Posts Tagged ‘paranormal’

Cloud Circles: Telegrams from a Conscious Cosmos

Sunday, May 3rd, 2009

This “cloud circle” is not the one I’ll describe in this post, but it does provide us with some interesting food for thought.

Meteorological phenomena?  Military “cloaking” experiment?  Devaporisation of the air caused by a circular UFO?

As far as I know, what is depicted in this photo remains unexplained.  (photo courtesy Ron Russell)

“At the quantum level, we are of the same substance as clouds, clouds of planets, planets of stars – and thus, consciousness pervades the universe …”

But that’s not what this article’s about – not exactly, though I’ll be indirectly reflecting on that concept.   We’re going back to a remarkable night in about 1997, to an encounter that both reinforced and challenged my concept of reality.  I’m going to share one of the most dramatic inter-intelligence communications in which I’ve participated, one experienced along with fellow croppie Ron Russell.

One warm evening Ron and I were lounging in his yard discussing crop circles, as we often did in those days early in our friendship.  We were talking about how many of England’s crop circles were being created by human teams, but that surely there must be something that would appear that men couldn’t copy – like “cloud circles,” I suggested, which led to a philosophical reverie about the possible implications of increasing geometric complexity in cloud formations.

We decided at this point to take a walk through Ron’s vortex-filled yard.  The landscape was open, dotted with occasional miniature enclaves which seemed like natural abodes for faeries and garden elves.  After some wandering we were drawn to a particularly energetic spot – a portal, it seemed – and began meditating in its center.  Ron and I stood face to face, touching, eyes closed.  I remember looking up toward the vast, dizzying “inner space” surrounding my third eye, feeling the energy swirling around us like Earth’s own breath.

Although we easily slipped into a deep brainwave state and held the sanctity of the meditation seemingly effortlessly, at some point Ron and I began reentering ordinary reality.  We talked quietly for a few moments, floating in the afterglow of deep meditation, feeling renewed, uplifted and recharged.

Then our attention was drawn up to a scene that astonished us, despite our sensibility.  There in the sky was, beyond any doubt, an intelligent manifestation of the extramundane reality we’d just been discussing.  A definitive “cloud circle” stretched across the entire visible sky above us, painted in cotton ball clouds the warm hue of reflected city lights against the pitch black canvas of deep space.

This cloud circle had no specific geometry; in fact, its form was quite the last thing I would have anticipated would show up in such detail in the clouds.  Plainly depicted was an Elder of one of the Americas’ native tribes.  His face was that of an individual, yet somehow also the embodiment of the Grandfather Sky archetype.  What really stands out is that his eyes were richly animated, yet discreetly one with the quiet night,  looking deeply as he acknowledged our power and gratitude.

The photo at right provides a rendering that is closest to what I remember seeing in the clouds:

Again, time seemed to stop as the three of us – the Elder, Ron, and I – stood connected by a vibrating thread of extraordinary reality.  What really took place in the moment is outside the realm of worded language.

The sensation of time gradually returned, and the cloud circle began to dissipate.  The Elder’s face lost its sharpness over several minutes until the sky was full of random clouds.  While the event itself was fleeting, the implications cascade to this day.  The cloud circle was a well-timed, cosmic telegram reminding us that seemingly “inanimate” things can communicate meaningfully – and intentionally.

Since the confirmational visit from the Elder, I’ve continued exploring and working with possibilities of intentional dialogue with everything – absolutely everything – on a quantum level, and beyond.   Learning how to do so as a part of daily existence is an ongoing process filled with unexpected surprises and rewards.  Communication takes on a whole new meaning once we accept that the universe is saturated by quanta grouped together in endless forms with various functions – and that in some sense, it’s all alive and potentially conscious.