosmic rays are shooting toward us as our Sun breathes in, shrinking the heliosphere.  Cosmic radiation is thus moving into our solar system’s environs – and into all varieties of its DNA.

The archetypal intertwined serpents are merely a stone’s throw from the galaxy’s center near Sagittarius to its edge 50,000 miles away.  The twisting is thought to have developed due to gravitational turbulence in the inner-galaxy area where the nebula resides.  But what do we know for certain?

Confirmation seems to speak most convincingly as a synchronicity.  There’s more to this story than I’ve told …

A few nights ago, at dusk, a Cooper’s Hawk sailed across the yard and landed on the fence some twenty feet away.  While identifying the bird, I flipped to page 45 in my $1.95 Golden Guide Families of Birds pocket reference to the page graced by the beautiful Secretary Bird, Sagittarius serpentarius.

Not only were those words remarkably pertinent to my state of mind, but page 45 was the only page in the book that apparently been very slightly ajar on the assembly line – sometime around 1971.  How did I know it was wrinkled during manufacture?  I carefully smoothed out the tiny wrinkles and saw that the paper revealed a subtle but certain zig-zag at the bottom, indicating it was folded prior to being cut.

Of course there was more to it.  I’d just been trying to find the best way to bring my recent immersion in Francis Lefebure’s work with phosphenes into my writing about the archetypal double helix.  In the middle of the last century, Lefebure developed a type of meditation called Phosphenic Mixing, which he practised daily while facing Sagittarius, the constellation nearest our galaxy’s nexus – the apex of “2012.”

So we have Eliade, then Crick, and then we have Lefebure gazing at phosphenes while facing the galactic center, where just 3 years ago the Double Helix Nebula was discovered.  And now we’re in some ways locked into alignment with the galactic center – and with our centers, collectively and individually.

The double helix permeates it all – to what end, I’m quite unsure.


Working with phosphenes is surprisingly simple and effective.  I encourage you to report your experiences back to me if you choose to try it.

For more information about Dr Lefebure’s work, here’s a good link to start with:  Or go to this page if you want to jump right in here.

Cloud Circles: Telegrams from a Conscious Cosmos

Sunday, May 3rd, 2009

This “cloud circle” is not the one I’ll describe in this post, but it does provide us with some interesting food for thought.

Meteorological phenomena?  Military “cloaking” experiment?  Devaporisation of the air caused by a circular UFO?

As far as I know, what is depicted in this photo remains unexplained.  (photo courtesy Ron Russell)

“At the quantum level, we are of the same substance as clouds, clouds of planets, planets of stars – and thus, consciousness pervades the universe …”

But that’s not what this article’s about – not exactly, though I’ll be indirectly reflecting on that concept.   We’re going back to a remarkable night in about 1997, to an encounter that both reinforced and challenged my concept of reality.  I’m going to share one of the most dramatic inter-intelligence communications in which I’ve participated, one experienced along with fellow croppie Ron Russell.

One warm evening Ron and I were lounging in his yard discussing crop circles, as we often did in those days early in our friendship.  We were talking about how many of England’s crop circles were being created by human teams, but that surely there must be something that would appear that men couldn’t copy – like “cloud circles,” I suggested, which led to a philosophical reverie about the possible implications of increasing geometric complexity in cloud formations.

We decided at this point to take a walk through Ron’s vortex-filled yard.  The landscape was open, dotted with occasional miniature enclaves which seemed like natural abodes for faeries and garden elves.  After some wandering we were drawn to a particularly energetic spot – a portal, it seemed – and began meditating in its center.  Ron and I stood face to face, touching, eyes closed.  I remember looking up toward the vast, dizzying “inner space” surrounding my third eye, feeling the energy swirling around us like Earth’s own breath.

Although we easily slipped into a deep brainwave state and held the sanctity of the meditation seemingly effortlessly, at some point Ron and I began reentering ordinary reality.  We talked quietly for a few moments, floating in the afterglow of deep meditation, feeling renewed, uplifted and recharged.

Then our attention was drawn up to a scene that astonished us, despite our sensibility.  There in the sky was, beyond any doubt, an intelligent manifestation of the extramundane reality we’d just been discussing.  A definitive “cloud circle” stretched across the entire visible sky above us, painted in cotton ball clouds the warm hue of reflected city lights against the pitch black canvas of deep space.

This cloud circle had no specific geometry; in fact, its form was quite the last thing I would have anticipated would show up in such detail in the clouds.  Plainly depicted was an Elder of one of the Americas’ native tribes.  His face was that of an individual, yet somehow also the embodiment of the Grandfather Sky archetype.  What really stands out is that his eyes were richly animated, yet discreetly one with the quiet night,  looking deeply as he acknowledged our power and gratitude.

The photo at right provides a rendering that is closest to what I remember seeing in the clouds:

Again, time seemed to stop as the three of us – the Elder, Ron, and I – stood connected by a vibrating thread of extraordinary reality.  What really took place in the moment is outside the realm of worded language.

The sensation of time gradually returned, and the cloud circle began to dissipate.  The Elder’s face lost its sharpness over several minutes until the sky was full of random clouds.  While the event itself was fleeting, the implications cascade to this day.  The cloud circle was a well-timed, cosmic telegram reminding us that seemingly “inanimate” things can communicate meaningfully – and intentionally.

Since the confirmational visit from the Elder, I’ve continued exploring and working with possibilities of intentional dialogue with everything – absolutely everything – on a quantum level, and beyond.   Learning how to do so as a part of daily existence is an ongoing process filled with unexpected surprises and rewards.  Communication takes on a whole new meaning once we accept that the universe is saturated by quanta grouped together in endless forms with various functions – and that in some sense, it’s all alive and potentially conscious.


Crop Circles as Waveguides – Magnifying the Mystical

Tuesday, April 28th, 2009

Ridgeway - Preliminary Diagram by Andreas Muller

Ridgeway - Preliminary Diagram by Andreas Muller

I’ve deleted my last two posts on this subject, combined them and added something new, so that in this post everything’s finally all together.  When I saw the first crop circle of 2009, I immediately noticed its similarity to an important formation in North Dakota in 2000.  As stated in one of my prior articles, peculiar echoes from the Thompson formation of 2000 are evident in the Ridgeway formation of 2009…and I’d like to know why.

For comparison and contrast, three images accompany this post:

  • My diagram of the Thompson, ND, United States, “Circle in Parentheses,” of late summer 2000
  • Andreas Muller’s diagram of the 2009 Ridgeway formation near Avebury
  • Peter Sorensen’s uncorrected photography of the 2009 Ridgeway formation

What I intend to argue is that the much-acclaimed Ridgeway Waveguide appears to carry on a theme that started with the little-known Thompson formation nearly a decade ago.  If any doubt remains that the crop circles are somehow related, the “error” in one of the Ridgeway arcs (corrected in Andreas’ diagram and in Peter’s PhotoShopped stills, not shown here) hints that the tapered arc is not only intentional, but may even be a radical point (no pun intended) – and thus, it shouldn’t be disregarded as a mere mistake.

1)  My Thompson diagram is a bit rough-looking, but accurate. Extensive ground measurements and compass bearings taken throughout this large, if simple, formation, show the circle hugged by two arcs – three of the ends perpendicular, and one tapered.  I followed the tapered arc with dowsing rods, and was strongly guided toward the inner circle, where between the taper and the circle in the stubbled wheatfield (which had been harvested without any media hoopla) was a beautifully swirled grapeshot, probably no more than 18 inches in diameter.   The Thompson formation was significantly larger than the Ridgeway formation, though less intricate – and the firmly pressed wheat left no question that the taper was indeed part of the design.

2)  Andreas Muller’s diagram of the 2009 Ridgeway formation is enchanting.  (Reproduced with permission.  See Andreas’ website at  The design really does seem to reference a waveguide, as Simeon Hein ( pointed out when he reported on the first crop circle of the 2009 season.  The diagram, although preliminary, probably won’t be changed much, if at all, due to its aesthetic appeal as is – although I’d like to see the tapered arc that we can confirm was there, as seen in Peter Sorensen’s unretouched stills of the Ridgeway formation – next:

3)  Here’s one of Peter’s “raw” stills, with which I’ve taken the liberty to enhance the contrast in order to better show the tapered arc that Peter edited out of his final photographic versions of the Ridgeway crop circle, which can be seen at his website: Quoting Peter from personal correspondence, “The picture I sent around to be posted on my web page yesterday did NOT show the detail you were interested in, because (as I so often do) I had fixed what we circlemakers would call an error — the crooked end of the arc.”  (Despite the heightened contrast, the tapered arc is still somewhat difficult to see – in part due to the shot’s angle as well as the flowering rapeseed in which the Ridgeway formation appeared.  In this photo, it’s in the arc nearest the inner circle on the right side.  Nick Nicholson’s image, available in the 2009 archives via membership at the Crop Circle Connector website, more clearly shows the remarkable similarity – with the taper clearly opposing the expected geometry, exactly as in the Thompson formation.)

What I’ve noticed from my 14 years of crop circle studies is that all the formations that have resonated most strongly with me have been touched by some kind of “magic.”  These clues range from instantaneous healing, as in the Bishops Cannings formation, to amazing synchronicities interwoven on many levels of experience over time, as with the Inman, Kansas formation and the three North Dakota formations (of which Thompson was one).

Unless it’s just a simple coincidence that both formations show very similar geometry (to start with, simply put an “X” through the inner circle to find the ends of all the arcs) as well as what I consider a very-telling “error,” i.e., the tapered arc in both formations, then we must consider these surface aspects to be intentional and therefore something to be included in any serious contemplation of the phenomenon’s deeper implications.


My article “More Crop Circle Synchronicities – North Dakota, 2000” details that entire whirlwind expedition to Langdon and Thompson, ND, fraught with wild synchronicities and enigmatic clues.  If you’d like to more fully appreciate my fascination with the Ridgeway Waveguide, please take time to read that post.

Doug Bower – Crop Circle Trickster At Large

Sunday, April 5th, 2009

The time has come for me to tell my trickster tale.  I’ve been holding on to this one because, while I can see what the trickster represented, it’s been more difficult putting into words why I believe he appeared to me – and in the form he took:  Doug Bower.

During my late twenties I was undergoing huge transformations in my life, none more important than my ongoing romance with crop circles which began in 1995.  A preface to this trickster tale, my prior post entitled “Pleiadean Communication and Crop Circles,” describes how – apparently by design – I was prepared for and ushered into the study and experience of crop circles.

Synchronicity goes hand in hand with the crop circle experience, at least for me and several of my croppie buddies.  And in my view, many of the shapes themselves are archetypal in a way, resonating within many of us as an undeciphered but deeply meaningful language.

With all these Jungian concepts floating around, it’s no surprise that the trickster would show up somewhere in the mix.  I don’t quite understand the trickster phenomenon, but people all around the world for all of time have reported it, so I take what I experienced in late summer of 1995 seriously.  Again, what it means, and why it happened…I can only speculate.

I was standing in line at the supermarket in Emporia, Kansas, probably lost in thought.  The crop circles had pretty much come in and swept me up in their magic earlier that year, and they were about all I could think about.  The synchronicities, the beauty and the fun – I just couldn’t seem to get enough.  But of course grocery shopping must go on.

A tap on my shoulder made me turn around.  First I saw a hand holding out a piece of paper:  my shopping list, which I’d apparently dropped.  I took it, saying “thanks” before getting a look at this good samaritan behind me. When I finally did look up to meet his eyes – no exaggeration here – I nearly fainted.  I can only imagine the look on my face as I realised that there behind me was Doug Bower himself – or someone or something who looked exactly like him, complete with a knowing smirk and twinkling eyes.

For a few timeless seconds this trickster engaged me in an unspoken dialogue.  Like the meanings coded in the crop circles themselves, the trickster’s actions and words must be deciphered by each experiencer.  I know this much:  I didn’t get any negative vibe from him.  What I sensed was that he knew what I was up to, and that he appreciated my excitement and dedication to the crop circles – a phenomenon with which, by now, everyone associated him.

He knew I recognised him as well, which certainly seemed to please him –  moreso, I’d guess, since prior to the Inman crop circle months before I’d never even heard of him!  Everyone I talked with seemed to know all about the “two old fellows from the pub” who claimed to be the source of all the hubbub – whereas I’d barely heard of crop circles, let alone Doug and Dave, until early 1995, when I read Circular Evidence and then wished for and received the Inman crop circle.  (My unbiased wonder about the subject, untainted by misinformation, made me wonder if that’s why I was gifted with the Inman formation … but that’s another story.)

He and I didn’t exchange words, but I’ll never forget the smile in his eyes as he handed me my shopping list.  Here was Doug Bower, trickster at large, appearing in a small-town Kansas supermarket on a hot summer afternoon.  Who would’ve thought?  Confronting me was the trickster himself, better known for teasing or attempting to throw one off track, instead appearing to offer me a bit of recognition and encouragement, and adding yet another layer of magic to the mystery.

But perhaps I misread the entire event.  In handing me my dropped slip of paper, was his gesture simply a peace offering in disguise?  There’s something to think about….


My gracious thanks to whoever took the photo of Doug.  I pulled it off the internet, but there was no information attached about the photographer.  And thank you, Colin, for your curious yet not so surprising addition to the story!

Omniscient Interdimensional Causality in Extraordinary Experience

Monday, March 30th, 2009

Many of my posts here at Inter-Intelligence Communications relate to synchronicity, and of course to crop circles as well.  Many of us drawn into the mysteries of the crop circles share a propensity toward noticing synchronicities – not just little, notable coincidences that happen here and there, but BIG ones, the kind that make you stand back and say, “How could that be?

So I’ve wondered a lot, studied Jung’s works a bit, and have concluded that the “why” part of the equation is easier to explain – though still up for discussion. To me, in agreement with Jung, these “wake-up calls” seem to be guideposts or signs that we’re on the right path (or in the case of the trickster phenomenon, an attempt to throw us off course – an example of which I’ll describe in an upcoming article). Yet I haven’t found any convincing explanations for how synchronicities and similar unexplained phenomena come about, though ideas like the collective unconscious, morphic fields, and akashic records are reasonable to ponder.

Some of the most incredible and inexplicable of my experiences happened around the time that I was first drawn in to interactions with the crop circles and their makers back in 1995 – definitely a time when I was highly energised and distinctly felt infused by an “other,” complementary intelligence. Fourteen years later, I’ve come up with a theory that’s fun to contemplate, if not especially scientific.

If you’d like to read on, an open mind will come in handy, as will the following definitions of a few key terms as they will be used here:

1) Interdimensional refers to an intelligence of unknown nature, whether physical (in the common use of the word) or extramundane, which may from time to time coexist with humans. The interdimensional may be seen or unseen, and may be present with or without a human awareness of its presence.

2)  Omniscient means knowing much, much more than most modern humans, but not necessarily everything, i.e., the word isn’t used in the traditional religious sense as an adjective describing “God.”  What is required for my theory is simply an acceptance that omniscience refers to a knowingness far beyond the general human ability to comprehend.

3)  Vibration (or “frequency”) is used to describe what I visualise as a morphing toroid loop representing the continual action of various energies and processes – such as light, electromagnetic, and biochemical – affecting cellular structure and DNA, and the subsequent action of the changed material on those energies and processes in turn, and so on, ad infinitum.

Putting into words some of the anticipated cascading developments and implications of these ideas has been a fun, if arduous, process.  Still, the theory itself is pretty basic and straightforward at this point.  I hope to continue to explore and refine it over time as new insights spring forth.  As always, feedback is welcome.


Extraordinary phenomena such as synchronicity and deja vu are generally accepted as real events.  I’d bet that most by-the-book scientists have experienced the odd sensation known as deja vu, though most of them would show little public interest in pondering how or why they occur.  Just the same, many theories have been devised in an attempt to explain these phenomena, but none have been proven, nor do I expect will mine.  But there must be some explanation….

Major synchronicities seem to happen, or be recognised at least, by certain people more than others.  Simply put, I think there’s a correlation between the vibration (or “frequency”) of those individuals and their proclivity to experience what is commonly known as “paranormal” or “supernatural” phenomena.  The higher one’s vibration, i.e., the more active one’s biophysical and bioenergetic fields, the more energetic the morphing toroid previously described.

If we accept that energy can be captured, utilised, transformed, and released by humans, perhaps we can also accept that, in keeping with Jung’s observation that synchronicity tends to happen more frequently during periods of great intensity in one’s life, other extraordinary activity may also wax and wane in accordance to life events. (In past writings I’ve wondered if some unknown gravitational effect is involved, but I won’t go into all the details here.)

When our vibration is stimulated, as some individuals seem to perpetually exhibit, we may not even be aware of the cause.  For instance, falling in love or experiencing a life-altering epiphany may lead to biochemical changes experienced primarily “under the radar.”  I’ve noticed that when my vibration “feels” positively charged, streetlights blink out one after the other as I drive under them, which again hints at a possible gravitational effect involving, perhaps, a heightened electromagnetic frequency.

On the other hand, intentional physical practices like Qigong and Holotropic Breathwork can alter one’s bioenergetic state.  And entheogens such as DMT or psilocybin are known to radically alter our biochemistry with mystical results.  Some researchers have speculated that interdimensional portals may be opened by these methods; in other words, that certain activities or substances may be utilised specifically to become aware of and/or influenced by extraordinary realms of reality – and, in my view, to excite our vibration.

Humans have used various consciousness-altering techniques for at least thousands of years.  Nearly-identical, detailed cave paintings dating back circa 40,000 years have been inexplicably found on various continents.  Were certain techniques used to produce higher vibratory states, at which point a distinct frequency was achieved allowing omniscient, interdimensional beings to “tune in” and even inhabit the seeker or shaman, effectively providing “supernatural” guidance, knowledge, and insight independent of other contemporary seekers in far-distant lands?

Those who experience extraordinary reality today don’t necessarily identify as shamans or even seekers; in fact, just about everyone has experienced deja vu, which I feel can also be explained by in omniscient interdimensional “intrusion,” if you will.  I’ve talked with many people about their sense of deja vu, and most seem to believe during a deja vu, they’re living out something they’d previously dreamed.  But few of those people take a step further back and question how they managed to have a precognitive dream, which necessarily implies a supernatural cause – ESP.

I suggest that during deja vu, our vibration is actually acting as a magnet for omniscient interdimensionals to somehow interface with us on some kind of intellectual, cellular, or even quantum level, allowing us a momentary look into the future.  Likewise, to activate a synchronicity, an omniscient interdimensional may temporarily inhabit us, effectively guiding us to the exact location and circumstance that we will later call a “one in a billion chance.”  Are these experiences mere chance, though?  Or is the Cosmos speaking to us via omniscient interdimensionals that we may not directly sense, but that may nonetheless directly affect our actions and perceptions?


(Search keywords for several related articles posted here.)