After reading Colin Andrews’ expose’, I felt that so much that had been known but sidelined for so long was validated, and I reacted with considerable fervour to that wonderful news. But I must also acknowledge that although the genuine phenomenon is a different creature than the human-made formations, there is rumoured to be an overlap of what might be called “supernatural” activity within both.
Balls of light (BOLs) and UFOs are a common sight in and around the non-human-made formations. Reportedly they’ve been seen in association with human crop art as well. Likewise, some human circlemakers claim to have designed a formation on paper, but when they get to the field to lay down the crop they find the circle has already appeared – as though someone or something had read their mind.
While an overriding theme of deception in the human “crop art” makes me wonder at the trustworthiness of some of the people reporting this activity, I can’t discount it out of hand due to the known extremes of inter-intelligence communications. So, to be fair, there appear to be inexplicable events associated with the human-made formations. Whether this indicates a playfulness on the part of the non-human circlemakers (which certainly isn’t hard to imagine) or something else, it deserves recognition. But I reiterate, the two phenomena are different animals. Circlemaking teams tend to make formations and then keep their activities secret, which undoubtedly contributes a huge part to the British crop circle fascination. I must question their motives: innocent, as in “They’re enjoying it – so what’s the harm?” or less-so, as in “Ha! They really think ours was put down by ET!”
My post was really more about the evidence of a real coverup revealed by Colin Andrews, not about putting down the efforts of the human crop artists or discounting those formations’ value. The artists do a fine job, and since the mystique is central to their art, revealing who they are and which formations they create would take much of the fun out of their work. So, the dilemma is to how to tell them apart – if it matters to you. It matters to me, so I’ll detail briefly what I believe are a few of the more definitive signs of the original crop circle phenomenon:
1) The interaction between human and non-human consciousness, i.e., telepathic communication between humans and the non-human circlemakers, with extreme synchronicities seemingly arranged to confirm said communication, such as I’ve reported in my article “Pleiadean Communication and Crop Circles” (to be posted here in edited form soon).
2) Specific ground details (not the common ones that humans have mastered or are scientifically explained) that would require extraordinary planning and expertise far, far in excess of what is needed to convince 99.9% of those who believe “they’re all real! None are created by humans.” (Yes, there are some folks out there who still believe humans can’t possibly create those “perfect” patterns – which is fine – just like there are a few out there who believe that all crop circles are made by men.)
3) Circles that appear literally “in the middle of nowhere,” with no claim to fame and no publicity attached – many of which I’ve investigated here in vast, unpopulated areas of the United States and which have been downplayed or even completely ignored by mainstream media here.
To explain these notes in detail would require a much more lengthy post, so I’ll not go into that now. But again, to be fair, it does appear that unusual activity, possibly related to inter-intelligence communications, may be happening within the realm of human-made crop art. That said, the deception that pervades the movement in general turns me off, however, so for the time being I’ll relegate the study of that activity to those who are absorbed in the “crop art” movement and are drawn to that specific area of research.