Archive for the ‘Consciousness’ Category

Bigfoot, Birds, and UFOs

Thursday, February 4th, 2010

Location of Bigfoot Expedition near Leadville, Colorado

I was walking through the dark, dark woods late at night with a few other adventurers during the Paranormal Research Forum’s 2008 Bigfoot Expedition near Leadville, Colorado.  We were making a focused attempt to contact Sasquatch in a part of Colorado with a relatively high number of reported sightings of Bigfoot, and the energy was high.  I didn’t sense any fear among those in our group.

Suddenly we noticed through the trees a single, exceptionally bright, unblinking yellow light in the sky ahead of us.  It was making a beeline toward the forest where we all watched it, thinking it may be a spectacular satellite.  But when it got directly over us, the light simply disappeared.

A quick check of the heaven’s above website the next day revealed that, in fact, nothing remotely resembling what we saw was supposed to be in the sky at that time and place – i.e., it wasn’t the Space Station, nor was it any reported satellite.

Based on what I’ve learned about Bigfoot and UFOs, I can’t dismiss the yellow light as a mere coincidence.  It appeared at just the right time in just the right place.  The light in the sky wasn’t guttural howling or the tree hammering that we were anticipating, but may have instead been a basic sign of recognition, considering we were attempting to contact Bigfoot. 

In The Psychic Sasquatch and their UFO Connection, Bigfoot researcher Jack “Kewaunee” Lapseritis describes how visitors to wilderness areas populated by Sasquatch are often followed and closely monitored by birds, such as hawks and ravens.  Kewaunee, who has been documenting his and others’ encounters for decades, feels that the birds are recruited to telepathically convey what humans are doing while Sasquatch is busy with other tasks.  Thus, birds “keep an eye on things” and communicate back to Sasquatch what they see.

Anecdotal evidence from numerous witnesses who have interacted with Sasquatch suggests that these “creatures of myth” are not only real, but are associated with UFOs, communicate telepathically, and can slip in and out of view via interdimensional portals.  So it’s no surprise whatsoever they’d be able to use birds as purveyors of surveillance.

At some point it occurred to me that if birds are associated with Sasquatch and if Sasquatch are associated with UFOs, perhaps birds are used in other contexts to draw our eyes up to UFOs we’d otherwise miss.  I suppose it made sense to me to see this connection, since in recent years I’ve encountered at least two UFO incidents that I would have missed had my attention not been caught by high-flying, circling birds…

A few years ago I saw a hawk or an eagle or some kind of bird that looked so large and so perfect circling overhead that I thought it might be a fancy kite.  I took my binoculars and honed in on the smooth sailing bird, and it was so beautifully shaped and coloured that I questioned whether it was an actual, living bird or something else.  Since the nearest open space is about a half mile from my house, I didn’t see how it could be a kite.

I didn’t have much time to think about it since I was quickly distracted by a silver dumbbell shaped object, then another and another (three total) that passed through my field of vision east to west.  These UFOs, each essentially composed of side-by-side disks with one side a little larger in diameter than the other and connected with the mere hint of a middle bar, glided over me quickly.

These weren’t tumbling in the wind like you might expect a balloon to, but rather appeared to be quite deliberately flying over my house in formation – almost like they were on a mission.  I took down the binoculars, but couldn’t see the bird nor the UFOs without magnification; they were that high up and must not have been reflecting a lot of light.  I quickly looked again through the binocs and luckily got the smallest (or highest) one in view just before it went over the roof line and out of sight.

The next time a bird accompanied a sighting was one evening when I was sitting on a lawn chair on the back patio, watching the sky for one of the stationary “day stars” that I used to see so frequently just to the east of overhead.  Soon I noticed a solitary bird circling very, very high to the southeast, and I knew it must be an eagle or some other huge bird for me to see it at such a distance.

I didn’t get a great look at the bird through binoculars because as soon as I locked in on it, a shiny silver ball sitting in the sky behind it caught my attention.  I continued to watch the silver ball as the bird went out of the viewfinder.

After awhile I reluctantly took down the binocs to see if I could see the bird or the UFO with the naked eye, and I still saw the eagle, but not the UFO.  Luckily I found the UFO again through binoculars, though the bird wasn’t my guide this time.  I found the silver ball only by scanning the sky slowly.  It remained stationary and visible for several minutes, until the Sun went down.

I found this similar sighting at the National UFO Reporting Center website:

Occurred : 9/21/2002 13:00 (Entered as : 9/21-02 1300)
Reported: 9/23/2002 2:07:14 PM 14:07
Posted: 3/21/2003
Location: Columbine, CO
Shape: Circle
Duration:45 Minutes Round silver object seen only through binoculars that remained stationary for over 30 minutes.

While my wife and I were hunting approximatley [sic] 6 miles north of Columbine, Colorado which is about 30 miles north of Steamboat Springs, we saw a round silver object in the sky,,,this object could not be seen with the naked eye. I was looking through my binoculars at an eagle when I noticed the object. The sky was very blue and clear and there was definitely something in the sky. I handed the binoculars over to my wife and I gave her the approximate direction in the sky. It took her a minute or two, but she also saw it. …After 40 minutes, we could not find the object again in the same portion of the sky. We scanned the area for several minutes.

I wonder how many unreported UFO sightings also started with the sighting of a large bird…?


Special thanks to my friend Mike Clelland at Hidden Experience, whose recent post about the owl and hummingbird dream inspired me to finish this article, finally ending weeks of editorial trepidation!

Yellowstone Wake-Up Call Heard in Denver?

Monday, February 1st, 2010

The current Yellowstone earthquake swarm is now “the second-largest ever recorded in the park,” according to researchers quoted in the NY Times.

Shortly after 1 AM this morning, the 1st of February 2010, I awakened and was lying in bed listening to the quiet of the night.  No traffic disturbed the silence as the city slept in anticipation of Monday morning and the new work week.  Then around 1.15 AM I heard a sudden loud, sharp cracking sound coming from my house, similar to the settling of an old building.  The noise surprised me since my house is extraordinarily quiet other than seasonal creaking associated with a massive elm’s root growth cycle.

My first thought?  Yellowstone.  Yes, Yellowstone.

There will, of course, be naysayers out there who will write off what I’m about to report as a simple coincidence.  But statistically speaking, this event stands out.  After all, I’d never before thought that any noise in my house was possibly related to seismic activity occurring 600 miles away.

Yet somehow, quickly and intuitively, I made a connection between the sound I’d just heard and Yellowstone.  I noted the time on my fairly-accurate bedside clock and determined that first thing in the morning I’d check out the Yellowstone quake log posted by the USGS to see if I could link the unusual cracking sound I heard a little before 1.15 AM with a quake.

Sure enough, this morning I booted up the computer and here’s what I found:  a modest, magnitude 2.6 quake rumbled under Yellowstone at 1.11 this morning, Monday the 1st of February.  More precisely, the USGS site noted the time of the quake as 08:10:42 UT, which is 7 hours ahead of Mountain time, and just moments before I heard the noise – accounting for the time it takes for seismic waves to travel through the Earth’s crust.

So even though I didn’t feel the Earth move, my house may have registered the quake with a bit of shifting and creaking that could easily be dismissed if certain “earthquake risk factors” I’ve written about recently didn’t exist.

For instance, an almost-overlooked mild solar wind stream arrived on the 30th, stirring up Earth’s geomagnetic field and resulting in some nice Norwegian auroras.  And last night when I got up after hearing the sound, the extraordinary glow of 2010’s perigee moon bathed the house in a soft glow that enchanted me on the one hand, and on the other made me wonder if the moon’s gravity might result in increased gravitational pull on Earth’s stressed tectonic plates.  Finally, Yellowstone hadn’t had a magnitude 2 quake in a couple of days.

With all these factors in place, pressure would likely build.

Even though I can’t prove the noise was in any way related to the quake, when it happened there was absolutely no rationalising, no sign of Occam.  There was simply a knowing, and there still is, that Mother Earth is speaking – and if we listen hard enough, we just might get her message.


Addendum:  A small earthquake (mag 2.5) hit near Oklahoma City the same day I wrote this article.  A line between Yellowstone and the Oklahoma quake zone near Oklahoma City just skirts the northeastern part of the Denver metro area.  Coincidence, or part of a linked fault line?  I’m simply mentioning it as food for thought…

Mystery Sky Spirals in China and Norway

Wednesday, December 9th, 2009

Today a huge, unidentified spiral emitting a blue spiralling beam manifested in the sky over northern Norway.  The phenomenon was seen by hundreds, if not thousands, of people.  Here are a couple of the best photos posted at various news sites around the world:

(Upper left, by Jan Petter Jørgensen; Below right, by Svein-Egil Haugen)

Of course, “official” explanations are beginning to filter out into the media, including what I expect to eventually be the popular explanation: that the spiral was comprised of fuel debris from a failed Russian rocket launch – a launch which Russian officials have denied.   What motive would exist to deny the rocket launch, especially when the evidence was hanging there in the air for 10 to 20 minutes, at least?

Surely samples were taken.  Will the perfect white spiral “prove” to be rocket fuel?   Or was something else entirely going on above Norway this morning?  Dare I mention “cloud circle?

Occam would likely conclude that the phenomenon was a rocket gone awry.  But as you listen to upcoming news about the beautiful, galaxy-like spiral and blue emission (leaving the white spiral, not approaching it), take the following into consideration.  Here’s a video, apparently taken in China years ago, that seems to show a similar phenomenon.  At about 1:11 into the video notice how the direction of the spiral abruptly shifts from anti-clockwise to clockwise. The Chinese spiral was likely not the result of a rocket.


NOTE:   An acquaintance of mine from noted that “An ancient Hopi Indian prophecy states, “When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge”.  This will be the Day of Purification.  The Hopi name for the star Sirius is Blue Star Kachina.  It will come when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask.”

Connecting with Other Intelligence

Tuesday, December 1st, 2009

We’re not alone in the cosmos; my reality assures me of that.  A paradigm shift is churning, one we can choose to be ready for or to ignore until denial falls under certain change.

It’s not like we haven’t been here before, though….

Evidence suggests that inter-intelligence encounters have been considered a part of normal reality, perhaps because states of mind conducive to encounters have also been part of normal reality.  Some cultures still honour and preserve their ancestral heritage, without a bias against phenomena that is too often derisively labelled “paranormal.”

We would be wise, I say, to embrace contact, especially now when we have both the opportunity and the necessity to transform from an planet-based to a galactic civilisation.  While the industrialised world’s ubiquitous chemical pollutants, electromagnetic interference, and rampant rage of all denominations won’t stop the encounters, neither will they provide a positive context for contact.

The sharing of consciousness is easier during altered states such as meditative trance, sleep, and shamanic ecstasy.  Empaths tend to attract the attention of non-human intelligence (a link which I’ll discuss more in an upcoming post).  I believe that’s because certain brainwaves related to each of the mentioned states provide a welcome interface or platform for interaction.

Anyone who desires fearless interaction with other intelligence can and should prepare themselves for it.  Having identified key barriers as well as enablers to contact, I would advise taking steps as soon as possible to do what you can to thoughtfully initiate contact.  Perhaps this means leaving the city to exist peacefully in nature, even if the move is temporary.  Or maybe it’s a stroll through the park on Sunday morning.

Whatever it is, make it happen.  Center yourself in the cosmos and give yourself some space.


Aquifer of Consciousness

Sunday, November 29th, 2009

Dreams are a form of subjective reality.

Your reality and mine are unique.  Although we’re likely to agree on most objective facts, our subjective realities may be infinitely divergent.  Regardless of personal philosophy – apart from, say, believing we live in an entirely pre-programmed universe, which is within the realm of possibility (i.e., show me it’s not) – we would probably agree that reality is malleable.

So how are we to know the true nature of reality?  We know reality through our consciousness.  While I may personally entertain the idea that everything – from the smallest particles to the largest coalescence – has the capacity for consciousness, here I’ll reflect on human consciousness primarily.  And to refine the concept further, I’ll define basic consciousness as “awareness of the here and now.”

Our individual reality is comprised of both objective “fact” (e.g., the sun appears in the east each morning) and subjective experience (e.g., I have interacted with extraterrestrials).  Subjective experience gives us “awareness of the here and now,” and in this way there is no pervasive objective reality in the realm of individual consciousness.

Differences in the perception of reality are based on our exact perspective from our position in space.  Our awareness is more sharply focused by our unique quantum arrangement – a filtering system for experience.  Each conscious being maintains a virtual aquifer of consciousness, which is its primary source of insight, intuition, and knowledge.  Like limestone through which water passes, our consciousness is recycling everything it encounters, discarding the extraneous and keeping that which makes sense.


Waves of Extraordinary Experience: We Are All Cymatics in Action

Monday, October 26th, 2009

Sound is commonly thought of as audio perception, but by another definition sound is “transmitted vibrations of any frequency.”  The tree falling in the forest transmits waves, so technically the answer to the quesion “…does it make a sound?” is yes:  the surrounding landscape and everything in it, including earth, air, vegetation, and animals, will register the vibrations.  The receiver needn’t be an ear.

That said, my latest jaunt beyond the mundane has shown me that waves are a possible key to unlock the vast unseen landscapes of consciousness.  I extend gratitude to the visionaries who’ve helped facilitate the evolution of my ideas over many years:  Ervin Laszlo, Graham Hancock, Itzhak Bentov, Terence McKenna, to name a few. A reference to crop circles and an extension of gratitude to the circlemakers is also apropos since they’ve informed my reality since 1995.

Regardless of your personal belief about crop circles, for the purpose of understanding Wave Theory, trust that real, repeated interactions have taken place between myself and others and a distinctly non-human intelligence that won’t be captured or replicated in a laboratory.

The Ridgeway formation of 2009 near Avebury, is a remarkable representation of Wave Theory.  Compare my diagram of the Thompson, North Dakota formation of 2000 (at right) with Andreas Muller’s preliminary diagram of the Ridgeway formation (at left).  The continuation of form after nine years and over the entire Atlantic indicates high-order  inspiration.

The formation has been interpreted in many ways, including the obvious fan or propeller.  But to my eyes the Ridgeway circle resembles a labyrinth, and also a stylised portrayal of the transceiver / waveguide concept, which I’d go so far as to deem an archetype.  (I’m going to do my best to explain why I feel this way and how it applies to Wave Theory – but without a canon-scientific background, and having many other issues taking up my time, I’ve laboured over how to express it for literally weeks, and this rough draft is as good as it’s going to get, for now…)

We are cosmic transceivers, both transmitting and receiving waves, and this continual oscillation is the basis of our very existence – our reality.  Consider that we’re emitting a variety of waves all the time, and that our medium is the entire cosmos.  Likewise, the cosmos is always sending waves our way – and we’re autonomic receivers, functionally producing tiny, continual bursts of reality.  When in coherent resonance, these waves may create extraordinary reality in the form of synchronicities and other manifestations of cosmic faerie dust.

Where these waves intersect, depending on their specific resonance, unique interference patterns result, creating new tributaries toward the cosmic fractal (helix?).  (I should mention that considering whether or not thought has mass is relevant to Wave Theory.  I’ve explored that question previously and won’t go into cumbersome detail here.)  It would seem these interactions, in the form of interference patterns, play a critical role in creating our reality.

We know that sound and other vibrations create patterns.  Like sand on a plate hit by vibrations, interaction registers a unique point within the hologram – a transient snowflake of awareness in an infinite blizzard of consciousness.  Consider that a wave by itself, with no medium to interact with, would know only itself – with no discernible reality beyond its borders.  But because waves go on and on, touching other waves is inevitable and connection is a given.

As transceivers, we’re constantly imprinting and being imprinted by the wave-filled cosmic medium.  I want to use the example of a sea which sustains waves (e.g., in the form of small whitecaps as well as high tsunamis), where the same body of water doesn’t depend on those waves for existence.  In this way we may consider the cosmic unified field as a timeless ocean, alive with infinite wave intersections and immediate realities, yet maintaining cosmic signatures of the past and future – the Akashic records, some say.

A cosmic ordering effect is evident in these infinite small realities embedded in an infinite cosmic reality.  For example, Masaru Emoto’s photos of ice crystals compellingly suggest that thought waves, specifically when amplified, can be imprinted in a crystal visually representing the vibration of the water, which is itself an amalgam of so many other waveforms overlaid and entangled – to what degree, who knows?

The process and effects of quantum entanglement quite easily inform the idea of larger-scale resonance – that is, wave entanglement, which, seen through the lens of quantum theory, is integral to an evolving understanding a self-regulating entity, the yin and yang of existence. In other words, the static canon of science past is being balanced out by a communal synaptic, intuitive knowledge that is the conglomeration of waves in a contained space creating acceleration.

Where waves create similar patterns in close proximity, the corresponding resonance creates wave entrainment.    Itzhak Bentov, in Stalking the Wild Pendulum, gives the example of pendulums that initially swing randomly beside one another but that soon entrain.  Entrainment acts on events in our lives and our immediate states.

Examples range from a relatively recent focus on DNA and our recent discovery of the “DNA Nebula” near the galactic centre,  to a seemingly isolated extraordinary experience like my thinking of Noam Chomsky and then pulling a book off a random shelf and opening to the page on which the words Noam Chomsky jump out.  In the Chomsky example, not only was I propagating waves by focusing on the name earlier, but the written letters and the concepts in the book were also sending out vibrations – and where they created an interference pattern, a synchronicity occurred.

All this is really just a side effect of chaos, which comes back to order in endless cycles, creating a fractal reality, inside and out – rather like mass consciousness mirrors individual consciousness.  Reality is the result of our wave signatures interacting in a coherent dance with a correspondingly pervasive cosmic intelligence that, if I may broadly anthropomorphise, humanity is gradually befriending.

Imagine we are packets of order sculpted by perspective amidst a cosmic-scale curly fractal, embedded in chaos, representing endless versions of ourselves at other quantum magnitudes.  Everything that exists is emitting waves that extend infinitely, thus creating an endless array of intersections – and sometimes, coherent interference patterns with surprising results.

To each of you, in gratitude:  be well and happy.


World Contact Day Tomorrow: Are You In?

Wednesday, September 30th, 2009

Reminder! Tomorrow, October 1st, is World Contact Day. I declared that when I first posted about it here a week ago today, just like anybody else could have done. If you’re not sure whether to participate or not, now the time has come to make that choice. Are you in?

Sure, the idea’s been around since the first one occurred in 1953, and over the years various additional World Contact Days have been organised or suggested. But a general lack of results in the past needn’t impact our effort this time if we simply recognise and work around some persistent (and ultimately irrational) concerns:

1) Perhaps there are no extraterrestrials out there to listen.
2) What difference can we possibly make if only a teeny-tiny percentage of the world’s population participates?
3) What’s the point in asking for contact? If they’re able to get this far, they’ll show up on their own terms.

I’ve set up a few general guidelines to help us in this collaborative effort. The first premise of World Contact Day is that indeed, they’re out there. Let’s accept that extraterrestrials exist. For many of us, calculated odds are irrelevant since we’ve encountered extraterrestrials and/or interdimensionals on various levels, but for the rest, just know the odds are greatly in favour of extraterrestrial life.

Speaking of numbers: even a handful of dedicated participants can effect real change, but we need to create and empower coherent shared thoughts. In reality we don’t need a lot of waves to create interference patterns that could generate synaptic holograms allowing near-effortless conveyance of intention. To get into a coherent wave-generating state, use whatever has worked for you in the past, as long as you can reasonably hold your focus and stay awake.

Here’s a very basic, abbreviated lesson in results-driven inter-intelligence communication as it has worked for me before. First, meditate to clear your mind of cluttered thoughts; in inter-intelligence communication, a highly-focused state of mind is a good place to start. Although everyone’s going to have a unique experience, I would suggest that most mind-altering substances are probably not conducive to the state of mind needed to do this specific kind of work.

Then initiate the interaction. A critical component of this World Contact Day is focussing on a specific song which I chose to unite us in our efforts. I didn’t think twice about which song would be most appropriate: Klaatu’s song Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft, which can be heard at Originally written to commemorate the next World Contact Day, this song will elevate you to another level of experience – but you might need several listens to let it work through you. Give it a try.

By this point, if you’re on the fence about participating then this part of the process will probably make or break your choice. Either way is fine, but if you’re going forward then realise you must align yourself with some very strong convictions. It’s time to extend a real invitation to the extraterrestrials to visit us if they can. Before taking this step, releasing any fear of contact is radically important. Expressing thanks is equally important, for it implies synergy, lighting the beacon of our consciousness and elating our intentions. Think of it this way: fearless intention infused with gratitude drives the cosmic torus into perpetuity!

With relatively few participants, how do we turn up the volume on our request for contact? The answer, I believe, essentially lies in our combined ability to create a resonance that rings like the clear tone of a bell extended out into the unified field. Let’s assume that the cosmos is an infinite unified field….and why not? We have plenty of evidence supporting the theory, so let’s run with it.

We need to make our efforts as strong and resonant as possible, and that’s why I have given us a particular song – Calling Occupants – to listen to repeatedly. I can’t overstate how strongly I intuit that this inspired music will bind our energy, intention, and gratitude together powerfully as we listen over and over. Listening to this song also provides World Contact Day with at least two other critical keys: 1) simply playing it projects sound waves into the unified field, and 2) our listening to it creates certain thought patterns that are also projected into the unified field.

Think cymatics. Think symbols. Think communication. Know that in your mind you have capacities….

NOTE: I’ve been watching the play count of Calling Occupants on Klaatu’s page, and it spiked for a couple of days after my initial post and has started to gradually level off since. What we need to see is an increase in listening to this song, and repeated listening. If you’re participating and you genuinely want to contribute to strong resonance and stronger communication, then listen as much as you can.

Thanks in advance to those participating full-on in World Contact Day 2009.


“In your mind you have capacities you know”

Thursday, September 24th, 2009

I propose that Thursday, the 1st of October, 2009, be declared World Contact Day. Everyone who reads this is inserting their vibe into the harmonic hologram, which is a butterfly moving its wings lightly in the wind. This tiny butterfly has so much energy welling up inside it, and it will only grow over the next seven days.

Especially if many people are drawn to listen to Klaatu’s song Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft….over and over….creating a resonance that will continue to grow stronger.

There’s no telling what may happen this year on World Contact Day. Next Thursday, October 1st. Let’s see what happens.

I highly recommend listening to the song as you read the words at first. The easiest way to listen is to go to Klaatu’s myspace page:

C a l l i n g O c c u p a n t s O f I n t e r p l a n e t a r y C r a f t
(John Woloschuk / Terry Draper)

In your mind you have abilities you know
To telepath messages through the vast unknown
Please close your eyes and concentrate
With every thought you think
Upon the recitation we’re about to sing

Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary, most extraordinary craft

Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary, most extraordinary craft

You’ve been observing our earth
And we’d like to make a contact with you

We are your friends

Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants and interplanetary ultra-emissaries

We’ve been observing your earth
And one night we’ll make a contact with you

We are your friends

Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary, quite extraordinary craft

Please come in peace we beseech you
Only a landing will teach them
Our earth may never survive
So do come we beg you
Please interstellar policemen
Won’t you give us a sign
Give us a sign that we’ve reached you

With your mind you have ability to form
And transmit thought energy far beyond the norm
You close your eyes
You concentrate
Together that’s the way
To send the message
We declare World Contact Day

Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary, most extraordinary craft


Calling occupants
Calling occupants
Calling occupants
Calling occupants
Calling occupants of interplanetary, most extraordinary craft

(commemorating the original World Contact Day, 15 March 1953)

As the 2009 Crop Circle Season Winds Down…

Wednesday, September 9th, 2009

Wheat harvest is in full swing in Canada, and with only one confirmed crop circle in North America found two months ago at Wilbur, Washington, the prospect of my being able to get into one this year seems bleak.  I must admit I long for the old days when I’d hear of a new crop circle and at the drop of a hat be immersed in my research – even if it means driving 17 hours each way, as happened with the North Dakota circles in 2000.

The lack of circle activity within reach has been disappointing, yes – but my interest has thereby turned to the deep solar minimum in which we’re seemingly entrenched, and which I’ve written quite a bit about.  Interestingly, there’s an apparent connection with the 2009 crop circle season and solar activity.  What I’ve observed in the UK crop circles seems to reflect what’s going on with our Sun and its impact on our DNA.

Our DNA is intimately connected to the Sun, the most radical life source in our immediate galactic environs.  The heliosphere plays a critical role in our lives from the moment of conception, filtering incoming cosmic radiation and thus the number of muons penetrating our cellular structure and quite possibly impacting our unique DNA patterning.

With that I’ll go back, and back again, to the beginning of this train of thought:  to the summer of 1996, and the Double Helix formation found in East Field. 

It just so happens that the summer that bore the DNA spiral also ushered in the lowest point in our last solar minimum, along with Hale-Bopp along with its companion, which curiously was seen by many but mysteriously ignored or invisible to other comet observers. Whatever was accompanying the comet was gone by the time Hale-Bopp emerged from around the Sun the next spring.

Well, since the 1996 solar minimum, the Sun’s activity and its relationship to our consciousness are becoming more and more curiously intertwined, and I’ve come to think of two 2009 formations in particular that support the idea that something of unpredictable magnitude (outside of Mayan prophecy, etc.) is occurring with the Sun and DNA’s relationship to it and, on a larger scale, to our galaxy and indeed to the cosmos itself – and subtly (or not) transcribed in the fields of England.

Anyway, we’ve come full circle, and then some.  The summer of 2009 is stretched out so far ahead of 1996, yet here we are!

So back to the circles.  I’ve done some thinking on the UK formations this year, and yes, I feel there’s but a distant relationship between the early phenomenon and what’s going on today.  Okay, I acknowledge that most publicised formations these days are likely made by human teams – fine.  Many of these crop artists claim to be in contact with a higher consciousness, and who am I to argue?  I experienced communication with the circle makers in a different context, but it seems all of us who have had contact have no problem acknowledging the “other party.”

Beyond that, I sense a definite connection between the designs that were put in the fields this year and the exceedingly deep solar minimum in which we’re seemingly enmeshed.

That we’re transceivers of energy and information is a key to understanding the evolutionary leaps forward – and in many cases, the fallings back – that are occurring at seemingly increasing rates.  The message has been distilled for a roundabout presentation to humanity in many ways, quite attractively (to me anyway) in the form of the crop circles in England this year.  We saw the embryo of this concept in the season’s first formation, the Ridgeway “waveguide” near Avebury in April.

(diagram credit Andreas Muller – )

Certainly as the years have gone on the formations have become more deliberately representational – they’re much less abstract.  Perhaps this is so that the phenomenon can reach a wider audience.  Who knows?   The Ridgeway formation of April got the attention of many more people than the Thompson, North Dakota formation of 2000, into which only a handful of people stepped.  (Diagram by me.)

Ridgeway, which appeared to my friend Simeon and me to be a waveguide of sorts, could similarly be interpreted as a transceiver, just as biological entities such as ourselves are transceivers capable of absorbing and emitting electromagnetic radiation.  Each individual is a transceiver of energy and information, and this remarkable gift if you will is a key to understanding the witnessed evolutionary leaps forward – and in many cases, the fallings back – that have truly become prolific, yet almost obscure, as we’ve entered the 2012 era.

Meanwhile the Sun lies in relative dormancy, its protective bubble shrinking and thereby allowing more galactic cosmic radiation into our solar system.  We’re being infused with more and more energetic, extraterrestrial particles that would generally be stalled out at the heliopause, out beyond Pluto.  With the influx of muons I would suspect that rapid untold effects on DNA are taking place as we speak.  Remember that while the emphasis in mass media is on the potential dangers of these persistent cosmic rays, instinct reinforces that positive transformations may be occurring simultaneously.

On to the dramatic “jellyfish” formation, which was widely seen as the aetherial sea creature.  The formation has also been interpreted as symbolic of Earth’s geomagnetic field deflecting solar radiation, which I find more compelling.  If viewed this way, the design seems to prophesy changes in Earth’s geomagnetic field as we are sandwiched between the sleepy Sun and the active cosmic rays entering from outside our solar system.  Such a deflection scenario would radically impact human electromagnetic fields and DNA.

Most of us, I think, don’t need an illustration on Wikipedia or elsewhere to conceptualise it.  But plainly, there it is, in the crop circle.  What do we make of this?

I suspect that DNA trends linked to individuals and the Sun’s activity immediately surrounding their conception will surely be understood by the scientific community soon, on the heels of the announcement that human DNA evolution is being actively tracked.  For now, I rely entirely on piecemeal knowledge of science combined with an expanding level of intuition, which are also, thankfully, connected.

In gratitude.


Heliospheric Ramblings, DNA, and 2012

Monday, September 7th, 2009

“Meaningful breakthroughs in science come through intuitive leaps.” ~ Itzhak Bentov in Stalking the Wild Pendulum.

In August 2007, according to NASA, a “dent” in the heliopause was detected by Voyager 2.  The dent, NASA stated, was caused by “the interstellar magnetic field.”  Clearly, since the Voyager went through a dent, we’re talking about an interstellar magnetic field with boundaries, a focused field of unknown origin as far as I can tell, and not just a general, uniform influence on the entire heliosphere.  Without more scientific knowledge, I can’t say for sure, but might an interstellar magnetic field capable of denting our heliosphere also have the capacity to breach it, thus intersecting with untold results our solar system and its inhabitants?

Brought closer to home, Earth’s magnetosphere is being impacted on some level by fluctuations in solar as well as galactic radiation, especially as we near the Milky Way’s equator, where the gravitational pull of the galactic centre would seem to be highest.

I believe the Sun is having curious affects on non-biological devices as well…

I’ve an aside for anyone who wants to dig a little deeper than I can right now.  What kind of effect might all the geomagnetic push and pull in which our planet is enmeshed have on the Large Hadron Collider, which was shut down soon after its reveal due to “magnet problems?”  A month ago we were told that the Collider would be restarted in November at half-power.  We’ll have to wait and see if that happens, or if the LHC’s restart is delayed yet again….and if so, why.

For now, as the heliosphere surely continues to shrink, the potential for extreme effects on consciousness – human and otherwise – could be cloaked and spun like another Roswell, and most “remote-controlled” humans (i.e., those wrapped up in the mass media cocoon) would be none the wiser.  But at this critical time, the “2012 era” in which we’re now very much immersed, our DNA is being sorted out.  Biologists have only very recently been able to calculate the rate of DNA mutations in humans; could this scientific advance, in and of itself, be related to the DNA mutations themselves?

Although in the popular media the emphasis is on potential dangers of genetic mutations, I suspect rather that some of them are coding for enhancements (e.g., light, fractal patterns, symmetrical waves, multi-resonance states) which may have the greatest impact on organisms already functioning at a high vibration.  If that’s true, then the human beings receiving the greatest benefits of the current evolutionary acceleration are those who are already emitting higher EM vibrations (waves), which entrain them to other entities, both human and non-human, biological and non-biological, that are vibrating at the same frequency, thus creating resonance.

Those who decades ago sensed the coming of the “new age,” now the 2012 era, and withstood ridicule from relatively-static or even devolving individuals are now realising the prophecy of positive evolutionary changes in the consciousness of all matter – not just in humans, but in animal, plant, and even mineral matter.  On the other hand, tendencies toward anger, distortion, and entropy tend to be amplified during geomagnetic storms, which easily target unstable frequencies.

A few days after a large coronal hole in the Sun that unleashes a strong solar wind aimed toward Earth, the resulting geomagnetic storm on Earth is also going to affect each person’s unique electromagnetic field.  Anyone can observe this phenomenon.  Simply track solar wind events and resulting planetary geomagnetic storms, and note the effects on human (or otherwise) behaviour and emotions.