Posts Tagged ‘2012’

As the 2009 Crop Circle Season Winds Down…

Wednesday, September 9th, 2009

Wheat harvest is in full swing in Canada, and with only one confirmed crop circle in North America found two months ago at Wilbur, Washington, the prospect of my being able to get into one this year seems bleak.  I must admit I long for the old days when I’d hear of a new crop circle and at the drop of a hat be immersed in my research – even if it means driving 17 hours each way, as happened with the North Dakota circles in 2000.

The lack of circle activity within reach has been disappointing, yes – but my interest has thereby turned to the deep solar minimum in which we’re seemingly entrenched, and which I’ve written quite a bit about.  Interestingly, there’s an apparent connection with the 2009 crop circle season and solar activity.  What I’ve observed in the UK crop circles seems to reflect what’s going on with our Sun and its impact on our DNA.

Our DNA is intimately connected to the Sun, the most radical life source in our immediate galactic environs.  The heliosphere plays a critical role in our lives from the moment of conception, filtering incoming cosmic radiation and thus the number of muons penetrating our cellular structure and quite possibly impacting our unique DNA patterning.

With that I’ll go back, and back again, to the beginning of this train of thought:  to the summer of 1996, and the Double Helix formation found in East Field. 

It just so happens that the summer that bore the DNA spiral also ushered in the lowest point in our last solar minimum, along with Hale-Bopp along with its companion, which curiously was seen by many but mysteriously ignored or invisible to other comet observers. Whatever was accompanying the comet was gone by the time Hale-Bopp emerged from around the Sun the next spring.

Well, since the 1996 solar minimum, the Sun’s activity and its relationship to our consciousness are becoming more and more curiously intertwined, and I’ve come to think of two 2009 formations in particular that support the idea that something of unpredictable magnitude (outside of Mayan prophecy, etc.) is occurring with the Sun and DNA’s relationship to it and, on a larger scale, to our galaxy and indeed to the cosmos itself – and subtly (or not) transcribed in the fields of England.

Anyway, we’ve come full circle, and then some.  The summer of 2009 is stretched out so far ahead of 1996, yet here we are!

So back to the circles.  I’ve done some thinking on the UK formations this year, and yes, I feel there’s but a distant relationship between the early phenomenon and what’s going on today.  Okay, I acknowledge that most publicised formations these days are likely made by human teams – fine.  Many of these crop artists claim to be in contact with a higher consciousness, and who am I to argue?  I experienced communication with the circle makers in a different context, but it seems all of us who have had contact have no problem acknowledging the “other party.”

Beyond that, I sense a definite connection between the designs that were put in the fields this year and the exceedingly deep solar minimum in which we’re seemingly enmeshed.

That we’re transceivers of energy and information is a key to understanding the evolutionary leaps forward – and in many cases, the fallings back – that are occurring at seemingly increasing rates.  The message has been distilled for a roundabout presentation to humanity in many ways, quite attractively (to me anyway) in the form of the crop circles in England this year.  We saw the embryo of this concept in the season’s first formation, the Ridgeway “waveguide” near Avebury in April.

(diagram credit Andreas Muller – )

Certainly as the years have gone on the formations have become more deliberately representational – they’re much less abstract.  Perhaps this is so that the phenomenon can reach a wider audience.  Who knows?   The Ridgeway formation of April got the attention of many more people than the Thompson, North Dakota formation of 2000, into which only a handful of people stepped.  (Diagram by me.)

Ridgeway, which appeared to my friend Simeon and me to be a waveguide of sorts, could similarly be interpreted as a transceiver, just as biological entities such as ourselves are transceivers capable of absorbing and emitting electromagnetic radiation.  Each individual is a transceiver of energy and information, and this remarkable gift if you will is a key to understanding the witnessed evolutionary leaps forward – and in many cases, the fallings back – that have truly become prolific, yet almost obscure, as we’ve entered the 2012 era.

Meanwhile the Sun lies in relative dormancy, its protective bubble shrinking and thereby allowing more galactic cosmic radiation into our solar system.  We’re being infused with more and more energetic, extraterrestrial particles that would generally be stalled out at the heliopause, out beyond Pluto.  With the influx of muons I would suspect that rapid untold effects on DNA are taking place as we speak.  Remember that while the emphasis in mass media is on the potential dangers of these persistent cosmic rays, instinct reinforces that positive transformations may be occurring simultaneously.

On to the dramatic “jellyfish” formation, which was widely seen as the aetherial sea creature.  The formation has also been interpreted as symbolic of Earth’s geomagnetic field deflecting solar radiation, which I find more compelling.  If viewed this way, the design seems to prophesy changes in Earth’s geomagnetic field as we are sandwiched between the sleepy Sun and the active cosmic rays entering from outside our solar system.  Such a deflection scenario would radically impact human electromagnetic fields and DNA.

Most of us, I think, don’t need an illustration on Wikipedia or elsewhere to conceptualise it.  But plainly, there it is, in the crop circle.  What do we make of this?

I suspect that DNA trends linked to individuals and the Sun’s activity immediately surrounding their conception will surely be understood by the scientific community soon, on the heels of the announcement that human DNA evolution is being actively tracked.  For now, I rely entirely on piecemeal knowledge of science combined with an expanding level of intuition, which are also, thankfully, connected.

In gratitude.


Heliospheric Ramblings, DNA, and 2012

Monday, September 7th, 2009

“Meaningful breakthroughs in science come through intuitive leaps.” ~ Itzhak Bentov in Stalking the Wild Pendulum.

In August 2007, according to NASA, a “dent” in the heliopause was detected by Voyager 2.  The dent, NASA stated, was caused by “the interstellar magnetic field.”  Clearly, since the Voyager went through a dent, we’re talking about an interstellar magnetic field with boundaries, a focused field of unknown origin as far as I can tell, and not just a general, uniform influence on the entire heliosphere.  Without more scientific knowledge, I can’t say for sure, but might an interstellar magnetic field capable of denting our heliosphere also have the capacity to breach it, thus intersecting with untold results our solar system and its inhabitants?

Brought closer to home, Earth’s magnetosphere is being impacted on some level by fluctuations in solar as well as galactic radiation, especially as we near the Milky Way’s equator, where the gravitational pull of the galactic centre would seem to be highest.

I believe the Sun is having curious affects on non-biological devices as well…

I’ve an aside for anyone who wants to dig a little deeper than I can right now.  What kind of effect might all the geomagnetic push and pull in which our planet is enmeshed have on the Large Hadron Collider, which was shut down soon after its reveal due to “magnet problems?”  A month ago we were told that the Collider would be restarted in November at half-power.  We’ll have to wait and see if that happens, or if the LHC’s restart is delayed yet again….and if so, why.

For now, as the heliosphere surely continues to shrink, the potential for extreme effects on consciousness – human and otherwise – could be cloaked and spun like another Roswell, and most “remote-controlled” humans (i.e., those wrapped up in the mass media cocoon) would be none the wiser.  But at this critical time, the “2012 era” in which we’re now very much immersed, our DNA is being sorted out.  Biologists have only very recently been able to calculate the rate of DNA mutations in humans; could this scientific advance, in and of itself, be related to the DNA mutations themselves?

Although in the popular media the emphasis is on potential dangers of genetic mutations, I suspect rather that some of them are coding for enhancements (e.g., light, fractal patterns, symmetrical waves, multi-resonance states) which may have the greatest impact on organisms already functioning at a high vibration.  If that’s true, then the human beings receiving the greatest benefits of the current evolutionary acceleration are those who are already emitting higher EM vibrations (waves), which entrain them to other entities, both human and non-human, biological and non-biological, that are vibrating at the same frequency, thus creating resonance.

Those who decades ago sensed the coming of the “new age,” now the 2012 era, and withstood ridicule from relatively-static or even devolving individuals are now realising the prophecy of positive evolutionary changes in the consciousness of all matter – not just in humans, but in animal, plant, and even mineral matter.  On the other hand, tendencies toward anger, distortion, and entropy tend to be amplified during geomagnetic storms, which easily target unstable frequencies.

A few days after a large coronal hole in the Sun that unleashes a strong solar wind aimed toward Earth, the resulting geomagnetic storm on Earth is also going to affect each person’s unique electromagnetic field.  Anyone can observe this phenomenon.  Simply track solar wind events and resulting planetary geomagnetic storms, and note the effects on human (or otherwise) behaviour and emotions.


Cosmic Key: The Double Helix (redux)

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2009

I’ve made significant updates to Cosmic Key: The Double Helix as Modern Archetype.

One particularly critical update corrects the distance from the center of the galaxy to its edge – a mistake I had somehow missed in the initial version.

I also added one more visual to help illustrate my commentary.

You can read the updated article here.

Cosmic Key: The Double Helix

Monday, May 11th, 2009

The double helix is an archetype reawakening, like kundalini flowing and surging upward.  I am reminded of something:

Universal consciousness pervades the collective unconscious.”

The double helix represents much more than I can say here, but I’ll share my perceptions … and then I’ll describe a recent synchronicity to illustrate my observations.

Helical shapes and their components, if not always double helices, are intimately connected to shamanic traditions around the world.  Serpents and ladders are found in cave etchings and paintings, corresponding to DNA – both spiralled (the serpent), and flattened in mirror image (the ladder).

Notably, Francis Crick was experimenting with LSD and mind expansion around the time he and other researchers deduced the form of the double-helix shape of the DNA molecule.

(Image at right is Crick’s elegant sketch:)

Yet the double helix shape is ancient, not new – or, shall we say, both ancient and new?

Serpentine helices have even more recently been rapidly reawakened on a broader scale alongside entheogens, revealing another piece of the archetype’s interdimensionality.

And somehow it resonates with the pervasive sense of “time speeding up.”  Indeed, time seems to be accelerating – and perhaps the double helix, in its many forms throughout the cosmos, hints at how, or why, this is so.

Crop circles are connected with consciousness expansion. The crop circle at right appeared in 1996, composed of 89 individual circles.  The double helix in crop circle geometry stands quite well alone or overlaid with the wider implications of the form.

More recently, in 2006 the Double Helix Nebula was found just 300 light years from the Milky Way’s center.  Sagittarius is very nearly at the galactic center, with which we’re coming into alignment in almost cog-like fashion.  Unimpeded galactic cosmic rays are shooting toward us as our Sun breathes in, shrinking the heliosphere.  Cosmic radiation is thus moving into our solar system’s environs – and into all varieties of its DNA.

The archetypal intertwined serpents are merely a stone’s throw from the galaxy’s center near Sagittarius to its edge 50,000 miles away.  The twisting is thought to have developed due to gravitational turbulence in the inner-galaxy area where the nebula resides.  But what do we know for certain?

Confirmation seems to speak most convincingly as a synchronicity.  There’s more to this story than I’ve told …

A few nights ago, at dusk, a Cooper’s Hawk sailed across the yard and landed on the fence some twenty feet away.  While identifying the bird, I flipped to page 45 in my $1.95 Golden Guide Families of Birds pocket reference to the page graced by the beautiful Secretary Bird, Sagittarius serpentarius.

Not only were those words remarkably pertinent to my state of mind, but page 45 was the only page in the book that apparently been very slightly ajar on the assembly line – sometime around 1971.  How did I know it was wrinkled during manufacture?  I carefully smoothed out the tiny wrinkles and saw that the paper revealed a subtle but certain zig-zag at the bottom, indicating it was folded prior to being cut.

Of course there was more to it.  I’d just been trying to find the best way to bring my recent immersion in Francis Lefebure’s work with phosphenes into my writing about the archetypal double helix.  In the middle of the last century, Lefebure developed a type of meditation called Phosphenic Mixing, which he practised daily while facing Sagittarius, the constellation nearest our galaxy’s nexus – the apex of “2012.”

So we have Eliade, then Crick, and then we have Lefebure gazing at phosphenes while facing the galactic center, where just 3 years ago the Double Helix Nebula was discovered.  And now we’re in some ways locked into alignment with the galactic center – and with our centers, collectively and individually.

The double helix permeates it all – to what end, I’m quite unsure.


Working with phosphenes is surprisingly simple and effective.  I encourage you to report your experiences back to me if you choose to try it.

For more information about Dr Lefebure’s work, here’s a good link to start with:  Or go to this page if you want to jump right in here.

Comet Hale-Bopp’s “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy?”

Sunday, April 19th, 2009

Exploring a link between the Giza Plateau, Comet Hale-Bopp, the current solar minimum, and 2012 …

In the fall of 1996, my friend Ron Russell and I were together one evening when we first heard about Comet Hale-Bopp.  Detailed coordinates allowed us to locate the “new” comet in the sky with just binoculars.   As I recall we followed the directions precisely by first locating a certain notable star through the binocs, then we looked a few degrees to the left of it and up by a certain number of degrees.  There it was!  Unmistakable – and beautiful.

What a sight: a bright nucleus shedding a misty dust field behind it.  I can’t say how I knew this right away, but I straightaway noticed a spot of light in the tail that seemed distinctly unnatural, and pointed it out to Ron.

Over the next few nights we continued to follow the comet as it coursed past the star background, the object in the tail as obvious as a clingy puppy.  I’m no astronomer, but I knew that something was excitingly “wrong” about the light following Hale-Bopp.  Night after night we watched the two lights riding side-by-side through space.   (Note, this was BEFORE the late Chuck Shramek released his photo of Hale-Bopp and the companion object.  Ron and I were, we later found out, among many other, lucky discoverers of the “hitchhiker.”)

The official explanation for the anomaly is critical evidence of a coverup, although it worked fabulously by the next spring when Hale-Bopp fever took over the US.  According to NASA, which, as I’ve noted before, is surely the acronym for Not A Safe Assumption (i.e., that we’re getting the truth), initial reports of the companion object were explained away by a magnitude 8 star in the background which was missed by flawed computer star-plotting software.

That explanation may have been plausible if the “star” had only been seen on one night.  But stars don’t change position.  And the companion stayed with the comet night after night as it traversed the star background.  The comet’s tag-along was noticeable from Earth.  It wasn’t a star hitched to Hale-Bopp.

During the winter months, the comet disappeared from view as its orbit took it around the far side of the sun.  When the comet came out from behind the sun, surely whatever was in the tail would be even more noticeable.  What would happen then?!

Time would tell.  Only when Hale-Bopp was ready to emerge did popular reports about the upcoming great comet hit major media – convenient, since whatever was in the tail the fall previous had detached or otherwise become invisible during transit behind the Sun!

Meanwhile, the Heaven’s Gate “UFO Cult” suffered a perfectly-orchestrated and well-publicised demise, effectively detracting the media (and thus, public attention) away from the real story – not only for the moment, but for all of time.  Official photographs of Hale-Bopp accidentally posted months earlier at the JPL website were suddenly wiped clean of the inexplicable “star.”  And under threat of ridicule, many witnesses to the companion object retreated, noting with silent incredulity the covers of major science and astronomy magazines, which showed the blazing comet as it approached its closest pass by our planet in Spring of 2007, unencumbered by any supernatural hitchhikers.

Based on my observations, I believe that Hale-Bopp may have been a convenient form of gravitational transport for some artificial object.  Whatever the case, I can’t ignore the pronounced solar cycle effects that coincide with the comet’s companion’s mysterious disappearance.   Autumm 1996 was the lowest point of the last solar minimum.  We are also now lodged in the abyss of an extended solar minimum, one which should have ended by now.  Instead,  2008-2009 is shaping up to be one of the most sunspot-free stretches in almost 100 years – rivaling only 1913.  The effects on our environment and on our consciousness remain to be seen as we continue our approach to 2012…

…which, by the way, I think we’re close enough to by now to bring up an important new topic, and that is the precession of the equinoxes that occurs roughly every 26,000 years – just under that.  If we take JPL’s ephemeris for Hale-Bopp’s prior transits through our immediate solar system (I specify prior transits, since the next anticipated one seems to have been dramatically revised due to the comet’s gravitational interaction with the super-massive Jupiter during this pass), we will go back in time by 4206 years to determine Hale-Bopp’s prior passes.

Now, this is important:  if Graham Hancock and others are correct about the pyramids pointing to an epoch about 12,500 to 12,600 years ago (and I consider the latter to be a more accurate figure, based on the research of Goro Adachi, which more precisely narrows down Graham Hancock’s calculation), then on a whim, why not take 12,600 divided by 4200…..hmmmm…..we get precisely THREE.

Could this possibly mean that the Giza Plateau is commemorating the mysterious comet we’ve just been considering….?!?!

I believe the current solar minimum is related to consciousness expansion.  An upcoming article delves into possible positive effects on our DNA as a result of a current influx of galactic cosmic radiation.


To complement this post, you might want to bring up the following link, which will allow you to visualise the “11-year” sunspot cycle (which, at this point has apparently been extended to a 12.5 year cycle – and counting….).  You may also find it handy to accompany a reading of my prior post “Solar Low = Consciousness High?” regarding a possible correlation between our shrinking heliosphere and apparent advances in both human and non-human consciousness.


(Two dates to check with regard to this particular post:  1 October 1996, representing the approximate date I first learned about Comet Hale-Bopp and started tracking the companion object in its tail, and 19 April 2009 – today.  Notice anything?)