Posts Tagged ‘orbs’

Men In Black, UFOs and Crop Circles – Additional Witness Reports

Saturday, November 27th, 2010
Who are the Men in Black?  Digital Art by James Neff.

Who are the Men in Black? Digital Art by James Neff.

Who are the Men In Black?

My friend and fellow researcher, Rick Nelson, has interviewed dozens of people who’ve encountered the notorious Men In Black (or MIBs) over the years.  Rick uses intelligence protocols learned in his 4 years with Naval Air Intelligence in the 1960s and teaching Top Gun courses at Miramar to assess witness credibility. Rick’s judgment is sound, and I value his feedback immensely.

Men in Black have appeared to UFO and close-encounter witnesses in many ways over many decades.  I asked Rick to share his thoughts about the various characteristics and interpretations of Men in Black.

Rick Nelson

Rick Nelson

Whether appearing as secret agents or non-humanoid beings, the MIBs have one thing in common:  their clandestine agenda involves suppressing public knowledge of – and access to – advanced technologies derived from UFO and extraterrestrial phenomena.

Often the MIBs seem to represent organisations involved in emergent global economic interests.  “Men In Black are linked to the suppression of a wide spectrum of exotic technologies – ranging from anti-gravity to advanced medical technologies,” Rick says.

MIBs Connected to Kansas UFOs and Crop Circles

Shortly after I got involved with crop circles in the mid-1990s, I crossed paths with apparent MIB-type agents a few times.  These encounters seemed to involve both surveillance and intimidation.  Here are a couple of examples:

One early Sunday morning in 1996 fellow crop circle researcher Ron Russell and I were parting ways after meeting in a small, western-Kansas town to work on a research grant proposal.  Standing inside near an open, screened window, I noticed a man posing as a land surveyor pointing an apparent detection device directly toward us from about 50 feet away.  When the man noticed that we’d seen him, he hurried into his van and drove off – but not before we got the company name and number off the side of the vehicle.  Both the name and the phone number were fake.

Later the same morning, as I drove south on a deserted county road, a small, unmarked black helicopter overtook my vehicle from behind, flying on a diagonal from northwest to southeast.  The chopper buzzed my car from no more than 100 feet or so overhead.

While I haven’t been confronted by MIBs in odd black vehicles and black attire, other witnesses have described face-to-face encounters with the MIBs involving direct intimidation.  Brian, whose experiences involving the bright gold orbs and culminating in a life-altering encounter with an apparent extraterrestrial vehicle were reported in my post from last week,  Psychic Connection to UFOs and Crop Circles, had what he calls a “run-in” with Men In Black, whom he suspected to be government agents or secret service personnel.

Brian Describes “Run-In” With Mysterious Men In Black

“About 6 months to a year after my last UFO sighting, I was driving to Hutchinson from Buhler, and as I came up to the intersection of Buhler-Haven Road and 30th Street I saw that the road was blocked…and there was a small, black, unmarked helicopter in the middle of the intersection.”  Two cars blocked the intersection from each direction, facing away from the helicopter at a distance of about 50 yards.  Men dressed in black suits and black sunglasses, like “secret service agents,” were standing by the cars.

Brian rolled down his window as he approached one of the men, and “all he said to me was ‘You need to turn around, now.’  I complied and went my merry way.”

Notably, this particular intersection was where Brian had his first sighting of the golden orbs, when he was 15 years old, in early 1996.  That first time, Brian reports,”there were five yellow lights hovering horizontally.  As we continued driving toward Buhler the lights faded out one by one.”

Brian saw the lights within a few miles of the same intersection on other occasions, as previously reported, including the last time when two orbs seemed to respond to his thoughts.  He said that just as he was feeling a bit exasperated about the cat-and-mouse nature of the orbs, the craft – estimated to be as large as a football field – lit up and showed itself to Brian and his friend.  That time, in 2000 or 2001, he saw that the gold orbs ran along the middle line of a huge, disk shaped craft, while synchronised white lights all around the top and bottom “relayed from around the back toward the front.”

Whether Brian simply happened upon the situation with the MIBs, or was somehow drawn to the spot at a time when he could witness and report this apparent clandestine operation, his MIB encounter occurred just months after his profound sighting of the huge, and presumably extraterrestrial, craft.

Evidence Supports Witness’ MIB Encounter Report

30th & Buhler-Haven Road in Kansas
30th & Buhler-Haven Road in Kansas

The intersection of Buhler-Haven Road and 30th Street, just east of Hutchinson, can be viewed using the “street view” feature on Google Maps.  I have to admit I was a bit surprised when I zeroed in on the intersection where Brian had his MIB encounter 10 years ago.  A small “X” marked the spot:

To determine if this marking is typical on Kansas roads, I used Google Maps on a number of similar rural intersections, but found no others.  Conceivably, then, the “X” was a guide or marker for the helicopter that landed there and was surrounded by MIBs and unmarked black cars.  A connection between the MIB interest and the number of sightings of golden orb UFOs in the immediate vicinity of the intersection seems likely.

Next, I decided to contact the Kansas Department of Transportation to inquire further about road markings – specifically the “X” in question.  Without telling him why I was curious, I spoke with Brian Gower, a KDOT road engineer, asking him what the “X” may indicate.  Could the marking be there for satellite mapping purposes, for instance?  Not that Gower knew of.  Regarding the intersection in question, Gower told me he had “no clue” why there would be any marking at all – in fact, he was as perplexed as I was.  According to KDOT, there are only two reasons why an “X” would be painted on a roadway:  1) at a railroad crossing and 2) to indicate areas on a road that shouldn’t be blocked by stopped traffic – for instance, near a fire station.

Neither of these reasons apply to the marking at the significant intersection of 30th and Buhler-Haven Road.  Ironically, in light of what happened there prior to the MIB operation, the most sensible explanation is that it was to mark the helicopter’s curious landing pad.  Now, why the secrecy?  Ultimately, that question remains unanswered.

Conclusion:  UFOs, Crop Circles, and Men In Black – Connecting the Dots

Bright gold orbs are a fairly common type of UFO.  I’ve seen them on several occasions, and on at least a couple of occasions the lights appeared to respond to my thought.  I’ve also engaged in what I consider telepathic communication with non-human circlemakers and with UFOs, as I’ve detailed in numerous prior posts here.

Historically, golden orbs and crop circles have often occurred in close proximity to each other.  “Golden Ball Hill,” near Alton-Barnes in Wiltshire, England – the heart of crop circle country – was named thus for obvious reasons.  Here in the United States, the bright gold orbs witnessed in Kansas by Brian sound very much like the lights seen by Chad, the farmer who witnessed them hovering over a field where the Inman crop circle appeared.

Once I began investigating crop circles in earnest, I had several unexplained encounters with MIB-types.  Within a couple of days of her first visit to crop circles, which was with me in North Dakota in 2000, my friend Lyn encountered a small black helicopter hovering outside a house where she was doing some interior painting, and she suddenly began receiving phone calls at odd hours with no one on the line.  Mere coincidence?  Or was she being watched or harassed since becoming a crop circle witness?

Whatever the connection means, UFOs – often in the form of bright gold orbs – appear in conjunction with crop circles.  And where UFOs and crop circles manifest, Men In Black seem to have some kind of mission involving intimidation of witnesses and surreptitious suppression of leading-edge technologies, including those involving consciousness, that infuse both UFO and crop circle phenomena.

After much consideration, I can only conclude that the modern manmade crop art, which is visually stunning and even enchanting to its many enthusiasts, may serve as virtual MIBs.  They are, perhaps, a more insidious way to muddle the extraordinary implications of the original phenomenon.  For anyone interested in learning more about the evidence on this controversial topic, I highly recommend the excellent documentary Crop Circles: The Hidden Truth.

The eventual widespread, peaceful, and open revelation of the extraterrestrial presence on Earth will crumble the wall of secrecy around Men In Black, UFOs, and crop circles.  Exactly how and when this will happen is unknown, but humanity is ready – and I think willing – to face this certain paradigm shift.


Update:  Witness visited the intersection in December 2010 and reported back to me that the road was recently repaved, and the “X” is no longer there.  According to Kansas records, the repaving was completed in 2008, obviously after the Google maps shot was taken.

Subtle Communication in Crop Circle Photo?

Thursday, July 2nd, 2009

While we await the first crop circle of the season in the US, here’s a little puzzle.  Look closely at the photo above, which I shot in the Spanish Fork, Utah crop circle in 2004.

Have I taken a picture of a stray hair for the first and only time in my life, or have I photographed a little bundle of energy buzzing through the crop circle?

The circle makers are quite adept at communicating with psychic riddles and synchronicities, so it makes sense to consider intentionality in this photo.  The way the anomaly is hidden in plain sight seems marvelously arranged.